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how to sell your motorhome


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Guest JudgeMental
Privately via MMM, Ebay and the like..... But be prepared for a long wait, things are dire out there. I have some interest but they both have vans to sell as well so a bit stuck *-)
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alex - 2011-03-07 9:21 PM


What is the best way to sell your motorhome,dealers only offer about 75% of vehicles worth.




Well, yes and no.


At least a dealer is offering you something for it. He then takes on the risk of it sitting on his forecourt, eating his cash reserves, and having to maintain it/offer warranty on it, advertise it etc etc....




In the end, the reality is that your MH is NOT worth what you think it's worth. Neither is mine. Neither is anyone elses. It's not s price-fixed marketplace.

It is worth what a BUYER will pay for it.


So in the end it depends how desperate or otherwise you are to turn that item into cash..........now, or in 3 months, or 6 months, or a year..........




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Whilst I would agree that you probably would get a better price from a private sale as opposed to that from a dealer but what is it that you want, to PX for another vehicle or just to get the cash for the vehicle you no longer want or need ?


I would look at it this way. Unless I knew exactly what vehicle I wanted if I were in the market to buy I would probably elect to save time by visiting a dealer and looking at a selection, as opposed to travelling to a private owner's area to look at just one (not very cost efficient). You may think that you can only negotiate with a private seller, not the case, Motorhome dealers want to clear 'Used' and 'Old' stock and there is room for negotiation here too.



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Here is my very recent experience of trying to sell privately.......... 2 or 3 queries but everyone needing to sell their own van first. Reason for sale - wanted different layout.

So I traded in. I paid £46000 for van 18 months ago. I was offered £26000 (lowest) to £29500 (highest) but eventually managed to get a 'trade in value' of £33000 against a £40000+ van. As an example we fancied a £47k Wildax Europa but they could only offer us £26k though he said they might be able to come and go a bit. (from what I understand they have trade ins underwritten by another dealer).

I've put 'trade in value' in brackets as its the cost to change which counts and figures can be massaged up and down.

Taking the £33k figure as a true trade in value means my van 'lost' near enough 30% in 18 months (Adria Coral S660SL).......... and of course I had put on another £2k of so called extras so the change was painful but we were not enjoying the layout of previous van so just bit the bullet........

Good luck whatever you decide to do.


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A couple of years ago we were selling our AutoSleeper Trophy. We advertised it in a very, very well known Motorhome Magazine – not one single enquiry.

We advertised it in our local newspaper – it sold within three weeks.

That was our experience.

Cattwg :-D

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About a year ago we put our Motorhome, A 2002 Swift Sundance 590RS Lux on ebay with a reserve, but it didn't reach it. We were thinking about trying again when we got a phone call from a man who had seen it on ebay asking for a viewing. He drove from Suffolk to E. Yorkshire on a Saturday and bought it there and then for more than our previous reserve that he obviously had not seen.

Paid the cheque in and he came back the following Saturday by train and took it away very happy with his purchase.

So ebay worked for us, IMO a private sale is the best option, unless you have set your heart on one at a dealers! Our van was 8 years old but we got what we think was a good price, £3,000 more than the highest offer from a dealer as a straight buy. The same dealer had a similar van to ours on his forcourt for £8,000 more than he offered us.

We bought our first van, the Sundance from a 'highly respected and reputable dealer' (Joke) It turned out the van had a serious gearbox fault that he claimed on the test drive was just the linkage from the dash mounted lever and I was not used to those.

To cut a long story short we ended up have to put a new gearbox in at our expence and take him to the small claims court 11 months later. We won and he forked out over £2,000 now he has a County Court Judgement against his Company.

On top of that the papers he gave me for the court contained a document that he passed to the tax office for his VAT return and on it he had reduced the price I paid by £2,500 thereby avoiding VAT on that amount of the sale. I informed HMIC but as far as I know no action was taken. I will never buy from a dealer again due to our experience of this well known company.

The season is upon us so I think now is probably the optimum time to sell but again luck plays a part having what someone else wants at the right time. Whichever course you decide to take, good luck!



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arthur49 - 2011-03-08 4:44 PM

Here is my very recent experience of trying to sell privately.......... 2 or 3 queries but everyone needing to sell their own van first. Reason for sale - wanted different layout.


If you are correct then I am glad that we are happy with our layout. Seems to me that THE most important aspect of buying a van is "that the layout is right for you"

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ips - 2011-03-09 11:56 AM

If you are correct then I am glad that we are happy with our layout. Seems to me that THE most important aspect of buying a van is "that the layout is right for you"


Absolutely right. Despite knowing that and having 21 years experience of layout decisions we got it wrong...... for us any way!

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