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Rear Brake Drums Removal


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....if it isn't obvious, the adjustment is via the knurled wheel marked as 1c in the final diagram.


I've actually got a copy on CD of the eLearn manual those diagrams came from, but there isn't anything better (instruction or picture-wise) on it. :-S


Edit: typo.

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I have just managed to get one of my drums off by using the three extractor bolts and then a couple of levers for the last part.

Unusually the pistons have a flat face and do not have a slot which receives the brake shoe. Therefore, as happened to me, when removing the drum, the shoes can dragged outwards with the drum and the flange of the shoe will slip off the piston. After that, if you cannot get the drum off it will not go back again properly either. At that point you MUST succeed in getting the drum off. There is no going back or trying again another day.


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