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Raleigh EBike


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We use our bikes very much like Judge


"Our holidays are effectively cycling holidays now, e bikes have transformed them, we go out for the day shopping with 4 panniers and the camper hardly moves, visiting beaches, sightseeing in the area, visiting a market you cycle right in! no parking hassle and no cost.

In the evening ride out through olive groves to a lovely restaurant, relax and enjoy a meal with a beer and wine and not worry about getting knicked on the journey back...Priceless in our opinion. "



So... important, although expensive, we get the right ones. We are more interested in the pedal assist crank than the hub throttle type. We started off looking at the Raleigh Dover but as a result of this thread , having looked at Giant brand, Twist model,now favouring Kalkoff, looking at Agattu & Pro Connect models.

Will visit their showroom before buying on line. We found the www.50Cycles.com very useful. Thanks again Judge.

We also looked at the Wisper web site found stockists but couldn't find prices.

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Guest JudgeMental

Its a good idea to try both systems. crank drive (Panasonic - no throttle) and hub motor bikes with throttles. both have strengths and weaknesses.


while I dont use the throttle that much around where I live, or when out for an exercise run. they come in very handy on holiday when you have been out for along ride and are a bit knacked coming back or with heavy shopping load.....they give you a break


Onbike are a good retailer that stock both types



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Thank you Judge. Living in the sticks as I do the opportunities for trying bikes out locally are fairly limited. My original intention was to go to the Exeter show last weekend but the e bike firm was apparently banned from attending.


I'll follow the thread on the pedelec forum with interest.

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An excellent reply, thankyou, now looks like more of us will be reading this thread, it seems their are many considering e bikes, I for one am looking at a fold up as will mean don't need a rear bike rack with concerns over payload etc, can lock inside when away from motorhome, and carry it on trains etc within reason.Please folks update us all with your experiences, am sure many will be interested. Thank you
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Thanks Judge for the Onbike web site. Had a look at it looks pretty good also take up your point on not dismissing the hub/throttle electric bike.

I guess untill we have tried both types, being first time buyers, we won't know.

Hoping to call at 50Cycles at Loughborough today to look at the Kalkhoff.

Won't have lap top access for a few days now but will let you know how we get on.

Thanks again for your assistance on this thread.



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Guest JudgeMental

I may be after a kalkhoff myself for this year as well. I wanted a Swiss flyer which I tried at Dusseldorf show. They are the rolls royce of Panasonic bikes but the X series model I fell in love with is £5000! *-)


The Kalkhoff sahel or pro connect S are very nice but pricy as over £3000 as well........


50cc also sell the oxygen hub motor bikes (similar to wisper) probably worth a go seeing as you will be there

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Anyone considering an Electric Bike should have a good look at the info on



a real wealth of Info & Test Reports.


Another tip - find out what make the Electric motor is on any Bike you are considering - they all LOOK pretty much identical from the outside - but what's the quality & design of the actual components.


Suzhou Bafang Electric Motors seem very highly rated & they come from Singapore not China.

FREEGO Electric bikes ( http://www.freegoelectricbikes.com/ )

& CLAUD BUTLER Electric Bikes use them - I don't know which others though.

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Thanks for the web site on the bike reviews, very informative.

We were at 50Cycles at Loughboro & tested out the Kalkhoff Agattu 2010 models & think we will seriously consider the Agattu & Pro Connect disc 2011 models ie the crank concept to ensure we don't get lazy. Sue spent half her test in non electric mode & really only used the assist for the hills, I gave it a good try & used all 3 levels most of the time.

The new models for 2011 have the increased battery capacity up to 87 mls.

Thanks to Judge & all contributors to this thread. :-)

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