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March MMM in shops

mike 202

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Have seen march MMM in local shop Portchester (Hampshire) but my copy is nowhere to be seen. So much for getting it early so we can see the best offers first. Jan & Feb also late.

Is this going to be the norm. New editor please note, will you lose more memberships if this continues - See previous thread.



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Just bought mine at Morrisons this morning.


Unfortunately Significant Other was with me, so I was unable to hide it. :'( I managed to get a look as far as the first few letters, but she's snaffled it now.

However, I DID notice Daniel's first editorial, in which he acknowledged the distribution problems they'd had and stressed that he's determined to make sure that you subscribers get it before I do.

But for now .... NAAA NAAA NA-NA-NAAA! :D

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Hi, mine arrived this morning but the management has kept me too busy to look, going to open it tonight. We must be in a good area for post, mine has never been late and always surprises me when it comes, another month gone and still in England, we must get away soon, time passes far to quickly these days.



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Mine arrived on Saturday morning, whilst I was decorating upstairs..... unbeknown to me there is another avid reader of MMM in our house as well as my Husband and I...... the dog, who by the time I went down to make a cup of tea and spotted Postie had been had removed the plastic cover and was just starting on the magazine..... evidence hanging from his mouth ! Thankfully he didn't eat any of it and I have never known him eat MMM before... maybe he too was protesting due to its lateness ;-)
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Guest JudgeMental
Mel B - 2011-02-12 10:29 PM


Arrived today ... :-D


well I just trawelled around 4 shops in streatham high rd and crystal palace to no avail...not a copy anywhere *-)


only weally wanted to see if my ad for van went in OK :-S

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Guest JudgeMental
flicka - 2011-02-14 2:24 PM


Hi Eddie

Yeah, Ad for your Eura-Mobil is in.


Thanks Flicka...it was very odd, WH Smiths did not have one motorhome mag.....

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