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Non-expiring Vodafone Dongles available


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Just ordered one but had a thought about windows 7. I run my lap top on windows 7. I note RobinHoods comments about his working on 7 so hopefully it will work. I did see on the net somewhere that a driver needed to be loaded but with my limited computer knowledge would not know what or how to get this let alone load it.

Anyone else running it with windows 7


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Chudders - 2011-02-04 8:50 PM Just ordered one but had a thought about windows 7. I run my lap top on windows 7. I note RobinHoods comments about his working on 7 so hopefully it will work. I did see on the net somewhere that a driver needed to be loaded but with my limited computer knowledge would not know what or how to get this let alone load it. Anyone else running it with windows 7 Dave

Given the comments there are around, I was a bit worried about whether this would work for everyone, which is why I posted the comments.

I use the dongle with a Win7 netbook (which was originally XP but I updated it). It had a clean Win7 install, and the dongle was installed onto Win7. It works fine, though I do get the spurious request to reinstall software every time I insert it (which I just cancel).

I've just installed onto my Win7 desktop to give it another test, and all is OK (not even the reload prompt). I did, however, install whilst it was (still) networked, and I note that it pulled some of the drivers from searching online. I would thus recommend that you go through the installation procedure whilst you have a network connection.

Knocked the network connection off, removed and re-inserted the dongle (I like to clear things out after an install) - connected and onto Google - no problem.

Given there are some comments around about Win7, YMMV, but it works on both my Win7 machines.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed now 1) that it is the correct dongle, 2) that it doesn't expire, and 3) that it will work for Win7 users (though all the evidence so far is positive).   


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Thanks for your last comments. I,m not too concerned ,it,s hardly a fortune if it does not work. I have a friend with XP so I will give/sell it to him. Be nice if it will work and I will do as you say regarding internet connection. Should be here on Monday so watch this space.

Thanks, Dave

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DJP - 2011-02-04 8:09 PM


The NONE expiring one needs to be used at least once after 180 days has lapsed since last use or you loose the outstanding credit and use of the dongle. The £15 top up used to be 3gb now a miserable 1gb.


It's always been 1 gig, the 3gig is on the 30 day one.



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Robinhood, re your concerns about the original posting advertising the dongle, i was looking for a non-expiry dongle and this was the ideal link for me. I read the blurb and it seemed to be what i was looking for, if it isn't it's not the end of the world and i won't be looking to sue you :-D . I thank you for the link, if it works or doesn't I'll still buy you a pint if' we're ever on the same site. :-)
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Hopesy - 2011-02-05 10:44 AM Robinhood, re your concerns about the original posting advertising the dongle, i was looking for a non-expiry dongle and this was the ideal link for me. I read the blurb and it seemed to be what i was looking for, if it isn't it's not the end of the world and i won't be looking to sue you :-D . I thank you for the link, if it works or doesn't I'll still buy you a pint if' we're ever on the same site. :-)

....hey - I'm not that concerned. You're all grown-up enough to make your own minds up (actually, if I do a quick rethink, maybe some of the posters here aren't  :-O - you know who you are!).

If it turns out to be duff, then since this is now running on the three main forums, and many people have bought, then the Argos returns department may get a rough time.

As for me - if any one does "threaten", I'll just send the boys round. I find one visit from Little John is usually enough. :-D

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Chudders - 2011-02-05 5:32 PM


Looks like they are all gone, now lets see if they re appear with another seller at a higher price. I reckon someone bought quite a few


And I reckon they are back on e bay with other sellers, one at £40.99 and one at £53. I think they are the same

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Just to report that me 'dongle' duly arrived this morning!

I have successfully installed it on me lappy which has Win 7. I can easily switch between my BT wireless broadband and the Vodafone network!

This will be a useful facility if there is no BT 'hotspot' or 'openzone' available when out and about in t'van!....Assuming I can see a Vodafone mobile signal of course!

My thanks to the person who posted this thread ! Cheers matey !!


PS. forgot to say it comes with £15 quid already on it, but the connection will expire in 180 days if you have not 'topped up' within that time ! For me that's ok for my usage and better than having to chuck £15 quid at 'em every month!

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Bob Elswood - 2011-02-07 2:47 PM  PS. forgot to say it comes with £15 quid already on it, but the connection will expire in 180 days if you have not 'topped up' within that time ! For me that's ok for my usage and better than having to chuck £15 quid at 'em every month!

I think (hope) you'll find that, once you first use it, it expires if you leave 180 days between use (not between topping up). (even then you appear to have a further 90 days to revive it by adding a top-up).

Mine has never been topped up and still has credit 20 months on, but it is used at least every 30 days or so.

The reports coming in on the other forums confirm that these are indeed the non-expiring version, and are causing no problems on Win7. Relief :-D

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Robinhood - 2011-02-07 5:23 PM
Bob Elswood - 2011-02-07 2:47 PM  PS. forgot to say it comes with £15 quid already on it, but the connection will expire in 180 days if you have not 'topped up' within that time ! For me that's ok for my usage and better than having to chuck £15 quid at 'em every month!

I think (hope) you'll find that, once you first use it, it expires if you leave 180 days between use (not between topping up). (even then you appear to have a further 90 days to revive it by adding a top-up).

Mine has never been topped up and still has credit 20 months on, but it is used at least every 30 days or so.

The reports coming in on the other forums confirm that these are indeed the non-expiring version, and are causing no problems on Win7. Relief :-D

I think you are right Robinhood !! Just read the 'small print' again and it looks like you either need to use within 180 days OR top up !!Either way I'm happy !! :D
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Mine arrived this afternoon while was out. Set it up about half hour ago. All is well and works although I think it pulled a driver from the internet automatically for windows 7. I,m a computer fool so not sure. All I know is that it works easily and has £15 of credit aready loaded so I am a happy bunny.

Thanks to everyone for advice and information


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Another happy chappie here! It's definitely the K3565 so no monthly top-up required. :-D


I was just about to sign up to 3g for £7.87 a month for 18 months, but saw this post just at the right time. Cost £17.99 incl. postage, with £15 worth of credit included!! 8-)


Many thanks Robinhood, keep up the good work robbing the rich (Vodafone) and giving to the poor (oldlowie) - that's a big drink I owe you!!

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At the risk of repeating what has been said before, I thought there might be some interest in a response I received from Vodafone UK when I recently asked about the situation with my supposedly non-expiring K3565 dongle bought in 2009. Here is what Vodafone told me:


"I'd like to tell you that on 1GB price plan there is no expiry date for your calling credit.

Let me confirm to you the whole procedure:

1. If you do not use your dongle for first 90 days it goes into the semi - quarantine stage wherein you can topup your dongle, make a chargeable call and make your dongle active.

2. If you do not use your dongle for 180 days, your dongle goes into quarantine stage and here you cannot use your dongle for making outgoing calls and incoming calls.

3. After that if you continue not using your dongle for more than 270 days your number gets disconnected and it gets recycled.

Let me explain that if your number is disconnected, any credit that is left on this number is deleted and is non-refundable."


Perhaps this will clarify the situation with the old-style dongle. The credit doesn't expire but the dongle does, unless you keep using the it within the specified timeframes. By the way, the K3565 dongle could not be used outside the UK initially, but about a year ago I was told by Vodafone that things had changed and it could now be used abroad. I tried it here then and it connected OK to Vodafone NZ. However, my credit disappeared almost immediately - I think it's 10 pounds per day to roam - and I haven't tried it here since. We use it extensively when touring in the UK and find it very good.




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