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Portugal:exclusive electronic tolls


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It was noted in the Caravan Club mag recently that some of the previously free motorways now have electronic toll systems and no pay booths.>:-)

If you go to http://www.heyportugal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=309:tolls-on-scut-motorways-in-portugal&catid=47:travel&Itemid=130

there is a very good write up, in English, as to what it is all about.

There are maps available through another link on that site. Mostly they affect the motorways around Porto, at present. However on April 15th the Algarve motorway is also to have electronic tolls only.

It sounds like a good idea to avoid them, as the purchase of the necessary electronic device sounds fairly tedious, if not expensive.

It would appear that if you inadvertently stray onto one of these motorways you can pay within 5 days at a post office.

As we are off to Spain and Portugal in late March (lol) it would be helpful to hear of anyone who has experienced the new system.


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We have just returned from the Algarve and all along N125 there are posters up protesting against the Tolls on the A22 so don't know if these will have any effect or not. You can get on the N125 at Castro Marim (Eastern Algarve) and go straight to the western Algarve but it is a lot longer in mileage than using the A22 so it depends on what they intend to charge. The N125 is very rough in places, especially near Monte Gordo.
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