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Map for Aries


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Mel - I think Aries is just below Andromeda and just above the Constellation Taurus! http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/images/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Seriously- As a newcomer I would be interested in a list of Aires on the continent that I can either download to PC or put in Sat Nav, or in map form.


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To the best of my knowledge, the only maps that specifically cover French 'aires' are those sponsored by the French motorhome magazines "Camping-Car" or "Le Monde du Camping-Car".


The maps are given away free in the related magazines (usually in the February editions), are included with the related aires booklet-guides sponsored by each magazine, or the maps can be bought separately.


Although each of the two maps has a somewhat different format, the scale of both is about 1" to 25 miles.

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laimeduck - 2011-02-08 5:57 PM

Mel - I think Aries is just below Andromeda and just above the Constellation Taurus! http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/images/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Seriously- As a newcomer I would be interested in a list of Aires on the continent that I can either download to PC or put in Sat Nav, or in map form.


You may be able to get what you want from here:http://www.campingcar-infos.com/Francais/telechargement.php
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You can download a very comprehensive listing from here http://www.archiescampings.eu/eng1/ then upload the data into almost any navigation system.


I upload them into Autoroute so that I can browse locations easily plus being able to add my own POIs with notes about sites that we have visited.


By adding a bluetooth GPS receiver to my laptop I can have the best of both a navigation system and a multi scale map. Over the last two years this has proved faultless and found us some wonderful camping locations.


There is also a facility to add these POIs to Google Earth giving you the chance to 'look at' the surrounding countryside and in many cases even 'drive' down the roads in the locality. Admittedly this facility needs internet access.


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Rod_vw - 2011-02-08 8:44 PM You can download a very comprehensive listing from here http://www.archiescampings.eu/eng1/ then upload the data into almost any navigation system. 

"Archies" is very good, but of course only covers campsites, not Aires/Stellplatze.

It found us a very nice site in Austria last year when we didn't fancy the one we had targeted. Used the Satnag to find the closest alternative, (which was off the main route) and it turned out to be ideal.

Archies, combined with the Bordatlas and Campingcar-Infos POIs highlighted above provides all the input and navigation I need.

(I use them on Autoroute for planning purposes, and on the Satnag for real-time navigation).

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