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Captain mikey

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For goodness sake read what I said in bold below and get off your flipping 'tall donkey'!! *-)


... you have a 'stroppy neighbour' ... and he/she is just being a pain in the bum and you are not causing any problems ...


and ...


In the real world it is best to not have problems with neighbours but why should this mean that, if you are not having any detrimental effect on them (or others), you should have to change what you do for the sake of it ... bit like someone objecting because you have a Lada on your drive and it's bringing the tone of the neighbourhood down .... :-S


In short, if they are just being a pain, then why should you inconveience yourself, and incur the cost of storage, for the sake of it????? 8-)

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You clearly did not read this:


How do you know the neighbour is stroppy? On the motorhome owners say so? There are two sides to every story. Who is best to judge whether a motorhome is having a detrimental effect? The motorhome owner or the complainant?


And please don't resort to abuse as that's a sure fire way of losing the argument except in this case I accept my considerate views are in a minority.


That's my last word on the matter.

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Mike88 - 2011-03-07 7:35 PM


You clearly did not read this:


How do you know the neighbour is stroppy? On the motorhome owners say so? There are two sides to every story. Who is best to judge whether a motorhome is having a detrimental effect? The motorhome owner or the complainant?


And please don't resort to abuse as that's a sure fire way of losing the argument except in this case I accept my considerate views are in a minority.


That's my last word on the matter.


Yes, I did read what you said but we only HAVE the word of the motorhome owner to go by, so, unless you know differently or are saying he's telling porkies, then we have to take his word for it, why would you think we were NOT being told the truth???? 8-)


If I were the OP I could be rather unhappy at that insinuation .... but I'm not, so I'm not ...


Why would I resort to abuse? Where's the abuse in what I said previously???? Unless of course your donkey hasn't got long legs and has a 'complex' about it???? :D


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Many properties do have Covenants on them which prohibit commercial vehicles and trailers. This is, in the main to prevent people using the home as a business, which i think most people would feel is understandable. Would you like a fleet of white vans, and other commercial apparatus outside your home day and night? However, it does mean that unfortunately motorhomes and caravans get lumped in.


A Covenant is legally enforceable and if the case goes against you, you pay all the costs. Remeber you accepted it when you bought the house. However, on the other side it is rare for any action to be taken because similarly, if you win then all the other residents have to pay the costs. There is also the ubiquitous Human Rights which can knock any of our exisiting Laws into the long grass.


One would hope commonsense would prevail. If even one of your neighbours is unhappy, then try to alleviate any concerns they have. After all a large motrohome is not exactly unnoticeable and as most of them are white, they do stick out a bit, as do caravans. The other thing you may wish to consider is that if the MH is there a lot of the time, then anyone can soon see when you are NOT at home. You do not wish to return to find you have squatters or worse do you?


A Gold CASSOA site will give you a discount on your insurance and as others have said, No, you do not need any sign. Remove the battery if you wish and keep the blinds down is usually sufficient. If you look at all the other vans and MH's on the site you have to guess 'which ones would be nicked first'. Probably the ones you least expect. However, thefts are veryt rare from CASSOA sites, which is why they are in business.,

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Way2Go - 2011-03-06 5:43 PM
Mike88 - 2011-03-06 4:56 PM ". . . . but there is also something called consideration for your neighbours. Imagine if a motorhome or caravan owner parked in front of your lounge window blocking your view. That to my mind would not be a neighbourly thing to do even though it might be perfectly legal.

Gets my vote Mike - if only everyone could be so considerate but I think we are in a minority.

It seems that the "you're worth it" brigade think they can do anything they like and to hell with anyone who doesn't agree with them.


This isn't Just 'Black or White' , i'm all for being a good neighbour, but there are always TWO sides to a story, consideration for a neighbours view, yes, But, some can be unreasonable and just say:' Why can't you just take a flight abroad like everyone else' ? (like US) and just hate the sight of Caravans or Motorhomes wherever they are parked (personal experience) and any offers of mitigation are met with agression. Then steeley resolve is required, whilst still thinking of their feelings. Hence the 'Conifer Screening'. We all enjoy different things, but we shouldn't allow prejudice to spoil our Life.
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