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Dogs mess every where isnt it time communes stopped it

Alf Stonehouse

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We daren't walk into town after dark because someone (always the same dog, so I assume it's the same person) uses the path twice a day to 'walk' a dog that judging by the size of it's deposit, must be as big as an elephant!  The council should take the time to enforce their 'no litter £1000 fine' signage' which is a total waste of money because it is not enforced.

It would only require one or two to be fined for the menace of pavements littered with dog mess to end.

I have given up offering a bag to owners because of the abuse that I have had in response!  Personally, I am extremely grateful to have a bag offered to me should I be in the embarrassing position of finding that I have run out!  (I also use nappy sacks.)

BUT, I agree that a 'poo' left on the ground if necessary is better than for it to be collected and left to decorate the hedgerow for years.

There are no bad dogs but unfortunately many bad owners!


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Sometime ago I was caught out because I set out with two bags and our dog decided to do a third when we got back on the site. I decided to stick my umbrella in the ground to mark the spot and go back to the motor home for a new bag. Seemed like a good idea at the time but by the time I got back someone had nicked the umbrella!
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Madmaggott - 2011-02-03 6:24 PM.. The council should take the time to enforce their 'no litter £1000 fine' signage' which is a total waste of money because it is not enforced.

That's all very well but unfortunatley,when ever they've tried to do that in the past(around by us anyway),the press get a hold of it and then everyone is up in arms!? "...using tax payers money..blah blah..spying on us...blah blah..." and usually accompanied by live outside broadcast crews interviewing indignant and "hard done by" dog walkers! *-) Maybe it'd be an idea if the responsible dog owners,when out on walks and when meeting other owners,rather than just exchanging the usual "..isn't he lovely/how long have you had him/how old is he/..etc .." type of chat,could perhap put out "misinformation",to the effect that they know of someone who HAD been fined and that there was a major crack down on fouling..? ;-) ..because as we have seen,if a none dog owner says anything,they just get told where to go..! 8o|
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pepe63 - 2011-02-04 8:58 AM
Madmaggott - 2011-02-03 6:24 PM.. The council should take the time to enforce their 'no litter £1000 fine' signage' which is a total waste of money because it is not enforced.

That's all very well but unfortunatley,when ever they've tried to do that in the past(around by us anyway),the press get a hold of it and then everyone is up in arms!? "...using tax payers money..blah blah..spying on us...blah blah..." and usually accompanied by live outside broadcast crews interviewing indignant and "hard done by" dog walkers! *-) Maybe it'd be an idea if the responsible dog owners,when out on walks and when meeting other owners,rather than just exchanging the usual "..isn't he lovely/how long have you had him/how old is he/..etc .." type of chat,could perhap put out "misinformation",to the effect that they know of someone who HAD been fined and that there was a major crack down on fouling..? ;-) ..because as we have seen,if a none dog owner says anything,they just get told where to go..! 8o|
Hey Im a dog owner and I would welcome camera,s at the side of my bungalow where everyone on the estate seems to walk their dog and where there is most mornings big piles of sh-- Im furious that I walk and pick up and these lazy louts can,t be bothered :-S you are talking rubbish, I as a dog owner was told where to go STOP tarring us all with the same brush.
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Have owned dogs for 50 years and never had any problems with dog poo, just common sense where you excercise them, people buy dogs and never consider where they live, and some owners are just plain lazy, 5 minutes round the block stuff and dog gets couple minutes at first bit of grass or bush it comes to, I have neighbours who own large breed dogs that are hemmed up in the house from 6 am to 6 pm and again allowed to run and do their business asap, another one owns a small breed which again is in house during the working day, this poor animal lies on window sill and uses a cat litter tray, never gets walked, only purchased as xmas present. But enough getting at the dogs, my local beach car park has all the council signs on dog dirt etc but on most days and in particular at weekends this large car park has several horse boxes there with horses tied outside feeding at hey nets others riding through the parked cars to gain access to the beach where they leave a trail of horse dung along the beach, that mess lies there untill the birds feed on it or the rain washes it away, I'd say they are 10 times worse than dog owners! 8o|
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Horse droppings do not contain the same dangerous parasites as dog mess. Thats the reason, but still not an excuse.


There was one (presumably) dog owner who let his dog dump in the middle of the canal tow path, then cover it with a big leaf. One doesn't try to avoid stepping on leaves. Wrong! A poo under a leaf works on the same principle as a banana skin. Ask me how I know. Twice!



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maggyd - 2011-02-04 10:21 PM

... you are talking rubbish, I as a dog owner was told where to go STOP tarring us all with the same brush.


Eh?..well I'm sorry if you feel that may comments are "rubbish" 8-)

(..although judging by this thread I expect a head count may show others feel different.. ;-) )


You say you we "told where to go"..but from what you've posted it sounds as if that may've been when dogs were fouling outside "your" house..

..so in that instance,to those who abused you,you weren't a "fellow dog owner" (out on a walk,dog at heel)but just a another "whinging none dog owner"..



yeah,we'd have an array of poop filled gloves hanging from the bushes to go with the varied selection of bags that adorne the hedgrows.. (lol)

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You say you we "told where to go"..but from what you've posted it sounds as if that may've been when dogs were fouling outside "your" house..

..so in that instance,to those who abused you,you weren't a "fellow dog owner" (out on a walk,dog at heel)but just a another "whinging none dog owner



Yes that may be BUT he did know I have a dog he lived on the estate and passed everyday! and I know I could have reported him BUT repercussions!!!!


Anyway WE ALL agree that dog mess is unexceptable and these people that pick it up and then hang there bags on tree,s !! I just cant understand why the h-ll they cant carry it untill they find a bin or take it home >:-( we just have to except there are lots of irresponsible people out there who we will never change and everybody seems to be against camera,s all over the place so what is the answer. :-S

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