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Derek Uzzell - 2011-02-12 10:14 AM


johnnerontheroad - 2011-02-12 10:07 AM


We are now over the 100 but there must be more who can vote (!)


I doubt if there are.


This is a relatively small forum in terms of population size - in fact I'm surprised OA&L has clocked up over 100 votes.



yes i agree..but on here theres over 12000 registered users!!!

admin should send them all a email :-D


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aultymer - 2011-02-13 5:50 PM


"admin should send them all a email "


as other, more paranoid, forum owners have done!


Yes - I did wonder whether there was any coercion by some Forums - or is that Forii?


I sincerely hope that Warners are above that sort of thing!

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silverback - 2011-02-13 2:27 PM


...yes i agree..but on here theres over 12000 registered users!!!

admin should send them all a email :-D



A forum's number of registered users is normally illusory.


A significant number of this forum's registered users are the same people who have employed alternative user-names during the forum's lifespan. All of those user-names 'count' - even the users who have been banned from the forum years ago (eg. Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007, but continued to post under another (probably several) user-name(s)).


Then, of course, there are the many, many people who register on this forum to allow them to ask a one-off question or make a one-off remark and feel no need to participate further, or decide that they prefer another forum, or take up different hobbies, etc. etc. All of these folk 'count' too.


Clearly there's no incentive for a forum administrator to provide a realistic figure for genuinely 'active' registered users while other forums are providing bulk statistics. And, in any case, it's far simpler just to lump everybody in the same ever-growing total, rather than attempt to calculate a meaningful statistic.


It would be interesting to know how many unique user-names have been in use on the O&AL forums during the last 12 months and to see them sorted in descending order by date of last posting. Any user-name that hasn't posted for 6 months is probably not going to post in future, so one could probably discard those from the list.


I don't think I've ever seen more than 50 user-names on line simultaneously on this forum. I'd be very surprised if the number of O&AL registered users who have posted fairly regularly (say at least once every 2 months) in the last 12 months exceeds 300.



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The whole point of a forum as I see it is the gathering and disemination of mutually beneficial information.


This forum has answered almost every question I've asked - and after 40 years of motorhoming I'm still learning and asking - and more to the point I think collectively this forum answers almost every question that anyone else asks.


The fact that it is done in a friendly and humourous spirit with light and even handed moderation is the real bonus of this forum for me and I for one don't intend going back to the others - and I don't care how many votes they get - so there!!

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-02-13 5:54 PM


silverback - 2011-02-13 2:27 PM


...yes i agree..but on here theres over 12000 registered users!!!

admin should send them all a email :-D



A forum's number of registered users is normally illusory.


A significant number of this forum's registered users are the same people who have employed alternative user-names during the forum's lifespan. All of those user-names 'count' - even the users who have been banned from the forum years ago (eg. Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007, but continued to post under another (probably several) user-name(s)).


Then, of course, there are the many, many people who register on this forum to allow them to ask a one-off question or make a one-off remark and feel no need to participate further, or decide that they prefer another forum, or take up different hobbies, etc. etc. All of these folk 'count' too.


Clearly there's no incentive for a forum administrator to provide a realistic figure for genuinely 'active' registered users while other forums are providing bulk statistics. And, in any case, it's far simpler just to lump everybody in the same ever-growing total, rather than attempt to calculate a meaningful statistic.


It would be interesting to know how many unique user-names have been in use on the O&AL forums during the last 12 months and to see them sorted in descending order by date of last posting. Any user-name that hasn't posted for 6 months is probably not going to post in future, so one could probably discard those from the list.


I don't think I've ever seen more than 50 user-names on line simultaneously on this forum. I'd be very surprised if the number of O&AL registered users who have posted fairly regularly (say at least once every 2 months) in the last 12 months exceeds 300.



All this is very true Derek - but is also true of the other forums. I left M/Facts when they started charging but still appear to be a 'registered memeber' and regulary receive the newsletter - even though I cannot access certain parts of the forum!



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Derek Uzzell - 2011-02-13 5:54 PM

A significant number of this forum's registered users are the same people who have employed alternative user-names during the forum's lifespan. All of those user-names 'count' - even the users who have been banned from the forum years ago (eg. Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007, but continued to post under another (probably several) user-name(s)).


I'm not for a moment doubting you Derek - but it would be interesting to discover how you came know this to be the case please?

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After reading some of the posts that are on the poll. A  particular one caught my eye which said a member had voted 11 times Sooooo...!! I tried it. I have now voted twice and it has been accepted twice 8-) which makes the survey useless. 

But it has given Caravan Guard quite a few email addresses to contact


The vote was 112. after i voted again it did go to 113

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nowtelse2do - 2011-02-14 9:12 PM

After reading some of the posts that are on the poll. A  particular one caught my eye which said a member had voted 11 times Sooooo...!! I tried it. I have now voted twice and it has been accepted twice 8-) which makes the survey useless. 

But it has given Caravan Guard quite a few email addresses to contact


The vote was 112. after i voted again it did go to 113

DaveDouble voting should be minimised :-"Heather, on February 10th, 2011 at 10:07 am Said: Hi Ramos – sorry, only one vote is allowed per computer. Using another computer or internet device would allow you to vote too. It’s the way the software works to prevent multiple voting."& I could not vote again. Hold on a minute whilst I go to the next door to vote from their PC :D :D It's a battlefield slanging match on the comments area between Motorhome Facts & Motorhome FunReading their voters comments, fact is neither can be much fun.Or are they both that desparate for Advertising revenue from the surveys sponsor >:-) >:-)
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Hi Flicka.  I did it on my own lap top which is the same one as I used when I first voted. I'm practically IT illiterate so I don't know the answer but will try again tomorrow. :-D


I've never been on the other forums but they don't like each other do they. What happens when there members meet up on a site.

From what I can figure out is that M/Fun broke away from M/Facts for whatever reason. Think I'll leave them to it but what a good opportunity to stir a bit of S*** :D 

Which I hastily add, I would never do.  :-D :-D


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nowtelse2do - 2011-02-14 10:32 PM>From what I can figure out is that M/Fun broke away from M/Facts for whatever reason. Think I'll leave them to it but what a good opportunity to stir a bit of S*** :D 

Which I hastily add, I would never do.  :-D :-D


Guess the split was a bit of a messy divorce with lots of bloody noses if their comments are anything to go by.
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johnnerontheroad - 2011-02-09 4:59 PM


you may wish to cast your vote http://www.caravanguard.co.uk/news/best-online-motorhome-communities-1399




The best thing to come out of this is the new found awareness of just how many forums - forii? - there are out there and available for us all to try!


As many of us already knew - biggest is by no means best!

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Tracker - 2011-02-14 8:36 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2011-02-13 5:54 PM

A significant number of this forum's registered users are the same people who have employed alternative user-names during the forum's lifespan. All of those user-names 'count' - even the users who have been banned from the forum years ago (eg. Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007, but continued to post under another (probably several) user-name(s)).


I'm not for a moment doubting you Derek - but it would be interesting to discover how you came know this to be the case please?


The obvious way, of course. I've used a number of user-names on this forum over time and even more on the MHF forum.


It must be tricky for people who regularly participate on multiple forums (It's "forums" or "fora", incidentally - both are correct English though the former is much more commonly used) deciding which to vote for. I chose Practical Motorhome as it didn't have many votes and I didn't want it to feel left out.

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