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Wine to water lot is dry.

Alf Stonehouse

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I washed my hair in Volvic water,E.Leclerc in a town near Cahors had “round prices”That is,a tin of green beans costing 80cents now costs only 1€ or 100grs of ham 2€ instead of 14€kg.


The new 3 liter packs have three bottles instead of the 1 1/2L x 6 bottles & for my camper a good idea but not when they cost 33cents/liter.The Volvic 3L & 8L bottles were included the three litre rounded down to 2€ for 9 litres.I bought enough to do a small wash & my hair while i sort a source of water


Id tried Alvignac;Martel,Mauroux & many many others listed as “permanent” & not “closed when cold” as some are.None had water anywhere,i tried garages grave yards and flower shops.Becoming desperate i took the road west towards Fumel as i have friends about 60kms from Cahors,i called them there should be water.There wasn't??The house closed no doubt the agent that looks after the property had shut it off.


I “knew”someone in the town with a shop she had water but only from a tap in the bathroom for which my 5 litre bottle was to large.Later we went to a wine coop,it had to close,new EU rules, there was to be a closing party,tents had been set up on the river bank & a few other campers were there when we arrived.Ann went to ask about water


I don't know how the French can drink so much?Many glasses Richard with very little water were drunk then whisky,vodka, brandy, port while i drank a glass of good wine & watched while the traditional sausages,chicken & pork chops were burnt on a huge BBQ


I was asked what i thought of the wine,it was very good,they asked if i would like to take some with me?I bought Two boxes for 20€they asked if i had something to put wine in as the wine tank had to be emptied it was free,every one had brought containers with them i said i hadn't.There were about 30 people.


Next morning the woman had tided up made coffee & bread it had been a wonderful evening even for the woman that had told her husband that he had drunk to much the second time she poured his pastis away,even before she had put the glass down her husband had poured a bottle of ice water over her “to cool her down”she objected to him refilling his glass for the third time with which he & another man picked her up and put her in the river,when she got out and changed(they had come with a camper)the party went on & she said no more about her husbands drinking,all was well.I tried to imagine an English man doing that----


Absolutely desperate for water i returned to the wonderful Correz dept 19 where water can be found everywhere,i did make one last deviation but no water Having driven so far i chose an aire with very good water,Sadroc it was running!I could wash i opened my tank to find it was full of red wine!100 liters


I filled all my empty bottles with water


Life in France during the winter months is quite surprising



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