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spiders what to do

alf stone

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:'( Having dropped & smashed my laptop lost email account which dosnt have a web interface all my emails gone i found a spider


My ancient Eriba van camping car must have have had the spider climb in in England.I first saw it about two weeks ago & its very fast,now it reappeared bigger & fatter than ever


Now im afraid of it :'(


Spiders do bite?how can i put it out?Can i?


Help :-|

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:-S Its gone again & ive moved,came shopping & found a wi-fi connection


My spare laptop has a problem which means only half an hour online including the connection time


I was intending to buy a new laptop hear but they cost a LOT more the Samsung NF 280 costing more than the double


I was cycling to the port office with my laptop when i dropped it & it landed "flat"smashing the screen :'( Its proving costly & time consuming to post on forums :-|

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You will need to make sure your spider has it's pet passport up to date, quarantine periods typically range from 3-6 months, so be prepared to be without it for a while when you traverse country borders.


However, things might be different in La La land, so you may be alright.

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Flies are disease carriers that you really don't want living/breeding in your Van. Spiders are clean and love eating the nasty flies.


So, do you want the odd crawly friend or a van full of disease? Leave them alone and they'll clean up for you for free.


The only time you need to get rid is when one takes up residence in the drivers sun visor. Had one of those that used to dangle down at the worst times! That one had to go.... 8-)


And don't forget NEVER kill one. Put them outside in a jar if you must or it WILL rain for the rest of your holiday. :D

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Guest JudgeMental
Colin Leake - 2011-03-16 4:30 PM


Simple I've not told ours that this time when we set out the motorhome will not be coming back as we have traded it in. If he does try to find his way back he's in for one hell of a walk.


I think that probably constitutes an offence of cruelty against a species...I will have look in my law books. Be afraid...be very afraid *-)

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everhopeful - 2011-03-14 8:51 PM

And don't forget NEVER kill one. Put them outside in a jar if you must or it WILL rain for the rest of your holiday. :D


Hey Judge ... you missed this cruelty .... fancy putting it outside in a jar ... at least let the flipping thing out of it!!! 8-)

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Rayjsj - 2011-03-14 9:00 PM


I've got 2 Pet spiders that live in the Wing mirrors of my van, been everywhere with us, just when i think they have 'left home', a couple of days without movement and there is a web across the mirror again !! *-)


Had this problem with a 4x4 mirror before we gave up caravanning. I could not convince the occupant to move out, whether it was by hose pipe or prolonged jetwash.... it must have had a long snorkel.


It got so big that it was having an impact on my fuel consumption and its reflexes were like lightning, dodging each attempt to catch it.


After breaching every quarantine regulation known to spiders, we took it to the Vendee for its summer holidays where the heat just proved to improve its reflexes and even when it came out for afternoon sunbathing, it spotted any approach from a mile off and got to safety behind the mirror glass.


I don't normally concede victory lightly and I duly rose to the challenge, spending a considerable part of the holiday plotting the beastie's final downfall.


After close to 3 weeks of failure, common sense won and I recognised that I was beaten. I prepared myself for the embarassment in front of my family and was ready to throw the towel in and hand ownership of the car over to it, when I remembered the female section of the family had a "bug catcher" which sucks flies etc into it, so that you can release them elsewhere.


I hatched one final plan and set about diligently catching a common fly that had decided to trap itself on the inside of our awning (actually it was just about dead from heat exhaustion) and I released it directly into the wing mirror web.


Well was I the 'big game hunter' or what ?


Buzzing little fly soon got the hitchhiking spider drooling and it out it came, throwing commonsense and safety to the wind, as it was swiped into a nearby hedge, never to be seen again.


I often wonder if it got on with its new neighbours and learnt to speak French or if its making its way back to Blighty as I type.


As true as that little episode was, it still doesn't match Ken vs. the French ants :-S

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