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French Aires, Autoroute push pins anyone need?


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I have modified a data set that gives all the French aires as of 2010 for Autoroute, which I have tested on Autoroute 2007. If anyone would like a copy of it email me. I cannot of course verify the accuracy of all the data, but from ones I have personally visited it appears correct, and far more than "all the aires" book.


I am also working on a data POI aires set for Tom Tom.


The Autoroute file is very easy to use and should work on other versions also, if you need help with it ask in your email. :-)

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Guest Tracker

It's best not to put your email address on the open forum as not all readers are honest and friendly!


Safer to use the pm facility.



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Sorry guys, due to a PM from another forum member I shall no longer respond to any requests for this file. It seems trying to help is not to everyone's taste, and I don't need the hassle of PMs of an aggressive manner, oh well. :'(


I will not identify the forum member but my reply to his message is reproduced below by way of explanation for withdrawing my file ( friendly forums eh )


I am absolutely mystified by your message, you say you did not circulate your file, but in the next breath ask me to confirm it's not related to your file. I have to say I find your attitude astonishing when all I was trying to do was to offer to help other forum members. To have the effrontery to ask where I got my data from is unbelievable and is none of your business. Further to imply anyone could apply for copy-write for a set of coordinates is absolute nonsense, and that's what you should have told whoever it was making threats to you. I am more than a little p*****d off with the content of your message, and posted that I will not offer to share any of my work in future, forum members loss, not mine.

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Guest Tracker

So sorry that you've had a bad experience Eric even more irritating I would imagine after all your hard work and kind offer to share it.



Most people on here are genuine and helpful so please don't be put off completely by one ar??h??e - I don't need the info - but I did appreciate your generous offer!

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Perhaps SOME forum users should have a sticky note on their keyboards to remind them of the spirit of these forums, as it say's ................................


Log on for friendly chat with hundreds of motorhome enthusiasts like yourself (lol)


And you cannot copyright coordinates, but who cares life's too short.

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Guest JudgeMental

Ekka a bit hyper sensitive aren't we? you give with one hand and taketh away with the other! just because ONE awkward to$$er upsets you. Get a grip? name and shame if need be, but continue with your original offer, that is is if you want to be taken seriously and treated like an adult.......


I have them for all of Europe already thanks.

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JudgeMental - 2011-02-14 7:58 PM


Ekka a bit hyper sensitive aren't we? you give with one hand and taketh away with the other! just because ONE awkward to$$er upsets you. Get a grip? name and shame if need be, but continue with your original offer, that is is if you want to be taken seriously and treated like an adult.......


I have them for all of Europe already thanks.


Glad your sorted that must bring a warm glow. Perhaps you want to share your files then see how hyper sensitive you are from abuse in a PM.


I have to say this could well be my swan song on these forums with your puerile comment, do I add you as an awkward to$$er as well then, treated like an adult indeed what a stupid post to make. And why would anyone want to open themselves to further bulls**t from anyone when my only intention was to help out other users. Sorry to all the genuinely nice forum users and their PMs of support, and hope they find the files useful.

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Guest JudgeMental

We have been here before with you creating high drama over nothing, Your like a spoilt child..... I suggest you move on as you are having such difficulty fitting in and acting like an adult


and yes I have offered files in the past and sent to others without throwing my rattle out of the pram thanks!


My offer is open again: the autoroute files for France/ Belgium/Germany and Italy plus POI fot all the same countries in CSV format (Garmin) converters are available for TT on line


Edit: Oh! temper temper! lol Doesn't take much for you to show your true colours...had you down as a wrong un from the start (along with tracker) I am seldom wrong.



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JudgeMental - 2011-02-14 9:31 PM


We have been here before with you creating high drama over nothing, Your like a spoilt child..... I suggest you move on as you are having such difficulty fitting in and acting like an adult


ha ha ha, your seldom wrong eh well lets prove the point for you,

I suggest you go screw yourself, or perhaps you do that anyway your so up your own arse, there that should get me banned out of here.

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Hello to all.


I have just responded to EKKa via pm regarding my original concerning the offer to publish aires list, and hope that Ekka now understands the reason for my original PM.


The problem stemmed from an alleged infringement of copyright on my part and resultant threat of possible action against me. I tried to alert EKKA as to the possibility that a certain book might also be inclined to object to EKKA's excellent efforts on the same grounds.


I am unable to elaborate on open forum, but wish ekka all success and hope the offer originally made can be continued successfully, without risking any threats of action


I am not the nasty baddie implied in other contributions, just someone who fell foul of an alleged copyright infringement. when trying to do a similar excercise. My post of an offer to supply a file was pulled a couple of months back because of the copyright problem



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ekka - 2011-02-14 9:34 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-02-14 9:31 PM


We have been here before with you creating high drama over nothing, Your like a spoilt child..... I suggest you move on as you are having such difficulty fitting in and acting like an adult


ha ha ha, your seldom wrong eh well lets prove the point for you,

I suggest you go screw yourself, or perhaps you do that anyway your so up your own arse, there that should get me banned out of here.


Now I have calmed down a bit and cannot find a way of deleting the post above I hope some will understand my anger at being told by someone who considers himself ( seldom wrong ) and had me down as a "wrong un" from the start ( along with his mate ) to act like an adult is both offensive and designed to provoke a response, sadly I rose to the bait. I should have resisted especially in view of the word "mental" in his I.D.

These forums should be about giving advise and help, not making unprovoked attacks on contributors, like I said life is too short for this nonsense.

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