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AXTEX LED TV L185DR/TR sound problem


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I've just bought this TV, but am very unimpressed by the sound quality. I've had other small portable TV's and so was not expecting anything approaching the quality of a large domestic set.


I've adjusted the Bass and Treble but cannot produce anything approaching a satisfactory sound. It is best described as what you would expect from a £30 set, not a £400 top of the range model.


On this thread www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=22112&start=1 several users say that the sound is good, but Patricia says she is disappointed with the sound.


So, is mine perhaps faulty, or do different users just have different expectations?


Any views from other owners would be very welcome.


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everhopeful - 2011-02-13 8:29 PM

I've adjusted the Bass and Treble but cannot produce anything approaching a satisfactory sound. It is best described as what you would expect from a £30 set, not a £400 top of the range model.



I'm pretty much of the same opinion as you as I find the sound quality very average. I've put it down to the fact that this is a very slim-line TV which inevitably compromises the quality of speakers that can be built in.


I'm very interested though in using the in-built FM transmitter to play the sound back through the vehicle radio. Haven't done this as yet as I'm in the process of dispensing with the current Fiat (20 minute) radio and installing another with additional speakers in the rear. Also adding a remote so I can control the radio from the rear lounge. Have you tried the FM transmitter in this way?



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Most small sets the sound is rubbish, on our Camos in the van it's awful but never use the sound on it, the sound is wired through to the head unit in the cab.


Don't bother going the FM transmitter route there will always be a station it conflicts with especially in France & Germany, better to wire it to your head unit.


Can't really blame Fiat for the 20min cut off just because the converter can not be bothered to wire the radio to the leisure battery.




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lennyhb - 2011-02-14 11:08 AM


Can't really blame Fiat for the 20min cut off just because the converter can not be bothered to wire the radio to the leisure battery.




Haven't blamed anybody for anything Lenny. Converter very happy to do what I wanted - just a question of doing it myself for cost.


Is the FM tranmitter conflict your own personal experience or speculation? Seemed sensible to try the feature rather than ignore it.



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everhopeful - 2011-02-13 8:29 PM


I've just bought this TV, but am very unimpressed by the sound quality. I've had other small portable TV's and so was not expecting anything approaching the quality of a large domestic set.


I've adjusted the Bass and Treble but cannot produce anything approaching a satisfactory sound. It is best described as what you would expect from a £30 set, not a £400 top of the range model.


On this thread www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=22112&start=1 several users say that the sound is good, but Patricia says she is disappointed with the sound.


So, is mine perhaps faulty, or do different users just have different expectations?


Any views from other owners would be very welcome.



I have had an Avtex TV for about three years now tho it is the older model and the sound is great I had a small problem "not with the sound" and I contacted Avtex direct and they were very good give them a call

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lennyhb - 2011-02-14 3:15 PM


FM transmitter comment is from experience, virtually unusable in France.



Lenny I thought I must respond as I've completed the installation of the new Sony radio and have tried the FM transmission facility on the Avtex TV. All I can say is that it works superbly. I've even tried switching the Avtex to another frequency for its tranmission, one which would definitely conflict with a stronger signal being received by the Sony radio and it simply disciminates between the stronger of the two signals and ignores the other. If you turn the TV off then the Sony radio simply reverts to the other signal. Turn the TV back on and it reverts back to the strong Avtex signal. There is no audible interference from the weaker signal


Obviously I haven't tried it in France which you suggest might be more problematic but it does lead you to think that a competent radio capable of discriminating between signal strengths may well be an essential partner for the Avtex TV.



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Thanks all for your replies.

The use of the FM transmitter is not for me for many reasons, which is a shame because it would probably mostly solve the problem.


As suggested I've contacted Avtex, and they have been very helpful. They say that given the limitations of a very slim case there is no known sound problem with this model, and that the speakers, although in a very small enclosure, are actually very good quality expensive units.


They have very generously agreed to assess the problem for me and my set is on the way to them. Excellent support, and I'm now hoping there is a real fault, in which case they will send me a new replacement.


If it's not faulty and the sound is just very poor by design, then sadly I'll have to return the TV because I just can't listen to it for more than a few minutes. Shame because in every other respect It's excellent and just what I want.

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everhopeful - 2011-02-15 5:04 PM


Thanks all for your replies.

The use of the FM transmitter is not for me for many reasons, which is a shame because it would probably mostly solve the problem.


As suggested I've contacted Avtex, and they have been very helpful. They say that given the limitations of a very slim case there is no known sound problem with this model, and that the speakers, although in a very small enclosure, are actually very good quality expensive units.


This is what I thought but I would still be very interested in the response you get from Avtex regarding your TV. Comparing what I can now get via the FM transmitter to my MH radio the sound from the Avtex I would regard as poor.



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We have the Avtex W153D (2009 model) & sound is very good & comparable to the house set.

But this model has been discontinued & replaced by the W163DR.

All the Avtex new larger models appear to be the "ultra slimline" or "slimline".


As we want to upgrade house TV set to HD, I have been checking the web.

All the reviews of the different format sets indicate that the "Slim" models all suffer from inferior sound, due to the depth of Speakers they can accomodate.

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Why is everything getting so flipping complicated?

Our 'van's previous owner went to the trouble of providing new 240v. sockets, mounting bracket, new digital aerial etc., so I was thinking of getting an Avtex to make use of the facilities.

However, sound quality would be fairly important to me, as I'd probably listen to the digital radio stations as much as watch the news etc.

I'd hope for good sound from the set itself.

All this stuff about Fm transmitters sending signals to the 'vans radio (if I've understood this correctly) seems a bit daft, especially as our standard radio is pretty poor.

At the recent Cardiff show, there was a guy trying to sell me a bit of kit that sent signals wirelessly from a MP3 player to the 'van radio.

He was a bit miffed when I told him what my radio set was and the fact that I don't own an MP3!

Also, what would be the point of using the 'van set which would only flatten the battery after all?

Think I'll take the wind-up gramophone with us next time. *-)


Sorry for rambling somewhat. :$

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nuevoboy - 2011-02-16 5:18 PM

All this stuff about Fm transmitters sending signals to the 'vans radio (if I've understood this correctly) seems a bit daft, especially as our standard radio is pretty poor.



People have paid a premium price for a whole range of facilities with the Avtex L185. If these facilities are useful but ignored then it results in a poor investment. There will be people who will find the transmission facility very useful and those who will not. It is simplicity itself to direct TV, DVD and USB sound output to your quality radio and its four speakers if you have one rather than the less than perfect output of the Avtex itself. Sound quality is important to a lot of people - witness the original poster of this thread. Granted you have to watch the "amps" but don't we all do that?



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Yes, I did say that I was disappointed with the sound but I had tried it out in a fair sized room. Now installed in the motorhome I am happy with the result. However, I did contact Avtex who had been most helpful with earlier queries but on this point they just advised me to buy some speakers! I haven't done this yet but I have tried out the FM capabilities and it works well. I would probably only bother though if I was listening to the Proms or similar, particularly if I was not on mains electric (the engine battery is kept charged). The picture is very good and I like the possiblilty of connecting the computer to it too.

I would still be interested to know how your test goes.

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Avtex have now assessed my tv and disappointingly have found no fault. The sound is therefore very poor by design. Others have complained, but obviously not enough for it to be considered a fault. It seems that Avtex have sacrificed sound quality for style.


Everyone's expectation / tolerance / hearing will be different, and I guess most owners must just find the sound acceptable, or perhaps they use the FM transmitter or speakers.


The FM transmitter does work well, but you need the radio and speakers to be in the right place, and with a remote control. The Avetex remote doesn't control the FM transmitter volume. The power saving of the new model is negated as well because the radio has to run as well.


Mains powered speakers plugged into the headphone socket are an option, and the Avtex volume does control the headphone output. It sounds good, but is messy and hardly an easy portable setup.


I'm stilll racking my brain cell hoping to find a solution because apart from the sound this TV is superb.


Also superb is the Axtex service. You can ring them on a direct line and speak with helpful and knowlegeable engineers. The level of service leans me heavily towards wanting an Avtex product, I'm just unsure if it's going to be this one!

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The sound problem is not just an Avtex problem.

As many manufacturers are now producing the "Slimline" or "Ultra Slimline" models, the reviews on the web all indicate that the depth of the Speakers they can build in, is what produces the inferior sound, when compared to the other formats. (irrespective of whether they are Plasma, LCD or LED.)






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I can understand and accept that a domestic TV can have poor sound at the expense of style. It is very easy and popular to use an amp and many speakers to produce surround sound etc, which is an additional facility.


But, in a mobile environment extra speakers etc are just a pain. I doubt if anyone wants 5.1 home cinema in a Motorhome (I'll bet I'm wrong), and so additional speakers are ONLY needed to compensate for poor design. Camping in its many forms is all about practicality rather than style, so I'd gladly sacrifice some style for a TV that works properly and can be moved around easily to use in different locations.


The important word is PORTABLE. My TV is not very portable if it's tethered to mains speakers, or I've got to listen to it through a radio.

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Sales 08448 80 60 60

Fax 08448 80 61 11

Service 08448 80 61 61


Email info@avtex.co.uk


try emailing them . I had a reply within the hour this morning.


Not very helpful for me to give other advice as I am not aware of what to do sorry

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everhopeful - 2011-02-18 7:39 PM


But, in a mobile environment extra speakers etc are just a pain. I doubt if anyone wants 5.1 home cinema in a Motorhome (I'll bet I'm wrong), and so additional speakers are ONLY needed to compensate for poor design.


.....oh, if someone fits it, then someone will want it - and the market has decided. Coming to you from Hobby, the "hobby raumklang-system", with a fully fitted 5.1 system in your motorhome, with ceiling speakers all round. 8-)


See here for the brief overview:




.....now that's one option I wouldn't want fitting to mine :-S


(though I did consider posting on the "Mad or Mean" thread currently running, to say I'd had it fitted, just for any reaction >:-) )

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chris - 2011-02-18 8:19 PM


Sales 08448 80 60 60

Fax 08448 80 61 11

Service 08448 80 61 61


Email info@avtex.co.uk


try emailing them . I had a reply within the hour this morning.


Not very helpful for me to give other advice as I am not aware of what to do sorry


Yes, thank you for the suggestion, but that is how I obtained the number from them but it does not work. As you say they are indeed very helpful. They did wonder if their number would work though, so suggested contacting Sky, which I cannot do from France for obvious reasons. Will have to wait until I get back to the UK, which will be some time yet, if no-one can help.

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everhopeful - 2011-02-18 7:39 PM


The important word is PORTABLE. My TV is not very portable if it's tethered to mains speakers, or I've got to listen to it through a radio.


I may have missed something here but I assume we're talking about the use of your Avtex L185 in your motorhome and the poor sound quality in that environment. Granted mains speakers are a non starter but listening to it through your motorhome radio with its superior output seems viable to me. Only you will know if the output through your radio is superior. There's no extra equipment as I think just about all of us have an in-car radio system fitted. We are already carrying round with us the necessary hardware whether we like it or not. There's no physical connection necessary to the van radio just have one of its preset buttons tuned to the Avtex. The portability of your Avtex remains intact.


I will only play it through the van radio when I want to watch something of a longer duration. A quick watch of the news and I'm happy with the Avtex sound output. If your van radio works with a remote then it can all be done from the armchair. I would put money on it that Avtex included the FM transmission facility because they recognise that the sound output from the TV alone will not be to everyones liking.



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grahamw - 2011-02-19 7:29 AM


everhopeful - 2011-02-18 7:39 PM


The important word is PORTABLE. My TV is not very portable if it's tethered to mains speakers, or I've got to listen to it through a radio.


I may have missed something here but I assume we're talking about the use of your Avtex L185 in your motorhome and the poor sound quality in that environment. Granted mains speakers are a non starter but listening to it through your motorhome radio with its superior output seems viable to me. Only you will know if the output through your radio is superior. There's no extra equipment as I think just about all of us have an in-car radio system fitted. We are already carrying round with us the necessary hardware whether we like it or not. There's no physical connection necessary to the van radio just have one of its preset buttons tuned to the Avtex. The portability of your Avtex remains intact.


I will only play it through the van radio when I want to watch something of a longer duration. A quick watch of the news and I'm happy with the Avtex sound output. If your van radio works with a remote then it can all be done from the armchair. I would put money on it that Avtex included the FM transmission facility because they recognise that the sound output from the TV alone will not be to everyones liking.




I'm sure you're right that that is why the FM transmitter is included in the first place. But it's not for me. The radio is in the front of the van with all the speakers and the TV and us are at the very back. The stupid radio only stays on for 20 mins so would need replacing with an aftermarket job. Don't have a remote with the radio and so would constantly have to walk to the front of the van to twiddle with the volume.


So, yes it is good quality through the van radio and it may be ok for some, but for me it's a non-starter without a lot of faffing about.

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