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Hello everyone, we are new to this game and have had some great help on here over the last month. I am afraid I may not have fully drained down properly over the harsh winter and as a result our Bathroom tap looks to be leaking. No obvious gushing just a gradual spread of water out onto the countertop around the base of the tap. I have seen that you can buy ceramic cartridges for this tap and as I don't have £60 to spend on a new one I would like to go down that route. Can anyone advise as to what size cartridge I need or could it be another problem? Also advise on fitting would be great, thanks in advance.
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Hi David, our Reich tap burst it's brains last year, (frost) and this is what I did. I Googled Reich taps on images to find out which tap ours was, (you appear to know already).


I then shopped around on the web to see who flogged the cheapest tap and/or cartridge. I also rang a local dealer who I have a lot of time for and was disappointed to be told by them that "the whole tap needs replacing" Quote about £100+ if I remember rightly.


So Google again and I put in summat like Reich cartridge replacing and found loads of threads. I'm no DIY'er but even I managed to pull it to bits, take the bits to a local caravan dealer and got what I needed.


I put it back together in not much time at all, a bit fiddly that's all. Cost? Less than £15 I think.



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Had the same problem following winter 2009-2010 and put up with the leak all last season. Got round to fixing it last week and took the cartridge down to our local dealer where I got a new one for just under £15.

I took the old cartridge apart once I'd fitted the new one and found the ceramics to be fine but one of the rubber washers had developed a slight split.


In order to remove the cartridge from the tap body I had to buy a 27mm box spanner (£11 on Ebay) and grind it down slightly so that it would fit in the gap between nut and tap body. You may be able to find thin walled box spanners or socket heads though.

You'll possibly also need a 2.5mm allen key to remove the top of the tap.


Fitting, assuming it's much the same as our mixer is quite easy. You remove the small plug under the lever with a pen knife or small screwdriver, lift the tap to expose the allen screw which you loosen until you can lift off the handle. Screw off the top shroud which will reveal the brass nut holding the cartridge. Loosen the nut and remove the cartridge.

Note that when replacing the cartridge there are a couple of locating nipples on the base that have to line up with indentations in the tap body.


It really is very easy.





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