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Full timing....do we need to push that little button?


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Guest Peter James
malc d - 2011-02-19 3:28 PM


As you think that paying the licence fee to the BBC is a racket, how would you fund the BBC ?

Would you be happy to see commercial breaks on BBC channels ?





I think whatever funding you use it does need the public to get involved more. The problem is similar to local councils where so few people bother with local politics it has degenerated into the current state where town hall fat cats on £500k salaries are cutting services and increasing charges.

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malc d - 2011-02-19 3:28 PM


How Much??????? - 2011-02-17 7:29 PM


Dixie - 2011-02-17 5:44 PM


Daves - 2011-02-16 6:35 PM

......Do we need to push that little button to buy our TV licence??.....

Dave S


Depends whether you mean:

a) Am I required to, or

b) Will I get away with it if I don't.


Answer to both is certainly "Yes", but if you choose option b) you effectively put yourself in the same category as the scrote who would willingly lift your wallet with 145 quid in it!

Whether you like what the BBC transmit is irrelevant. If you want to watch TV in the UK you need a licence.



Cant see the similarity myself. Its ok saying you need a licence to watch ANY tv, but the money is going solely to ONE tv 'company' ie the BBC. So yes, its a 'telly tax' by any other name.

Its the same as if all your road tax went directly To Ford or BMW irrespective of the car you drove. Its a racket, pure and simple.



As you think that paying the licence fee to the BBC is a racket, how would you fund the BBC ?

Would you be happy to see commercial breaks on BBC channels ?




You are giving the distinct impression that there really is no other way the BBC should be 'funded', so the status quo has to remain. I see 'commercial breaks' on every other channel i watch, so one more isnt going to change my life. And the hallowed BEEB is beyond 'advertising' as such, albeit for its own forthcoming stuff, between programmes - which holds up the next programmed im waiting to watch, so may as well be advertising heinz beans instead.

If the BBC wants 'funding', it should either go subscription or commercial, NOT expect everyone who owns a telly to pay its fat, arrogant way. Its the broadcasting version of a dole-scrounger IMO!

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The BBC is already full of adverts advertising BBC bilge... I would be very surprised if the agency to whom the BBC contract to collect the fee actually have any detection equipment, even if it were technically possible in the first place - A well funded myth I suspect.


If I were some wastrel minister in charge of televisions or whatever, I would flog the BBC off to the highest bidder and send all the shareholders (licence holders) a cheque


Personally, I wouldn't get too excited by it if I were full timing but then again, I wouldn't advertise the fact on an open forum either :-D :-D

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A few years ago the BBC's contracted agents for TV Licence collection made the mistake of sending me whinging junk mail despite my being fully licenced. I fired off Freedom of Information Requests along the lines of requiring them to demonstrate how they had inequality-proofed their enforcement system's sole reliance on hectoring the occupants of any fixed address which their data trawls correctly or incorrectly found not to match a licence number to assess whether it a) would not be likely to skew enforcement unfairly towards and therefore discriminate against, those racial and ethnic groups which traditionally and culturally maintained fixed addresses in the UK and b) would be likely to skew enforcement unfairly away from and discriminate in favour of, those racial and ethnic groups which habitually and culturally did not have a fixed address.


Initially this was great fun and I basked in a warm glow as I felt mewing of cats and squawking of pigeons had ensued. Eventually the correspondence was referred to a BBC staffer clearly skilled in stone-walling and PR who insisted on moving the issue to a "traveller thing" (my point was most definitely not that, simply a principle of fair treatment in the sytem for all) and issued plattitudes saying that in her experience almost all travellers in the UK lived on fixed sites and she had no doubt that they all dutifully paid their TV licence like every one else.


So I was left with the overiding impression that if I stay in one place and have a postal adress I pay or else, if I move about a lot, well the system did not seem to cover that eventuality so I would have to simply follow my innate sense of civic duty, upright, pillar of the community honesty and volunteer to pay up, somehow, somewhere, each year.





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