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Hobby Van

Brian Kirby

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I know a few others have one so, with apologies to the rest of you for discussing family business in public, do check the cable clips that support the mains electric cables, as they pass through the heater enclosure, before turning up into the locker containing the consumer unit.

This may be peculiar to the 2007 Vans, which were the first production run, but I have just noticed that after 20,000 miles both the cable support clips on ours have broken, leaving the cable bundle unrestrained.  It seems the vibrating weight of the cables while travelling proved too much for the quite sturdy plastic clips used.

The bundle of four cables concerned is surprisingly heavy, so once the support clips fail, the full weight falls onto relatively insecure, push fit, cable clips in the base of the consumer unit.

In ours, the cables connect onto a printed circuit bus-bar within the consumer unit, via small plug-and-socket connectors.  As the weight of the cables has already proved sufficient to break the support clips in the heater enclosure, it seems improbable that the much lighter cable clips within the consumer unit (but more importantly the rather delicate looking plug, socket, and PC bus-bar arrangement) could take their weight for long, possibly causing considerable damage inside the enclosure, with probable complete loss of mains supply, necessitating a (probably expensive) replacement of the consumer unit.

Worth a look, I think, just in case!

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Thanks for that Brian.


Mine is somewhat newer and a different layout (the consumer unit is at floor level, and the weight of the cable probably mainly taken by the floor).


Worth a check though, so I'll have a look later today.


Presumably you found it whilst fitting or preparing to fit your surge protection?

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Well, I've checked mine out, and as the consumer unit is mounted horizontally, on the floor, under the steps for the rear beds, and the cable is fed horizontally across the floor, no real scope for a problem there.


Thanks for the "heads up" though ;-)

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