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Polishing motorhome


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Hello Hawcara,


I asked the same question at the MER stand at the Manchester Show last weekend. As you would expect, because they were selling it at the show for caravans and motorhomes, their reply was a resounding 'YES' its perfectly fine. The saleman pointed out that MER was originally developed for the boating fraternity and therefore was equally safe for MHs.


I have used it in the past on my cars, motorcycles, including fibreglass/acrylic fairings and one application on the MH last summer with no obvious side effects. It applies very easily with the use of a damp cloth and polishes off just as easily. I would have no hesitation of using it on the metal cab etc, but some contributors to this forum may have views about its use on gel coats etc. - Let's wait and see (?)


Happy polishing! - John & Anne.

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I certainly use Mer on my MH and have used it for years on various cars and the house windows inside & out - its great stuff.

As a bit of an aside though, how do you wash your 'van?

Clean one section at a time.

Wet it with a hose.

Get a big container that you can get a nice soft yard-brush in. Fill it with water/car shampoo & give the section a good seeing-to.

Rinse it off with water/fabric conditioner! (Yes, I did say that) I use some comfort in a Miracle-Gro hose sprayer! (it kills all the suds stone dead and makes the finish "bead" a bit like polish).

Do the next section.

Shammy it then Mer it.

Great for everything you wash but still trying to find the best cleaner for those damned black streaks! Anyone got best advice on those?

Happy washing! - Dave S

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Thank you one and all for the advice. I'll go to Halfords and get some Mer (sounds almost Christmasy).

Great idea about the fabric conditioner.

I wish there were more places with staging so one could get at the roof easier though, rather than the ladder game. B-)

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