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Insurance Incidents/Claims


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Some drivers out there might be fully aware of the following, but I would just like to spread the word to those who didnt know........


My son added me as a “named driver” on his car insurance and on contacting them they told him they had to load his policy because I (that’s me) had made a claim on my own motorhome insurance back in 2009. This I disputed, as I had never made any claims in my life on any motor insurance. I duly contacted my insurer regarding this “so called claim” and they informed me that back in 2009 I had called them to enquire about making a possible claim regarding a broken headlight on my motorhome. They advised me that if I made a claim it would cost me the £200.00 excess, I told them to hold fire and I would get back to them. As I was at the motorhome dealers at that time discussing the subject of the broken headlight, it transpired that my broken headlight was going to be replaced under warranty because the headlight had a design fault and the cause was due to a stress fracture.

With this good news I called my insurer back to tell them all was okay and I would not require their assistance, they in turn advised me, no claim was made, no money was paid by them, and not to worry it would not affect my no claims etc., nor future insurance premiums.

My insurer in their wisdom logged on the Motor Insurance database (QUE), my call as an “Incident, no claim paid”

With my son’s insurance, they claim they see me on the QUE database as an “Incident” and any “Incident’s” are therefore loaded whether an actual claim was paid out or not.

They drew my attention to the wording on their Proposal form which is as follows.

“Have you or any driver had any accidents. Incidents, thefts or losses, or made any claims (Fault or Non Fault) during the past 3 years other than those listed”

Still not happy with the above, I then got both Insurers’ to speak to each other regarding this issue. Initially neither would back down. My insurer say as it’s on the database it cannot be taken off even though it is a non-payment incident. My sons insurer say, because it is on the database, the policy will be loaded.

I then took the matter further up the chain with my insurer and after some lengthy discussions over a few days, it now transpires that they can delete the entry on the QUE database system, and this has now been done.

Back to my son’s insurer, more lengthy discussions, they now claim that despite this “incident” being taken off the QUE database they now need me to obtain a letter from my insurer to this affect and forward to them a copy of the said letter confirming the “incident” being deleted. When this is received they will consider a refund of the loaded premium. This I have done and my son’s insurer has refunded the loaded amount.

You may ask. Did this “incident” affect my own premium with my motorhome insurance? No, it didn’t as I have checked, luckily my insurer doesn’t charge for no claim incidents.

However, if I went to another insurer, it possibly could have without me knowing, if this problem had not come to light.

The moral of the story is..... If you have cause to contact your Insurance Company, if it’s only an enquiry and no claim arises, make sure they don’t log this as an “Incident” on the database.




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