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Dogs mess every where isnt it time communes stopped it

Alf Stonehouse

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In the scheme of life, I suspect your off spring will do more damage to the planet than any amount of dog poo




I suspect a child has a bigger carbon footprint than my car.



But back to doggie do. Tis oft said that dog mess can lead to blindness in children, hence the campaign against it. My children (and their friends) played in my garden. So did my dog. Yes I cleaned up after him .... but I was not REQUIRED to.


"Take your rubbish home!" Great idea! But try a week on a boat with no waste bins available .... bean tins, chip bags, doggie-do bags, and you pay £600 a year for the priviledge.


What we need is plastic bags that degrade quickly, contain an anti-worm solution, and painted to match the scenery. Pick up the dog mess, tie the bag, chuck it in the hedge. Its what nature intended. 8-) :-S :-D



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I hate to get drawn into the no win discussion, but it was not so long ago we were all throwing our chamber pots from our windows into the streets, would anyone in their right mind think this was either a reasonable or pleasant thing to do now. We need to be adult about this, dog mess just left will one day become just as unacceptable as throwing our chamber pots out of the window became.

It is simply very unpleasant and indefensible, end of.

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David Dwight - 2011-02-01 8:40 PM


...we have never had a problem finding bags for Dog mess, we have a collection from all over Mainland Europe, so much so that I feel like collecting them as it would like an interesting talking point in the Pub or at a quiet moment at a party!!!!




..*Ahem*...I didn't want to be the one to tell you..but you are supposed to throw them away you know?!.. (lol)


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Ive only seen this & hints & tips?Excuse me if ive posted in the wrong place


*-) But i dont think i have,this concerns motor homes.Of the many aires ive used & am using all have been used as dog loos as they tend to be open places often parking with places set aside for campers.


One village Ushzech?(spelling)had the ccar park at the start of a "green" area where many come with their dogs,i watched while several including a French reg right hand drive car arrived let their dog(s) out while they got back in their car


On this place my first day (arrived late evening in the dark)i stepped out onto dog mess,later while connecting the free power hook up again,then even with grate care again this time getting it on my carpets,which i had to wash


Ive spoken to the Mayor he of course agrees but said the majority have dogs!


If you are using a camping car airs are a much better stop than a crowded expensive camping & so are often full in summer(im told) Unfortunately for those that remove the mess in summer the sheer numbers of people coming and going remove the mess by shoe & so dilute the statistical chance of contact


Yes this is the correct forum, :-D :$ Im also amazed at the responce i honestly thought there would be just two other posts perhaps three and done :-S


When i leave hear ive know idea when ill find another internet connection this town has 3 including the library most villages/towns have none! :-(

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Alf Stonehouse - 2011-02-01 3:33 PM




Driving through France ive been shocked by the amount of dogs mess found on the streets and camping car aires.


Only one commune has provided bags for dog owners to clear there mess up thats “Sadroc” (N 45.283611 E 001.548056) near Tulle/ Brive & 90kms south Limoge It has good water & a very good village shop which is not more expensive than a super mkt has a good range of items as well as local products such as honey, bread(very good whole flour 1.75€ for a very large size)& when i was there “confit of duck” which was a leg of duck vacuum packed 3€ & very good it was indeed!


Others towns including Limoge you have to look carefuly where you walk,In Turenne (south of Briev dir Toulose) the parking is crushed white rock solid but wet or dry you must take shoes off before getting back in,worse the dogs mess everywhere and its soon white and only to easy not to avoid


Which is the worst town village you have found??


There are so many, I would not know where to start. In fairness to the French, the South of England is even worse in places. Barnham in West Sussex a few weeks ago defied belief, we were playing hopscotch dodging mounds on footpaths and cycleways, similarly, near Abbey Wood site in London the cycleway from the park towards the Thames was so bad eyes had to be fixed on the ground continuously (especially inconvenient as this restricts one's look-out for approaching yobs/yobettes with their weapon-dogs), the "nature reserve" next to Bognor site is just a giant dog loo....., the park next to Sheepcote Valley site in Brighton is blighted by dogs running off-lead and unsupervised, the list goes on....


Estimates vary but the number of dogs in the UK and France are broadly similar but of course they have more than twice the amount of land to spread the poop about, hence why I suppose it often looks (to me) even worse here than there.





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To all the responsible dog owners out there, instead of trying to remember to have a supermarket bag in your pocket, buy a 'bag container' plastic, small round, sometimes shaped like a bone, mine has a small led torch built into it, rolls of 'pleasantly perfumed' bags always available (I cable-tied mine to the loop in the dog lead handle) just don't rely on the poor plastic catch.

Then you (or your dog) are never 'caught short' without a 'poo bag'.

I agree with most of the above (except the 'Pathological' Dog Haters) that we (dog owners) are our own worst enemies, 1 bad owner can get everyone a bad name, and even get 'US' banned from local beaches (it happened here !) No matter which Country, we should all be 'Picking it up AND binning it'. 8-) But i reserve the right for my Dog to allowed to be excercised 'Off Lead' when it is safe to do so, Provided she doesn't interfere with anyone else, and don't see how that is 'Blighting' any beauty spot. *-)

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Rayjsj - 2011-02-02 11:06 AM


I agree with most of the above (except the 'Pathological' Dog Haters) that we (dog owners) are our own worst enemies, 1 bad owner can get everyone a bad name *-)


That's very true Ray'..and I wish the folk that walk their dogs past our house thought like you... ;-) (..although around where we live it's not just the "1 bad owner" :-( )


We live down the bottom of,what was once a farm track and as there's still a public right of way through it,we get loads of people just parking up by the main road and then just releasing their dogs off their leads to "run off and play"!

That's fine if an owner is keeping an eye on them but they don't..It's out of sight out of mind,I'm afraid..

For example,not so long back,I was on my front garden chatting, passing the time of day with one chap for a good 10-15min,until I realised that he had a dog lead in his hand,several minutes later two spaniels appeared,from out of my back garden! When I pulled him up on it,I was met with a blank stare and "..well,they're dogs..what do you expect them to do.."

Unbelievable!! :-S

Sorry if I sound like a 'Pathological' Dog Hater(..I'm not,as a family we always owned dogs ;-) )..but it's all well saying ".. i reserve the right for my Dog to allowed to be excercised 'Off Lead'.." but with rights come responiblities..and it appears as if a good many dog owners,the ones around here anyway, don't fulfil theirs ..


(..perhaps this should've been moved to Chat'!? :$ )

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Guest pelmetman

We regularly get dogs mess left on our front verge by the odd person in our village who refuses to pick up. I get a bag and pick it up - no point moaning about it all the time.


Slightly off topic but at our last house we used to get piles of rubbish thrown out of cars on their way back from the local take away. Twice a year we used to go out with bin liners and could collect anything up to 12 bags of rubbish at a time.


Suppose what I'm trying to say is sometimes, instead of complaining its easier just to clear it up yourself irrespective of whether it was your rubbish/dog mess etc.







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Sorry if I sound like a 'Pathological' Dog Hater(..I'm not,as a family we always owned dogs ;-) )..but it's all well saying ".. i reserve the right for my Dog to allowed to be excercised 'Off Lead'.." but with rights come responiblities..and it appears as if a good many dog owners,the ones around here anyway, don't fulfil theirs ..


(..perhaps this should've been moved to Chat'!? :$ )



I didn't mean 'allowed off the lead (to go and crxx out of my sight) for exercise' Most dog owners 'Know' their dogs, once she has 'performed'

(and I have picked it up !!) She is ready for her excercise. These folk who just let their dogs 'GO' anywhere , deserve contempt. BUT not all of us.

Your right, it should have been in the chat (shat !) section. 8-)

I am still a firm believer that Dogs are mans best friends (and at least two rungs UP the ladder from Investment bankers... who goes around after them, cleaning up their Sxxt !) (?)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2011-02-02 1:42 PM


ekka - 2011-02-02 1:36 PM


If there are two single subjects to get people in an argument it's dogs and politics, probably best to avoid both subjects, I think I will in future.


..and not forgetting generators on campsites..that's always a good one! :D


If you want a proper ding dong :D mention charcoal BBQ's (lol)

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pelmetman - 2011-02-02 2:04 PM 

 Suppose what I'm trying to say is sometimes, instead of complaining its easier just to clear it up yourself irrespective of whether it was your rubbish/dog mess etc. Sue

Sorry Sue, but I totally disagree with this statement. The last thing I will do is clear up other peoples dogsh*t.

If they are not prepared to do the job themselves WHY should they expect others to do it for them, they should not be allowed to own a dog.

Irresponsible, selfish, disgusting creatures - the Owners, not the dogs.

But if I did pick it up, I would follow them home & deposit it on their front doorstep.

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We use nappy sacks. Fraction of the price of proper dog poo bags, pleasantly scented and without the holes found in supermarket bags.


Just a plea on behalf of the Farmers. Please don't let your dogs poo on fields of grass that are being grown for silage or grazing. It can carry diseases or parasites that are very harmful to farm animals. If you have ever wondered why Farmers leave a strip round the edge of their fields when harvesting silage the answer is that they do it to try and avoid picking up dog poo.


And another thing can anyone explain to me why it's always me and never the wife who steps in other peoples dog poo, sheep dung etc.?

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To be fair I dont think this original "bag it " policy was very well thought out. Here in Aberdyfi there are poo bins, but visitors ( of which there are many ) are unlikely to know where they are, perhaps a POI set needed.

What now happens in I'm sad to say is ever growing numbers DO pick up on the beach, but discard the bags in the sand dunes, sadly an area children love to play. At least when the dogs dumped on the beach the next tide would take care of it. Idid in fact challenge one gentleman throwing his bag in the sand dunes, he told me to F*** off and mind my own business. Odd really when it was his business I was objecting too, oh well the debate will rage on no doubt. I just avoid walking in the sand dunes now, at least for the most part the beach itself is clear.

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Colin Leake - 2011-02-02 4:49 PM . And another thing can anyone explain to me why it's always me and never the wife who steps in other peoples dog poo, sheep dung etc.?

Being the gentleman at at you are, Colin, it looks like you cover it with your foot/feet, so that your wife can avoid the unpleasantry.

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Well, what a thread! I've never know so many be able to talk so much 'crap'!!! (lol) (lol)


Seriously though, we let our dogs have a run around, but the first thing they do is their 'deposits' which we duly clean up and place in the rubbish bin. If there isn't a bin, we take it home with us and dispose of it there. We don't let them run ahead out of sight as we like to know where they are and what they're up to. IMV you should never ever assume your dog is okay out of your sight as you then can't see what is going on, whether your dog is well behaved or not, or if someone is around the corner and is frightened of dogs, or there's another dog who isn't so friendly etc, if you can't see your dog, regardless of whether it comes back to you when you call it, you cannot see what is happening.


I did have a 'row' in France (in French 8-) ) with a local chap last year who was nicking all the bags from the free dog-bag dispensers so anyone who went with the expectation of having bags available would have been disappointed, so he was making the situation worse. Yes, I know we should all carry bags with us (which we do), but if people visiting that area expected them to be there, then they may not have taken any. Anyway, I managed to get my point across and he went away with his tail between his legs.


Not sure about the worse place, but there was one place that was very good (can't remember its name at the moment) where they had people going around on scooters with vacuum type pooper suckers on them!

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I like a lot of the responsible dog owners on here wouldnt think of walking away and leaving dog mess I always pick up and like someone else said I havent a coat, cardigan or handbag that isnt stuffed with polybags to pick up. BUT out there Im afraid is a lot of pig ignorant people that think they are clever and picking up is beneath them :-S I pulled up a man that had walked past our house he in front and his dog depositing behind him, I was told to "get a life" there is only one thing that you can do when you see these people find out where they live and report them! only when it hits them in their pockets will you change them.


Please dont tar all dog owners with the same brush when my children were small I was furious that the mess that some dog owners left behind them, it is only the last twenty years that I have had a dog and realised what they can bring to your life, and I believe that they are our responsibility and there mess should not inconvenience others I hate being being classed along with them.

When in Germany I was very impressed to see the amount of towns that had these dispensers with bags in but one morning when out for a walk some idiot must have stood for quite a few minutes and pulled out every bag that was in the container the whole area was littered with them I dont know which would have been worse!! the dog muck or these bags that were blowing about I hope the fool that did it felt satisfied with his actions of course he was blameless.

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Then there's cats. When I was a lad, cats used to bury their mess. Now they don't seem to. Usually the go indoors to perform, use the de Luxe, kitty-litter toilet.


Apart from in my pile of sand. On more than one occasion, I have looked at a freshly rendered wall, seen a small circle that was a slightly different colour, tested it with my finger. Yep. its soft. :-(



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Then there's cats. When I was a lad, cats used to bury their mess. Now they don't seem to. Usually the go indoors to perform, use the de Luxe, kitty-litter toilet.


Apart from in my pile of sand. On more than one occasion, I have looked at a freshly rendered wall, seen a small circle that was a slightly different colour, tested it with my finger. Yep. its soft. :-(



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flicka - 2011-02-02 5:33 PM
Colin Leake - 2011-02-02 4:49 PM . And another thing can anyone explain to me why it's always me and never the wife who steps in other peoples dog poo, sheep dung etc.?

Being the gentleman at at you are, Colin, it looks like you cover it with your foot/feet, so that your wife can avoid the unpleasantry.

If so why does she tell me off every time I step in any?
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