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Hi I have just received my copy of ACSI2011, and have been on to their website to download the satnav details.


The details come as a large file containing all the details over the whole of europe. This is far too large to add it in one piece to my mio card, as the mio device takes ages to search through the whole list.


I have therefore started to break up the file into country chunks which the MIO can digest a lot quicker. So far I have separated out the French sites as that will be my next destination, using a combination of MS spreadsheet, MS word process, and POIEdit


I have already tackled Camping cheque lists and some France passion sites

and now waiting for new FP book to arrive. Also some of the municipal operated stopover places near our proposed route southbound.


Hopefully we wont get lost, or stuck for a place to stay overnight on the holiday.

The mio files are compatible with Google Earth, so we can preview the proposed areas.



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