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tv for van


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Yes Carrefour is the place. But don't do what I did in Benidorm. I bought a flatscreen in Carefour only to find when I got home that it did not work in the UK. (it received pictures but no sound).


You need a TV that operates on PAL/BG for Spain and PAL/I for the UK. If you are on Villasol (and probably other Spanish piped pitch TV connections) remember that their satellite link works from analogue so your TV must be capable of operating in both analogue and digital.

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Forgot to mention. There was a chap based in Carrefour who mended TVs. He had a workshop which seemed to be accessed through a hatch in the wall not far from the electrical department. I don't know whether he is still there but it might be worth a try.
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Hi, As has already been mentioned, tv's designed for use on continent wont work in UK unless they are multistandard capable of accepting both uk and continental technical standards


we have an Avtek on the van and it is ok for europe and uk use.


be careful buying locally unless you only want continental useage.


Whether you can get a local repair man to fix it depends whether he can source suitable spares, again because there would be very little demand for uk suitable spares on continent and likewise for continental compatible spares in uk.


good luck



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thank you everyone for your replies,

no need for a new one now. looked on the el raco "for sale" but they didn't have anything.walked across to villasol and saw leo, a dutchman who sold us a secondhand one at a bargain price. he was brilliant, even came to el raco and set it up for us.he's got quite a selection of goods for sale.....his own little shop.we'll remember him for future use.

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