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Sites or Aires?


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1footinthegrave - 2011-04-28 6:38 AM


I could not agree more with the above, in addition many aires provide what sites rarely do in our experience, that is to be tucked away up a quiet spot in a small village, but with the convenience of a short walk to soak up the atmosphere. Martyn misses one of the points of the free, or minimal costs of aires, that is in many cases they are provided by the local community to encourage the use of local shops / restaurants / bars etc, that's why they are free, or very cheap. Or check out the French passion scheme.


It's NOT about money, it's about choice for us, and the freedom to set off without any pre- conceived plan in mind, It's different full stop. It is best summed up for us by being as close to "freedom" that it is possible to be in this ever more regulated world.


Martyn you want to spend your cash on sites, that's fine, just lay off with your judgments about others motives for using Aires.


We simply do not wish to be surrounded by a sea of other people as is often the case with sites, we have no desire to use a pool, we have ALL of our own facilties on board our vehiicle, surely that IS the point of a motor-home in the first place for many. And as far as we are concerned most sites resemble a modern take on Butlins, the kind of place we would not go if they paid us.


Now must get down to Segre and sit by the river and do a spot of fishing, and stroll into the village for a cooling drink later this evening. you never know we may be joined by one other M/home, or maybe none, bliss.


Oh dear, once again out come all the old tired, reasons for using aires. Tucked up in a quiet village spot, supermarket car park more likely. Freedom, where does this come from, please explain how you get more freedom, baffles me. Surrounded by a sea of people, when did you last stray on a site, much more likely to be surrounded on an aire, especially if it is any good. Love the last sentence, says it all about the 'rose tinted' outlook some have. Incidently the point made about the French thinking aires users spend money. That may have been the case but not any more, the local,s know that most are trying to save so will spend little. Just look at the aires that have closed over the last few years. As I have said many times, I am certainly not adverse to saving money but as their are no more than around fifty aires in France I would stay on, and even these now charge nearly as much as some sites, it is not enough. I to would love to use aires all the time for free or a small payment but they simply do not exist in any quantity and am not prepared to put up with the state of most. Agree totally with Martyn, it is all about saving money. Robert and Jean seem to like finding aires for their own sake, fair enough, but my wife and I just tend to make for our next destination and find somewhere to stay when we get their. Wether this is an aire or campsite does not matter as long as it is a nice place to stay. We often get distracted and end up somewhere else but still need a handy, nice, secure spot to stay. We never, ever book ahead so have complete FREEDOM to do as we wish and are not stuck with staying in a layby or a carpark. Always a decent site handy, rarely an aire we would consider.

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malc d - 2011-04-28 9:45 AM


As far as I can see the only real difference between basic camp sites ( such as the municipals in France ) and aires is that on the 'sites' a record is kept of who stays there.




Does anyone really believe this. Since when have all municiples been basic sites, many we stay on are now first class with all the facilities including a bar and swimming pool. How many aires are their that even have basic stuff like showers, toilets, security, hookup etc. OK you may not need this but to say no differance is just plain daft


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rupert123 - 2011-04-28 10:37 AM


malc d - 2011-04-28 9:45 AM


As far as I can see the only real difference between basic camp sites ( such as the municipals in France ) and aires is that on the 'sites' a record is kept of who stays there.




Does anyone really believe this. Since when have all municiples been basic sites, many we stay on are now first class with all the facilities including a bar and swimming pool. How many aires are their that even have basic stuff like showers, toilets, security, hookup etc. OK you may not need this but to say no differance is just plain daft


Steady on Rupert.


I didn't say ALL municipals are basic.


I happen to prefer municipal sites and most of the ones we stay on are fairly basic ( that's why we choose them ).


My view is that what is available on a basic site, or an aire, CAN be very similar.


Somewhere to spend the night, water supply, toilet and waste emptying and probably an electric hook-up.

I've not often seen ' security' on an aire, but some do have at least a barrier at the entrance.


So, I'm not saying they are all the same, just that they are not necessarily all that different.


Maybe I should have said " I can see no really GREAT difference " because I am certainly NOT saying there is NO difference ( saying that would be just plain daft ).




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malc d - 2011-04-28 11:06 AM


rupert123 - 2011-04-28 10:37 AM


malc d - 2011-04-28 9:45 AM


As far as I can see the only real difference between basic camp sites ( such as the municipals in France ) and aires is that on the 'sites' a record is kept of who stays there.




Does anyone really believe this. Since when have all municiples been basic sites, many we stay on are now first class with all the facilities including a bar and swimming pool. How many aires are their that even have basic stuff like showers, toilets, security, hookup etc. OK you may not need this but to say no differance is just plain daft


Steady on Rupert.


I didn't say ALL municipals are basic.


I happen to prefer municipal sites and most of the ones we stay on are fairly basic ( that's why we choose them ).


My view is that what is available on a basic site, or an aire, CAN be very similar.


Somewhere to spend the night, water supply, toilet and waste emptying and probably an electric hook-up.

I've not often seen ' security' on an aire, but some do have at least a barrier at the entrance.


So, I'm not saying they are all the same, just that they are not necessarily all that different.


Maybe I should have said " I can see no really GREAT difference " because I am certainly NOT saying there is NO difference ( saying that would be just plain daft ).





Fair enough Malc, but you did say 'municiples in France' which seems to imply all. Would agree the very best aires and the most basic site probably little differance but the occurance of either is so rare why bother making a point by saying it.

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Because, Rupert, the subject of the thread is " Sites or Aires " and I was simply making the point that SOMETIMES there is not a lot of difference.


( And therefore I don't really understand why it is such a controversial subject between those who prefer either ).


Anyway I'm sorry but I can't stay on here now discussing this with you, I've got to go through my wardrobe and decide what I will be wearing tomorrow.




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Guest 1footinthegrave

OK I give up, all us Aire users are all brain dead morons without a pot to piss in, who wear rose tinted specs, smell to high even because we do not have the use of site showers, and are busy stashing our cash away instead of making site owners rich, satisfied now are we.


Judging by some of the vitriolic ( or is it humorous ) comments from dedicated site users gives me at least another reason to avoid them like the plague, or why not just live and let live, is that really to much to ask on these "friendly" forums.

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Gosh! I’m beginning to think I should not have raised this topic [way back in February when thinking about our 3 month trip]. But all I wanted was some info re staying on Aires, and how that experience compared to, or differed from, staying on campsites, having used the latter solely over the last 20 odd years with caravan / tent.


It’s clearly an emotive subject.


Posters talk of Pro or Anti Aires or Sites. Does it have to be so????


FWIW, we did not come across an Aire which remotely tempted us to stay there [good Aires in pretty awful villages; Aires on supermarket car parks in attractive villages] so we have used sites once more through France [in Italy now]. That’s not to say we will never use an Aire.


The generalisations made here that sites are crowded and that you are surrounded by a sea of people in places resembling Butlin’s is definitely not our experience [well, I wouldn’t really know since I have never stayed at a Butlin’s camp, but I get the drift]. In low season, sites are delightfully empty and quiet. We found that when caravanning / tenting when we were, finally, able to travel out of school holiday times. And it is still the case.


And I cannot help but feel that the fans of Aires do write as if they feel they are privy to a superior way of motorhoming, one to be enjoyed only by the discerning few!!!! Sorry if I have mis-judged the tone of some posts.


So, thanks one and all for answering my queries. It has been an interesting read.


Is it time to call a truce????




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Gwendolyn - 2011-04-28 5:08 PM

Posters talk of Pro or Anti Aires or Sites. Does it have to be so????


Of course it doesn't - it's just that some folk insist that 'their way' is the only way - and some other folk like to wind them up!!!


Whereas the more enlightened of us know that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way - just different ways!!

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Methinks there are some who recognise themselves.


You know the sort, sat around the table with the Missus, explaining to her with a straight face that because of the strong headwinds they faced today, (on the N roads, heaven forbid they should use a toll road), their average MPG has dropped by 5%.


He knows this because he's just spent the last 3 hours filling in his travel costs spreadsheet.


In consequence, they'll have to go on the dry bread and gruel for a day or 2 "to balance things up" No matter says the Missus, we've done it before and we'll do it again, let's face it, we didn't wash for a month and that saved us £2 in Aldi washpowder.


Big smile comes back to Hubbies chops, that's the spirit love, maybe we could cash in a ration book or 2 if we have to?


Gosh love look at those flamboyant folk over there, good grief, can you believe it, they've got that hook up thing, whatever will think of next, they'll be getting rid of the gas mantels next.


Just waffling on a bit, better than listening to the Will & Kate show :D



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Whatever your own views are Martyn does not make any one way of holidaying any better or worse than your way - just different!


You wouldn't be one of those dreadful people 'who doth protest too much' now would you!


No of course not - you are far too sensible - silly me for even daring to think the unthinkable!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
LordThornber - 2011-04-28 7:47 PM


Methinks there are some who recognise themselves.


You know the sort, sat around the table with the Missus, explaining to her with a straight face that because of the strong headwinds they faced today, (on the N roads, heaven forbid they should use a toll road), their average MPG has dropped by 5%.


He knows this because he's just spent the last 3 hours filling in his travel costs spreadsheet.


In consequence, they'll have to go on the dry bread and gruel for a day or 2 "to balance things up" No matter says the Missus, we've done it before and we'll do it again, let's face it, we didn't wash for a month and that saved us £2 in Aldi washpowder.


Big smile comes back to Hubbies chops, that's the spirit love, maybe we could cash in a ration book or 2 if we have to?


Gosh love look at those flamboyant folk over there, good grief, can you believe it, they've got that hook up thing, whatever will think of next, they'll be getting rid of the gas mantels next.


Just waffling on a bit, better than listening to the Will & Kate show :D




What a completely odious individual you sound, what are you some index linked ex- local authrority non job ex-employee with a great big fat pension paid for by the very people you berate, get a F******* g life ,or P**** off in your van, and give us all a break, waffle, boy oh boy you said it your full to overflowing with it. These forums are sometimes helpful, but with idiots like you posting on here it is all become self defeating. Plonker. P.S what is a hook up. It's going to really wind you up to know I have absolutely no intention of reading any more of your verbal diarrhea, and you've plenty of that with your 2000 + posts, do you EVER get out in your van, or just exist to wind people up on here >:-(

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1footinthegrave - 2011-04-28 8:48 PM


LordThornber - 2011-04-28 7:47 PM


Methinks there are some who recognise themselves.


You know the sort, sat around the table with the Missus, explaining to her with a straight face that because of the strong headwinds they faced today, (on the N roads, heaven forbid they should use a toll road), their average MPG has dropped by 5%.


He knows this because he's just spent the last 3 hours filling in his travel costs spreadsheet.


In consequence, they'll have to go on the dry bread and gruel for a day or 2 "to balance things up" No matter says the Missus, we've done it before and we'll do it again, let's face it, we didn't wash for a month and that saved us £2 in Aldi washpowder.


Big smile comes back to Hubbies chops, that's the spirit love, maybe we could cash in a ration book or 2 if we have to?


Gosh love look at those flamboyant folk over there, good grief, can you believe it, they've got that hook up thing, whatever will think of next, they'll be getting rid of the gas mantels next.


Just waffling on a bit, better than listening to the Will & Kate show :D




What a completely odious individual you sound, what are you some index linked ex- local authrority non job ex-employee with a great big fat pension paid for by the very people you berate, get a F******* g life ,or P**** off in your van, and give us all a break, waffle, boy oh boy you said it your full to overflowing with it. These forums are sometimes helpful, but with idiots like you posting on here it is all become self defeating. Plonker. P.S what is a hook up. It's going to really wind you up to know I have absolutely no intention of reading any more of your verbal diarrhea >:-(


Now I DO regret posting the OP.


Can't you see that Martyn was being ironic???? Lighten up!

And I am the "index linked ex-local authority non job ex-employee with a great big fat pension".... [well, I was a college lecturer]... but what has that got to do with my OP??


Sorry folks.... I seem to have stirred up a right hornet's nest.

Amazed I am, truly.

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Gwendolyn : Hi, Glad you set thread going gives aires high profile they should have on any motorhome forum (and MMM!!). Yes we do think aires are a "superior way of motorhoming" but one that could be enjoyed by all, but if you and others prefer sites well eh that's fine by us. What ever you do, do not try the Sostas in Italy for if you are unsure about aires you will hate most of these as Italian vans park very, very close.

Gwendolyn and Rupert: Re Supermarket aires; have never stayed on one and would not, have used the service points some times. No good aires in attractive villages?? Well how about these 7 picked out quickly from the first 13 departments listed in "Le Guide National":

St-Pourcain-sur-Sioule (03), Caille (04), Montherme (08), Lagrasse(11), Peyriac-de-Mer (11), Villeneuve(12), Cuges-les-Pins (13).

Martyn: Sorry you still seem obsessed with the cost thing; it really is not the main reason why we and others use the aires.

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robertandjean - 2011-04-28 9:40 PM


Gwendolyn : Hi, Glad you set thread going gives aires high profile they should have on any motorhome forum (and MMM!!). Yes we do think aires are a "superior way of motorhoming" but one that could be enjoyed by all, but if you and others prefer sites well eh that's fine by us. What ever you do, do not try the Sostas in Italy for if you are unsure about aires you will hate most of these as Italian vans park very, very close.

Gwendolyn and Rupert: Re Supermarket aires; have never stayed on one and would not, have used the service points some times. No good aires in attractive villages?? Well how about these 7 picked out quickly from the first 13 departments listed in "Le Guide National":

St-Pourcain-sur-Sioule (03), Caille (04), Montherme (08), Lagrasse(11), Peyriac-de-Mer (11), Villeneuve(12), Cuges-les-Pins (13).

Martyn: Sorry you still seem obsessed with the cost thing; it really is not the main reason why we and others use the aires.


I would be glad to have info re good Aires for future ref.

The ones we saw on our [vaguely planned] itinerary, and had thought we might have stayed at, were not suitable, for reasons stated.

But we'll keep an open mind.

Right now, we are on a site [small, quiet, un-crowded and well appointed] on the shore of a lake. Stunning. We may stay for a week for "R&R" after the first month of our 3 month trip.


But I do wish the acrimony would cease!!!


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Gwendolyn - 2011-04-28 9:07 PM

Sorry folks.... I seem to have stirred up a right hornet's nest.

Amazed I am, truly.


There is no reason why you should apologise Gwendolyn - after all you have said nothing wrong.


Many of us, clearly not all, but many of us are up for a bit of leg pulling and banter and it is always a shame when it denigrates to needless personal insults.


It would not be amiss for 1footinthemouth to offer Martyn an apology - even if he is another overpaid molly coddled big softie public service wallah as labelled!


The only good thing is that it makes a change for someone else to be blasted instead of me - but no doubt that will soon revert to form!

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1footinthegrave - 2011-04-28 11:55 AM


OK I give up, all us Aire users are all brain dead morons without a pot to piss in, who wear rose tinted specs, smell to high even because we do not have the use of site showers, and are busy stashing our cash away instead of making site owners rich, satisfied now are we.



I think that you should change your name to 'Shot yourself in the foot'!


That one sentence about making site owners rich gives the game away about your real motive for using aires rather than sites.


It must be awful for you just doing simple things like going to the supermarket, knowing that your purchases will make some Tesco shareholders a bit wealthier, or eating in a restaurant and fuming that the owner is making a profit from you! How dare they!


Or is it just typical of one of life's under-achievers being jealous of those who are prepared to risk all by starting a business and taking a chance?


Your entire threads seem to ooze hatred of anyone who has the temerity to spend their money without penny-pinching and scrimping. Some of us are successful and fairly well off and we enjoy the finer things of life. What's the point of popping off and leaving a few million in the bank, I'm going to spend most of mine!


Must dash anyway. I've just entertained a client in a Michelin-starred restaurant and had a lovely meal and I've no doubt that I've made the owner a bit richer. Good luck to him I say!

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Well I must say I have really enjoyed this thread! Its clear that you enjoy a good old rant and banter on here. It makes "The Dark Side" look a bit tame! I do however think the Personal Attack on Martyn was a bit out of order, Im sure he is just having a wind up and even if he does really believe we wild camp and use Aires to save money its no excuse to swear at the bloke like that,


Now as I have said I dont wild or use Aires to save money but having said that just to please Martyn and some of the other Campysite brigade, I just got the calculator out as an experiment and on our first trip to Europe in 2008 for three months our average cost per night worked out at £2.50 for camping. Over 90 days. That works out at £225. Now lets say I stayed on a nice campsite everynight at an average of £20 a night. That would be a total cost of £1800. The difference is £1575. Now I dont know how rich some of you are but which ever way you look at it £1575 is quite a lot of money. In fact to us its at least another months holiday (and some).


I hadnt really done the maths before but unless your willing to chuck money down the drain if your touring long term it seems crackers to use campsites all the time. Luckily for us we hate campsites and I research my Aires and wild spots very well to pick out the good ones but even if I did like campsites over that length of time I would seriously have to think hard about Aires or wild spots.






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Nice one Barry! When we went to Scandinavia for seven weeks in 2008 the average site fee was about £18 to £25 so if we say 40 nights at £20 = £800.


In the event we used a mixed variety of Aires, water or harbour side car parks and off site locations in scenic places at a total cost of under £50 and we were able to show every respect and consideration for the local people such was the scope and availability of suitable overnight locations.


The saved £750 went a long way towards diesel which was close to £1.50 a litre in Norway and Sweden, and we met, chatted to, had a glass or three of wine with, and fished with some super friendly people from many nations which may, or may not, have been the case on sites. I don't know as we only used one and that was just to use the laundry and the 'campers' were a dour lot!


But I do understand the need in many folks for the security and percieved peace of mind that a site should bring so, as with many things, it's whatever way of spending your dough and your time suits each of us best.


There is no right or wrong - just different!

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1footinthegrave - 2011-04-28 11:55 AM


OK I give up, all us Aire users are all brain dead morons without a pot to piss in, who wear rose tinted specs, smell to high even because we do not have the use of site showers, and are busy stashing our cash away instead of making site owners rich, satisfied now are we.


Judging by some of the vitriolic ( or is it humorous ) comments from dedicated site users gives me at least another reason to avoid them like the plague, or why not just live and let live, is that really to much to ask on these "friendly" forums.


The vitriolic is all coming from you, the rest of us are just putting our points. I would suggest you owe Martyn an apology or perhaps better just clear off and leave the rest of us to discuss in a reasonable manner.

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Barryd999 - 2011-04-29 9:01 AM


Well I must say I have really enjoyed this thread! Its clear that you enjoy a good old rant and banter on here. It makes "The Dark Side" look a bit tame! I do however think the Personal Attack on Martyn was a bit out of order, Im sure he is just having a wind up and even if he does really believe we wild camp and use Aires to save money its no excuse to swear at the bloke like that,


Now as I have said I dont wild or use Aires to save money but having said that just to please Martyn and some of the other Campysite brigade, I just got the calculator out as an experiment and on our first trip to Europe in 2008 for three months our average cost per night worked out at £2.50 for camping. Over 90 days. That works out at £225. Now lets say I stayed on a nice campsite everynight at an average of £20 a night. That would be a total cost of £1800. The difference is £1575. Now I dont know how rich some of you are but which ever way you look at it £1575 is quite a lot of money. In fact to us its at least another months holiday (and some).


I hadnt really done the maths before but unless your willing to chuck money down the drain if your touring long term it seems crackers to use campsites all the time. Luckily for us we hate campsites and I research my Aires and wild spots very well to pick out the good ones but even if I did like campsites over that length of time I would seriously have to think hard about Aires or wild spots.






That would be quite a bit Barry if your sums were correct. On our last europeon trip, Sept/Oct 2010 we averaged 10.5 euro a night over two months. We did stay on three aires but as these were 10, 7 and 5 euro did not alter things much. Oh yes and four stellplatz which were 7, 10 and 18 euro.

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Tracker - 2011-04-28 10:16 PM


Gwendolyn - 2011-04-28 9:07 PM

Sorry folks.... I seem to have stirred up a right hornet's nest.

Amazed I am, truly.


There is no reason why you should apologise Gwendolyn - after all you have said nothing wrong.


Many of us, clearly not all, but many of us are up for a bit of leg pulling and banter and it is always a shame when it denigrates to needless personal insults.


It would not be amiss for 1footinthemouth to offer Martyn an apology - even if he is another overpaid molly coddled big softie public service wallah as labelled!


The only good thing is that it makes a change for someone else to be blasted instead of me - but no doubt that will soon revert to form!


Agree totally with Rich here, thats a first, great thread.

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rupert123 - 2011-04-29 10:43 AM

Agree totally with Rich here, thats a first, great thread.


Flippin' 'eck Henry - I say do take care old chap - people will be talking about us!


Now if I can just get Eddie to agree with me on something - anything - I will have the perfect matched pair to celebrate William and Kate's perfect day!

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