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Ereader, or Kindle, anyone got one

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Thanks Dixie for the explanation, now I get it.


Thanks also to all the other forum members, I've just placed my order with Amazon.

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1footinthegrave - 2011-03-01 9:14 PM


Despite reading and re-reading Amazons site I still don't get the advantage of the Wi-Fi version apart from downloading books via Wi-Fi, I can do that on my PC at home I guess, or am I missing something else...................HELP. *-)


You are quite right, you can use your PC 'At Home' but the advantage is that you don't have to. The other advantage is that when you are not at home you can use the 3G on your Kindle to upload new books as you require them. Alternatively, you may be on holiday and looking through bookshops e.g. WH Smith, Waterstones etc and see a book you like. Instead of paying 'their' prices you can go straight on to the Amazon Kindle store to see if they have it, if they do, and generally at much lower prices, you can download it straight away and put it in your library to read later on.


As i do not have a kindle (It is my OH who has one) I can argue both cases but I cannot get around the saving of space advantage that Kindle offers. More cupboard space for my bags of Jelly babies, Midget Gems, Maltesers :$

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Another one for the Kindle :-D


Hubby bought me one for my birthday in January and I absolutely love it. There are lots of 'free' books that Amazon keep releasing and I now have hundreds of books on my Kindle and I've only spent £17 of my birthday money (lol)


I decided not to bother with the wifi one as we have wifi in the house and I will make sure that I have plenty of books on it before we set off in the mh. All the books I already have on it will keep me reading for months and months.


Can't wait to go on our hols in the mh and instead of my usual 12 or 15 books for 2 weeks (yes I am an avid reader lol) I will gracefully carry my Kindle in, oh and also of course that leaves a little more room for clothes but don't tell the hubby !






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I purchased a kindle last year, it had to go back as it was faulty, but no issue, replaced no problem. I love it - it's small and easy to use, take it anywhere. There has been quite a long thread about kindle before if you look back which might be useful. Still read the occasional real book but Kindle and Amazon are growing all the time and all the new books are released quickly. The download without the need to be plugged into computer is really useful, use it all the time. Charge wise, lasts for ages.

All in all really delighted with it.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Too late, I ordered the Kindle at 4 am this morning, ah the wonders of the internet. I was torn between that and the Sony one, oh well.


I hear what your saying about a physical book and my gut feeling is they will be around and be preferred for many years to come, however I was one of those who'd said I'd never listen to those new fangled things called CDs, much preferring my Vinyl. Now I have hundreds of my albums on something as small as a postage stamp, and even CD's are now a fading memory having consigned all of mine to the charity shop, progress I guess.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
lennyhb - 2011-03-02 9:17 AM


Brought my wife a Sony ereader, much sturdier better made bit of kit than the Kindle.

Very pleased with but we still tend to read more paper books.



Ordered the Kindle at 4 am this morning, ah the wonders of the internet. I was torn between that and the Sony one but read your post afterwards, oh well.

I hear what your saying about a physical book, however I was one of those who'd said I'd never listen to those new fangled things called CDs, much preferring my Vinyl. Now I have hundreds of my albums on something as small as a postage stamp, and even CD's are now a fading memory having consigned all of mine to the charity shop, progress I guess.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
lennyhb - 2011-03-02 9:17 AM


Brought my wife a Sony ereader, much sturdier better made bit of kit than the Kindle.

Very pleased with but we still tend to read more paper books.



Ordered the Kindle at 4 am this morning, ah the wonders of the internet. I was torn between that and the Sony one, oh well.

I hear what your saying about a physical book, however I was one of those who'd said I'd never listen to those new fangled things called CDs, much preferring my Vinyl. Now I have hundreds of my albums on something as small as a postage stamp, and even CD's are now a fading memory having consigned all of mine to the charity shop, progress I guess.

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Sony ereader. we bought because we had run out of room for storing books. easy to use.


Pricing of the ebooks is an issue and have been given several reasons.

1. Unlike paper books, ebooks and audiobooks attrach VAT

2. Authors make separate contracts for ebooks

3. The initial cost of producing books is in the setting of the type etc. So the ebook is actually what is used to produce the hard/paper back.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Not sure what is going on with my apparent multiple posts, gremlin in the works I guess, sorry.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-03-02 12:48 PM


Not sure what is going on with my apparent multiple posts, gremlin in the works I guess, sorry.


Only press the submit button ONCE - and wait - and wait -and wait as it can be slow.

Everytime you press the submit button it sends it again - and again - and again!


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1footinthegrave - 2011-03-01 9:13 PM


Despite reading and re-reading Amazons site I still don't get the advantage of the Wi-Fi version apart from downloading books via Wi-Fi, I can do that on my PC at home I guess, or am I missing something else...................HELP.


Biggest advantage of the 3G Wifi version is that anywhere there is a phone signal you can download and reply to emails and even browse the internet (albeit in monochrome and with a fiddly 'mouse' action). All at NO COST other than the original purchase price.


We spent the last 3 weeks wild camping by the beach in Spain and I was able to keep tabs on my website, deal with email enquiries, keep up with Facebook and much other trivia.


Oh, and I also read a few books


Superb bit of kit :-D

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neilmac - 2011-03-03 9:55 AM

Biggest advantage of the 3G Wifi version is that anywhere there is a phone signal you can download and reply to emails and even browse the internet (albeit in monochrome and with a fiddly 'mouse' action). All at NO COST other than the original purchase price.


We spent the last 3 weeks wild camping by the beach in Spain and I was able to keep tabs on my website, deal with email enquiries, keep up with Facebook and much other trivia.


Oh, and I also read a few books


Superb bit of kit :-D


You post got my attention, seemed to good to be true, so I checked kindle store t&c's, they quote 20p per MB for using 3g to download personel docs, altough there are referances that say "we MAY charge you", so I'm a bit confused.

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Yes. The charge is for downloading personal docs onto the Kindle, not for using the experimental browser for accessing the internet. Other advantage of the 3G version is when you're in a rush to get on the train, simply press a button and download the paper onto Kindle.
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Dixie - 2011-03-01 9:25 PM


Quote from the advertising blurb:

"The Amazon Kindle is now available to people in over 170 countries, and is the first ebook reader to offer free wireless service on a global scale."


So the 3g Kindle lets you download directly into the reader, in an awful lot of places, without connecting to another device.

Without the 3g service you need an internet connected PC to connect the reader to. If that's no problem, then you don't need the 3g version.




Not quite. With the wifi version you can download wherever there's a wifi network that you can log into. With the 3G version you can also download wherever there's a mobile signal. You don't need a PC in either case...that's the big advantage of Kindles over other e-readers. You can connect via a PC if you wish, but there's really no need.



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colin - 2011-03-03 7:44 PM


neilmac - 2011-03-03 9:55 AM

Biggest advantage of the 3G Wifi version is that anywhere there is a phone signal you can download and reply to emails and even browse the internet (albeit in monochrome and with a fiddly 'mouse' action). All at NO COST other than the original purchase price.


You post got my attention, seemed to good to be true, so I checked kindle store t&c's, they quote 20p per MB for using 3g to download personel docs, altough there are referances that say "we MAY charge you", so I'm a bit confused.


Hi, yes as has now been said in this thread there is no cost to use the web browsing facility.


I chose the wrong word in my original post by saying 'download' regarding emails, I actually have no need to 'download' anything... I merely 'read' my emails by browsing to them (hotmail, my own webmail client etc) and reply to them in the normal way on the Kindle.


This equipment really has huge capabilities whilst travelling and I don't think this is fully appreciated by the motorhoming community as yet ;-)


For example, I know of many users who subscribe to a daily newspaper which is not, in itself, very expensive especially when abroad - But, it is free to browse to the BBC News mobile website (or others) where the news is all available.


As I said previously it is a superb bit of kit.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Well our Kindle arrived this morning, and all I can say is WOW, what a fabulous bit of kit, many thanks for all the tips and replies. :-D
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