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M/H & Caravan Goodies on offer at Maplins

Guest peter

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Just be aware that Maplin's customer service is appalling!

As an example, a couple of years ago I internet ordered an item on offer.

They took my card payment, then told me thet were out of stock and not restocking, and sent me a credit note, for which they charged me the postage!!

Took me about six weeks and several shirty emails and phone calls to get a refund.


Their offer prices are often still more expensive than elsewhere.


I would buy over the counter at their stores, but internet ordering? Bargepoles and not touching spring to mind...



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Dixie - 2011-03-12 12:41 PM


Just be aware that Maplin's customer service is appalling!

As an example, a couple of years ago I internet ordered an item on offer.

They took my card payment, then told me thet were out of stock and not restocking, and sent me a credit note, for which they charged me the postage!!

Took me about six weeks and several shirty emails and phone calls to get a refund.


Their offer prices are often still more expensive than elsewhere.


I would buy over the counter at their stores, but internet ordering? Bargepoles and not touching spring to mind...







John - just a thought, but:


I cannot understand your extrapolation that because you had one bad experience in one purchase, two years ago, that everyone else globally will on every occasion have a bad purchase experience from every part of and every retail outlet of the entire Maplin organisation.

I know for a fact that this is not true (as I personally have had two very pleasant customer purchase experiences personally from Maplin).


I have no connection with the Company whatsoever, but I think that making such a wild statement in writing is a most unwise thing to do in public.


What you relate as your own experience is no doubt true, and if pushed in court I'm sure you could defend your account of that.


But to start your post, in a public domain, with "Just be aware that Maplin's customer service is appalling!" is simply inviting a VERY expensive law suit for libel and/or public defamation from the Company.

Unless you can PROVE on balance of probabilities, that your "factual" statement is indeed a fact, you'd be slaughtered if taken to court over such a defamatory public statement.



Many people will no doubt think I'm being daft by suggesting great caution with such matters.

Of course it's just idle banter.......up until that day when the lawyers letter lands on your mat advising that the Company you've slagged off wildly on a public forum such as this is now suing you for hundreds of thousands of pounds for something you have put on record that is wrong and defamatory.


My advice: Just be a bit careful out here guys!




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BGD - 2011-03-12 1:47 PM

John - just a thought, but:


My advice: Just be a bit careful out here guys!



You are absolutely correct and I apologise unreservedly to Maplins and anyone else who may have been offended by my post.




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good advice Bruce, the 1st case in the uk has just gone thro the courts its called twibel, basically a bloke said on twitter, that some body got removed from council chambers by the police, it turned out that the person he was refering to did not get removed it was someone else , so he sued him for defamation and it cost the bloke who tweeted £53000 8-)


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Another company which I use is - www.cpc.co.uk


Used to be an electronics supply company, but they now supply camping gear, tools and even gardening gear.


You will find all sorts of obscure bits and pieces there, and quite a few things which are of relevance to caravans and motorhomes.


Prices don't include VAT, and sometimes are not really competitive, but carriage is free at £45 or over and delivery is generally next day.

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Guest peter
Just to re-assure the wary and the ones scared off by one on the above posts, I ordered my ladder on Thursday and on Friday was E.mailed that it's on it's way. So I should get it on Monday by Fed-Ex. You can't get better than that for free carriage.
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