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Speed limits in Spain to be reduced

John J Thompson

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Guest Peter James
I wonder how that will work. I have just come back from Spain where I slowed down to 50k/h in the 50k/h limits and was tailgated by aggressive drivers making rude gestures when they overtook 8-)
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Peter James - 2011-03-01 8:27 AM


I wonder how that will work. I have just come back from Spain where I slowed down to 50k/h in the 50k/h limits and was tailgated by aggressive drivers making rude gestures when they overtook 8-)






Please, continue to slow down to below 50 in a 50 limit, 'cos:



a. It ain't the tailgaters who'll fine you 100 euros or more for even marginally exceeding that limit, it's the Police. And they do have mobile radar guns here now


b. If a child runs out into the road, there's a reasonable chance that you won't have to live the rest of your life knowing that you killed another human being because you couldn't be bothered to slow down and give them a chance to survive.




Just a thought................




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