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Any Radio Hams out there??


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Hi,just wondering if there are any Radio Hams out there.


There must be a few mobile operaters and QRP fans about.


It's a few years since I was 'active' so to speak and wondering what's happening nowadays.

Info on Radio gear and antenna's would be a great help especialy the antenna's and the siteing of on a mobilehome.


awaiting any info you can give


73's de G8IC Mike :-D

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There is quite a few here and more on other motorhome forums.

A member of our radio club has a Rytham, he uses a normal mobile antenna for mobile UHF/VHF & Dstar. "Real" antennas for when he is parked up (he is in the

Radio Amateurs CClub - not sure of the web url you should find it though)


For static use I use a wire up a 10m roachpole with a 9:1 unun on or just a plain mobile antenna.


Thats an early G8 callsign you have there


Roger - M0DWQ

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There is quite a few here and more on other motorhome forums.

A member of our radio club has a Rytham, he uses a normal mobile antenna for mobile UHF/VHF & Dstar. "Real" antennas for when he is parked up (he is in the

Radio Amateurs CClub - not sure of the web url you should find it though)


For static use I use a wire up a 10m roachpole with a 9:1 unun on or just a plain mobile antenna.


Thats an early G8 callsign you have there


Roger - M0DWQ

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Many thanks for the quick reply Roger,

I have been wondering about the engine managment system and how it would cope with RF ( re dire warning in handbook etc ) LOL

I have a Icom 740hf rig and a couple of 2mtr rigs as well as converted CB rigs to 10m.

I will look for the Radio Amateurs CC Club on google and see what come up.

Yeah it is an old callsign 1936-37

Thanks again


73's Mike qthr :-)

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Hi there Clive, thanks for reply,


I have not been active for quite a few years and are more or less (out of it)


I just fire up the rig now and again to fry the spiders so to speak and keep the damp out.


My G5RV is poorly and the weather is not conducive to repairs just yet also I hope to be away enjoying the motorhome.


Saw a group on Arran doing the IOTA a couple of yrs ago and that got me thinking about it again.


Thanks for reply Clive,may get to work you someday


73's de mike G8IC :-)

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MickyDee - 2011-03-13 3:04 PM


Hi,just wondering if there are any Radio Hams out there.


There must be a few mobile operaters and QRP fans about.






Yes For my sins, qrv static mobile with Hustler mobile whip on 80m, or with proam whips on 20m or with 20m dipole thrown into nearest tree when on site. Also carry 40m and 15m whips proam again. Rig is ICOM 706 running on leisure battery in Stargazer (58 plate on peugeot base). Whip mounts in homemade bracket on nearside wing mirror, and on site charger has to be disabled or qrm's all . Control panel for van also causes qrm so likewise has to be disabled when operating. I am usually listening mornings 0800 3781 khz when at home and sometimes have my 2 pennorth to add as well.


Planning France commencing late may and have provisional skeds arranged with g3irq (fixed) and others when possible (o800 uk daily)






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Having downsized the bungallow to the house by the seaside the half acre garden and 60 foot Versatower with various beams is gone (To G4RCD)

So its a length of wet string at home with a SGC auto tuner at the end on all HF bands. 2M and 70 cms is a colinear vertical on the corner of the roof after planning battles with local council.

HF Rig here is Icom IC751 or IC 735 which sits alongside as a spare.

2M is IC 251E with Mutek front end + Icom FM dual bander IC 2350 which is also good for marine band.(I have a license) Amps Mirage B2516 for the IC 251E.


Camper, Yaesu FT whatesit "Satellite" all band transciever. (forget the number 847 perhaps?) coupled to an Icom AH4 ATU on the roof. Alongside that a 5m vertical which is raised and lowered by a linear actuator from the cab.

In the car its that IC mini all mode all band 100 w jobbie coupled to an AH4 ATU. Also a IC something dual bander for 2M and 70 cms. Lets face it VHF and UHF are rubbish on all band HF rigs. Ant a tank whip again with a selection of bits to play with once parked up.


Wife (G6JDP just has VHF and UHF in her motor.


Three glasses of wine with dinner






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Hi Mike i usually take 2 rigs away with me, Icom706 and a Kenwood ts 480. My antenna is a moonraker spx, Its a multi band vertical . also carry a 6m vertical for use with the 706. So far not had any problems with interference . My van is pc so a mag mount on the roof works well. Best place i have had for operating from was Lichtenstien on 6m what a pile up. This year i am planning on going into Anddora for a couple of days. Phil GW1PJP
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Telephone that must be the thing the wife keeps in her bag. She keeps telling me I should have one. Why?,so I can call you and find out where you are.. so she can keep tags on me. No Thanks I prefer my radios. But then I was a telecom engineer for 34 years. Life is a lot simpler with out a Mobile Phone.I can have a beer or 2 in peace......Phil :-S :-S :-D
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ips - 2011-03-16 2:31 PM


I for one have not a clue what any of that was about .... (lol)

You lot not heard of telephones :-D


They are talking PROPER Radios..not this CB thing..Amateur Radio is where it is at to be honest...I'm currently studying for my foundation exam..I have been a Ham Radio aficianado for many years...just never had the time to study..and now you don't have to be too proficient in Morse I'm going for it and hopefully get my M6 call sign soon!!


I Transmit..Therefore I Ham!!

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?? ??? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????
Anyone understand? !!
(Korean for "I am unable to understand a word of what they are talking about either?")
Edit - Unfortunately the Korean Characters have come out as "?" on the post!! so the impact is zero. Teach me to try to be clever! :(
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Good luck with exams Mondo it'sworth it in the end.

there is no easy way lo learn morse code /cw. just a long slog uphill.


When you get it use it, I have been out of it for a while now and have to get back up to speed with cw.


All the best and safe journeys..........de Mike G8IC

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