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Gaslow alive and well, but that Ekka is a T***


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Guest Tracker

Don't be so daft Eric - it was a worthy topic and a good thread and we all learnt something from it.


I get more flak than most but it's water off a duck's back as far as I am concerned 'cos life's too short to get upset by pillocks and bullies!


Nil carborundum illigitemi!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2011-02-20 9:39 PM


Nil carborundum illigitemi!


Not more bleedin latin Rich!............ Its bad enough with Brian, Clive and Robin at it!


Whats that mean?........................... No lead in my pencil (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Robinhood - 2011-02-20 9:15 PM By all means go if you must, but personally, I think you should grow a slightly thicker skin and consider still hanging around. You get all sorts of opinions posted on any forum. Personally, I put it down to Care in the Community. 8-)

Eric, I think robinhood's post says it all. In the end it showed that your thread was a justified one.


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Robinhood - 2011-02-20 10:19 PM


pelmetman - 2011-02-20 10:02 PM



Not more bleedin latin Rich!............ Its bad enough with Brian, Clive and Robin at it!



Vah! Denuone latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur.





ah i know that, translation for Dave

Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out ;-)




ps, likes been said eric, thicker skin is needed *-)

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You are over reacting a bit Eric, we have all shot ourselves in the foot occasionally & been shouted down. I often post something then a bit later after it's too to edit I think "Oh Sh** I shouldn't have said that".


Eddie (Judgemental) was well out off order on your last thread, usually his contributions are useful apart when he is having a go at Rich (Tracker) don't let it get you down.



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Don't leave the forum just because some people have a go behind the anonymity of the system. It's good to have varied and diverse opinions. Just put the personal attacks down for what they are. Useless and time wasting, sticks and stones and all that. ;-)
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Guest JudgeMental
lennyhb - 2011-02-21 11:18 AM


You are over reacting a bit Eric, we have all shot ourselves in the foot occasionally & been shouted down. I often post something then a bit later after it's too to edit I think "Oh Sh** I shouldn't have said that".


Eddie (Judgemental) was well out off order on your last thread, usually his contributions are useful apart when he is having a go at Rich (Tracker) don't let it get you down.



If tracker would get of my case and stop stalking me? making of topic remarks EVERY TIME I say something all would be well...I have had enough. lots just see my outbursts but have no idea of the endless provocation that cause them *-)

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JudgeMental - 2011-02-21 12:37 PM


lennyhb - 2011-02-21 11:18 AM


You are over reacting a bit Eric, we have all shot ourselves in the foot occasionally & been shouted down. I often post something then a bit later after it's too to edit I think "Oh Sh** I shouldn't have said that".


Eddie (Judgemental) was well out off order on your last thread, usually his contributions are useful apart when he is having a go at Rich (Tracker) don't let it get you down.



If tracker would get of my case and stop stalking me? making of topic remarks EVERY TIME I say something all would be well...I have had enough. lots just see my outbursts but have no idea of the endless provocation that cause them *-)

Where and how does this 'endless provokation' take place? If it were in 'open' thread then we would all be able to see it and possibly understand your reaction.

If it is happening 'behind the scenes' via PMs and the like then you need to address this but not in open thread as it 'appears' one sided.



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Some very sensitive souls on here. If Ekka feels someone has had a go at him he must have led a very sheltered life. It would seem to me that a few have disagreed, so what, that is what forums are all about. Rich and Eddie have at 'pop' at each other, that is up to them, why get involved. If some one wants to leave the forum, so what, up to them. Cannot see why they have to annouce it and fail to see why others try to persuade them otherwise.
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Guest Tracker
bolero boy - 2011-02-21 3:20 PM


If it is happening 'behind the scenes' via PMs and the like then you need to address this but not in open thread as it 'appears' one sided.




There have been no PMs between Eddie and I - what you see on the open forum is as it is in all it's glory!

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2011-02-21 4:42 PM


bolero boy - 2011-02-21 3:20 PM


If it is happening 'behind the scenes' via PMs and the like then you need to address this but not in open thread as it 'appears' one sided.




There have been no PMs between Eddie and I - what you see on the open forum is as it is in all it's glory!


Really? so tracker does not go around talking about other members via PM inciting trouble? I have asked him clearly to stop responding to me and keep his distance but he cant leave me alone. If he can stop commenting on everything I say with his nauseating pious attitude? all will be fine



I received this yesterday from a former member who no longer posts and the has said I can publish his thoughts...Just to show its not only me who sees him for what he is




You'll no doubt be pleased to hear that I've no intention of returning to this forum but I pop in now and again for a bit of amusement.


I share your view of Tracker. I am an argumentative bugger but he is sly and insidious and his latest 'humbler than thou' persona has me reaching for the sick bag.


Anyway, I'm writing to give you some info. Tracker wasn't nearly banned, he was banned. He was originally something else (it may have been his real name, but I can't remember) but Tracker is his second name on this forum and he was definitely banned years ago.


I hope this helps you in your battle with the nastiest man ever to inhabit any forum anywhere!


Gypsy Tom


end quote:


so can this be the end to it? I very much doubt it......He started this by pulling me up all the time? I neither read his contributions or his threads can he not do likewise?

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Guest Tracker

OK then lets just put the record straight shall we.


I well remember Gypsy Tom as he was not a very nice person and he upset a lot of people some of whom left this forum. When he left nobody missed him and nobody ever asked why he left?


I have nothing to hide, I don't do anything behind anyone's back, and I certainly don't send 'discrete' pms slagging other people off and stirring up old history.


Gypsy Tom - I don't know if he was banned or not and neither do I care - but raking up old history smacks of a desperation to be nasty again but having nothing new to say?


My original name on here was Starspirit and I was banned at the same time as one Frank Wilkinson a few years back because of the clash of personalities that we had at the time and the vitriolic verbal battles.


The moderators advised me at the time that I was welcome to return under a new name but they had to ban Starspirit to be seen to be even handed.


After Frank was banned some members started really slagging him off on open forum - they would never have had the balls to do that when he was around to reply of course - and I found myself defending him because he was unable to defend himself and I do hate bully boy tactics and unsolicited nastiness.


This led to some off forum email contact between Frank and myself and whilst we certainly did not become friends a much better understanding of each other was achieved.


I understand that Frank Wilkinson is alive and well and I invite him to comment on the foregoing should he feel so inclined.


Gypsy Tom I hope never to hear from again!


I don't think they are the same person as GT does not have FW's word power!


Anyone else want to add to this?


Just a quick reminder Eddie that you, not I, have chosen to extend this war on me with GTs help at a point where I was quite happy to let it rest.


Another quick reminder as I don't know how many times I need to say it but - stop bullying other members when you disagree with their postings and stop the continual slagging off and rudeness to me I won't need to ask you not to be so rude.


Is that asking too much?


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Guest JudgeMental

No you started this by sticking your nose in and commenting on all my contributions over here in a negative manner.. I normally ignore you completely, which is easy because you hardly ever appear over here? As you have hardly anything useful to contribute, your much happier talking rubbish over on chatterbox. but you are now incessantly spouting of topic rubbish over here!



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I would very much dislike any members of the Forum to banned unless of course they were going over the top with their posts. Sadly, one or both you may very well end up going to the Mods knackers yard.


Richard, Eddie, if I may be so bold as to say you're both gentlemen of a certain vintage - can your last posts be THE last posts on this subject?


Regardless of the who's said this and the who's done that etc etc. In the interests of the whole Forum and yourselves of course, can it end here please?


I'm sure that if this receives a positive response from you both you can call it a day.


The Sage Of The North (Not :D )



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Guest Tracker

For heavens sake man get things in persective and think before you spout rubbish!


I really don't know what your problem is because clearly I do not comment on every post you make on most topics - and as I have repeatedly said you do have a lot of useful knowledge that is worth reading.


However I will respond every time you repeatedly spout the same old paranoid ramblings and I will comment whenever you insult some other poor soul who happens to post something you don't like rather than reply sensibly with your own point of view.


So if you want it to stop - it's easy - stop the continual bitching!




PS Sorry Martyn - this posted after your last one.

I quite agree - I've had more than enough of Eddie's nastiness of late but I do still respect his right to contribute to the forum

I had rather hoped that after his last try at raking up history and getting Gypsy Tom's nastiness involved that it would end.

We shall see.

I won't respond to any more of the same old so unless he comes up with something new and nasty that deserves a response this is THE END.



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Guest JudgeMental

he cant help himself Martyn? I have been asking the same for days and he keeps on and on...just loves the sound of his own empty voice. I will comply


BUT! he has admitted above that he will continues to criticise my postings rather then keep his mouth shut and mind his own business. who does he think he is! commenting on my presence and my style of posting. My opinion is my opinion.


He got out of his pram because I had the audacity to suggest in a non aggressive manner IMO, that the gaslow thread was hysterical...have I been proved right? I think so, and that thread has now been pulled...



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Err, last words on the matter....?




It is interesting having a little "spice" now and then ......But it can get a little over done gents so I am pleased that you both have said that it is over and done.



N...o....w Any chance of getting this thread "pulled" Mod?


IMO It is now serving no interest at all.


Damn typo's again



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