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The Caravan Channel

big olga

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Have you seen the "Caravan Channel" on Sky----I tried to watch it, my god the camera person and editor need to go back to the rules of photography!

They film mostly out of focus ;they jump from colour to black and white ---in focus out of focus! I could not watch anymore and turned it off!

I thought what is the point of having a 42" plasma HD TV if they are going to film out of focus! Thank You ,I had to get that off my chest!

Best Wishes Dave

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big olga - 2011-02-07 8:46 PM


Have you seen the "Caravan Channel" on Sky----I tried to watch it, my god the camera person and editor need to go back to the rules of photography!

They film mostly out of focus ;they jump from colour to black and white ---in focus out of focus! I could not watch anymore and turned it off!

I thought what is the point of having a 42" plasma HD TV if they are going to film out of focus! Thank You ,I had to get that off my chest!

Best Wishes Dave

I hate those jerky type camera shots, straight from one scene to another no fade in or fade out, many a good programme is ruined by that camera work.

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I e-mailed them to complain and they tell me that the edition to be shown from Wednesday the 9th of this month will be in crystal clear focus. Apparently it was all intentional and was supposed to be trendy. They have received so many complaints that all future editions will be properly focused. The cooking feature has also gone down like a lead balloon and is due to be dropped after the next two shows which have already been made. We shall see. I told them I rather listen to some one running their nails down a blackboard than watch the out of focus shots.
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Hi, Collin, Well Done!

I do not like the new trendy, stupid "smart edits" like the "benny hill" effect ---they have the people running around at 60mph!

When they interview someone they zoom in on their left ear then they go out of focus then it changes to b/w !I wish the film makers and T.V. people would understand that we are sick of these editing tricks,

I love to watch Programmes like "Larkrise" "downton Abbey" "Upstairs Downstairs" there are no camera tricks with them, just first class photography and editing.

Best Wishes Dave.

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Unfortunately the programme makers are not interested in correct photography or common sense achievement's in the making of a film.


Their only interest is selling it to fill a time slot !!


I'm always complaining, and everyone should also, as much as possible, the names are always at the end on the credits.


I tell them straight mostly that they have no idea what they are doing, just throwing a set of edits together to fill a time space.


There was a spell some two years ago when the cameras were mobile like Big Olga says above, I asked why they employed monkeys on ropes to handle the cameras and not union employees.


Snooker is one that needs improving where whoever controls the camera shots has an attack of the fidgets and tries to catch the ball doing something spectacular with the result ... no ball at all.


There is a trend recently to show everything so highly polished that the presenters on Country File about to talk has spent many hours remembering a section of script and in seconds suddenly has to spurt it out with a painful expression.


The pictures and nuisance music are mostly not compatible, they go from fast to slow with no smooth integration from one sequence to another.


It all relates to term multi tasking (another new trend) which means that we the viewer, is forced to take in 5 different "phases" at once, meaning of course that 5 applications of background 'effects' can be forced into one where they hope to make 5 times the profit.


Yes, Yes, write and complain as much as possible, Emails get chopped,

Letters get handled and passed around, and even sometimes answered.


Do not be fooled they are not clever people, they are aiming to force their ideas onto the unsuspecting. BEWARE.


I've been on the opposite end of such cameras where the most important part of any day is the going home.





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