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Efoy & insurance


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Just returned from the NEC show and following a conversation with Caravan Guard I find I am unable to insure my Autotrail Mohican with an Efoy Fuelcell installed.Also following a conversation with Eddie of Van Bitz he advises it is very difficult to find vehicle insurance with one of these units installed.I have now removed the Efoy from my vehicle to be safe but I am hoping to find a new insurer.

As I am aware others on the forum have these units in use can anyone advise where I can obtain cover.

Hoping I have not spent a considerable sum for nothing,especially as the Efoy works well. :'(

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Thats odd. I contacted several insurance companies and underwriters and the general opinion was that until there are some claims where the Efoy was the cause or exaserbated the problem then companies would not require any increase in premiums. Lets face it a 5 litre can of Methanol contains less energy than a 5 litre can of petrol, and many of us carry this for the genny.

Eddie was the first in the UK to showcase the Mk 1 Efoy, then became disenchanted and argued against them. Now after a period of reflection Eddie sells them. Funny Lad!


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Thanks Clive


Caravan Guard phoned the underwriters from the NEC,the reply came back advising they would not cover my vehicle with the Efoy installed.I was advised to find another Insurer even though I have been a loyal customer for ten years. Seems strange but I now intend searching for a replacement insurer.

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Its important the way you put the question.

You must NOT put it as if its something new or unusual, after all some 20,000 Efoys have been sold and most to the motorhome market. Not a single reported "claim" as yet attributed to them. (other than perhaps theft) Don,t advertise that you have one on the van with a posh sticker!


Its realistic to compare it to a generator, but it does not have a hot exhaust so is less likely to cause any problems. The wiring supplied with it is festooned with fuses to protect against electrical problems.


Like petrol you should not carry more than one full 5 litre can of fuel in the vehicle. The calorific value of Methanol is less than petrol. The container is TUV approved and won,t spill even if up-ended with the cap off.


Show your prospective insurer some publicity bumf when you pose the question, perhaps print off my download of previous articles.


Good luck


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pleased to announce that we have now clarified this matter further with our underwriter RSA , who have confirmed we can cover Efoy Fuel Cells provided they are accounted for in your total insured value.


I hope that this comes as good news for any motorhomers who have an fuel cell installed or who are looking to get one.


Just to be clear:

We can accept customers with fuel cells fitted under normal terms. The only thing that you need to remember is to tell us you have one fitted and account for the value of the fuel cell in your total insured value. So if your motorhome is worth £30,000, and your fuel cell worth £1800 then your insurance premium will be calculated on the total 'insured value' of £31,800.


Remember also to add any other extra items of fixed equipment which you may have had permanently installed to your motorhome such as audio video equipment or security devices to your total insured value. Of course non fixed equipment such as utensils, awnings and accessories, audio or video equipment, television and radio equipment and navigation equipment which are not permanently fitted to your motorhome are automatically covered by our policy, at no extra cost, up to a value of £500 per single item and up to a total combined value of £3000.


If anyone has any further questions then please email info@caravanguard.co.uk or call 01422 396 777 and speak to one of our friendly insurance advisers.


Many Thanks

Neil Walker

Caravan Guard


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We have an efoy and our insurance is re-newed automatically, admittedly we have not read the small print, but do they actually ask if you have an efoy? It is not an alteration to the engine or anything like an update, it is no different to changing to gaslow so I don't see why they could refuse to insure you unless they specifically ask. We are insured with caravanguard.


Toff and Maria :-S

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The answer is that it is for you to tell, not for them to ask.  The e-foy is a fixture, not portable equipment, and IMO fitting one would constitute an alteration to the standard specification.  This is not a road risk, but a potential alteration to the fire or theft risks, that the insurer must be allowed to assess.
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The Efoy unit is held in its tray by one buckle strap. Two electrical plugs and one small push on plastic pipe make all connections. Some may have the warm air vented, many don,t. It depends on the application. I guess it could be argued either way that its a fixed instalation. It takes seconds to remove ours and take it into the house during winter when the van is not in use.


Thank you Caravan Guard for your clarification.




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Just returned from a trip in Europe and pleased to see Caravan Guard have responded .

The Staff at Caravan Guard have again proved they attempt to satisfy their customers and I thank them for the assistance they have given me. Pleased to say I have now renewed my insurance with them.

Although others do not advise insurers about installed equipment I considered it to be important in the case of the Efoy.

Regards to all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Further to the discussion regarding Efoy Fuel Cells I just wanted to clarify the insurance cover for the carrying of spare methanol fuel.


We have confirmed with the underwriter that "The methanol would be covered as long as it is stored in a safe manner, as per the manufacturers guide lines."


Hopefully we have now provided all the clarification needed regarding Efoy Fuel Cells but if anyone does have any questions then please either respond here or email us at info@caravanguard.co.uk


Thanks to everyone for their input on this matter, your feedback is invaluable in trying to improve the cover and service we offer.




Caravan Guard

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