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Whats "dangerous"about overnighting on motorway service stations?

alf stone

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:-S Ive read often that its dangerous to stop at motorway service stations.



Ive planned to stop on motorway service areas in Spain because i hoped they would be safer :-S 8-)


On Spanish truck parks ive seen trucks backing into other trucks?If they are so sleepy they cant see another huge truck what chance do we have?I imagined that motorways would have non truck parking's & so safe


When i first arrived in France i planned to drive on to the motorways,sleep the night,then back on to normal roads,again for safety,i didnt and havnt used the French auto routes other than once when the road was blocked when it was pay or wait *-)


Why should i NOT use motorway service areas to sleep?

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Guest Tracker

You are more likely to be robbed or attacked whilst parked overnight on a motorway service area than almost anywhere else.


That is not to say that you will be - just you are more likely to be?


The risk is also there if you park up in the day and are seen to be leaving your van whilst you walk to the services.


We have observed people parked in cars watching vans arrive and their occupants coming and going and when they see you watching they drive off - coincidence? - maybe? - but if you are aware of the potential risk you can act or not on it as you see fit?


Anecdotally Meditteranean France and Spain motorways and fast main roads appear to be the most targetted areas by thieves and robbers and again, anecdotally, it is said that many of them are illegal immigrants who have no regard for anyone else, nothing to lose and no way of being traced?


You might get away with it for years - but you might not?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well the question should be why would you want to. Having been a trucker many years ago and sometimes having no choice, I rarely had a good nights sleep. Fridge trucks running all night, and people stopping and starting at all hours. And I do believe statistically this may just be the one place you would be most vulnerable.

But if you felt OK there, then I guess that's the determining factor, and of course there is safety in numbers, whereas a deserted Aire in some situations may be less attractive in an urban environment.

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Sounds bad,i will stay off the motorway.


At the moment i want to spend next winter in Portugal,i think i might have a good reason to go *-) i hope others think so


Is there a "spanish aires guide"?Or just motor home facts site?Should i go in winter?It can snow in spain :-( ??


My stay on empty French aires has been more or less worry free,until i was told thieves use a "tin opener"to get into camper vans 8-)

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The only two places I've been robbed was, first on a French campsite where a coolbox left outside overnight went missing. The second was on a Spanish motorway services where we were the victims of a distraction robbery, my wifes handbag was stolen from the van while I was distracted. This happened towards the end of a long days drive.


Fortunately for us nothing of any real value and no money/cards where stolen, all valuables are kept elswhere.


Close friends of ours were robbed at night while they slept in a motorway services in France, all their cash and cards were stolen.


My advice would be don't do it, get off the motorway go into a small town or village and find a quiet corner, I believe you're much safer there.


Please keep in mind these few incidents are all thats happened in over 40 years of tents/caravans and motorhomes. You can be burgled in your own home whilst in bed.....we were about 30 years ago, it happens, but fingers crossed very rarely.


Get a good alarm fitted and use it.

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Perhaps i could buy a shot gun?Ive seen lots of shops selling them in France?Im sure a thief would leave without taking anything if confronted?


Perhaps it could be expensive?I seem to remember there quite expensive??


A big dog?But then id have to look after a dog which cant go to and from the UK

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alf stone - 2011-03-14 2:34 PM


Perhaps i could buy a shot gun?Ive seen lots of shops selling them in France?Im sure a thief would leave without taking anything if confronted?


Perhaps it could be expensive?I seem to remember there quite expensive??


A big dog?But then id have to look after a dog which cant go to and from the UK




Also haven't you heard of pet passports?

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Tracker - 2011-03-14 1:30 PM


Vicarious books do an Aires guide for Spain & Portugal - and others.



Good buy that book is, we have used the Aires it portrays a lot and have had no problems. The Spanish Aires in it are particularly good, I have just bought the Benelux and Scandinavia Aires book from them as we are going to Norway shortly and this book also looks A OK.
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alf stone - 2011-03-14 2:34 PM


Perhaps i could buy a shot gun?Ive seen lots of shops selling them in France?Im sure a thief would leave without taking anything if confronted?


Perhaps it could be expensive?I seem to remember there quite expensive??


A big dog?But then id have to look after a dog which cant go to and from the UK


Someone is driving round the country in my last van and is probably wondering what the two tool clips just inside the drivers door were for. In case they see this on the forum they held a sewn off pool cue that naturally came to hand when you exited the drivers door. Forgot to take it out when I sold and the cleaners removed it but I suspect the clips are still in place.


I do miss that "insurance policy"

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Guest Tracker
The very real danger of carrying any sort of weapon is that younger and fitter multiple attackers could well take it from you and use it against you - sensible prevention measures are a better bet in my view?
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Guest Tracker

The very real danger of carrying any sort of weapon is that younger and fitter multiple attackers could well take it from you and use it against you - sensible prevention measures are a better bet in my view?


I carry a two foot tyre lever - but it is behind the driver's seat and out of sight and in nearly forty years it has never been drawn in anger - yet!


I also have an old air pistol - it does not work but it sure looks like a real handgun - especially to those unfamiliar with real handguns - but I am loathe to take it in the van with us?

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Touch wood: we have never had a problem in 40 years but we are very careful about where we stop and tend to stay in quite out of sight locations and not until after dark.


But I have to admit most of our traveling has been down the West coast of France and we never stop near big cities.

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As I reported on this forum 3-4 years ago now, I did become a victim when I stopped for an overnight stop on a French Motorway Aire. Fortunately, we were not subject to any violence but the scariest thing 'after the event' was the realisation that someone had broken a window and entered the van whilst we were asleep (and no question/evidence of being gassed just exhausted after a far too long a drive). So it does happen, and that was the first time in over 20 years of Caravanning/Motorhoming that it happened to us. Whilst we have never had any problems on a campsite this does not mean that it couldn't. It is a matter of not getting complacent wherever you are, tired or not. I learnt the hard way and lesson certainly was learnt, never happened since as we do not stop overnight on Motorway Service Areas and no matter how tired we are we ensure alarms are set, even on camp sites (including UK Caravan Club sites).
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Guest pelmetman

The only incident we can report, actualy happened on a campsite after a trip to Brugge.


Settled down for the night when we heard what sounded like gunfire 8-) Looked out and saw flashing lights and a full scale cops and robbers shoot out going on 8-)

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Guest Tracker
bolero boy - 2011-03-14 5:57 PM


Tracker - 2011-03-14 5:39 PM

I carry a two foot tyre lever

I also have an old air pistol

Does Eddie know?............ B-)


He does now?


But he is quite safe because I only shoot humans!


Only joking Eddie - honest!

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Be aware! Use the Aires in both France and Spain. It is most probable that another motor home will be using the Aire so there is safety in numbers. It is easy to become paranoid about the possibility but the chances are very remote. Plenty of vanners will recount incidents but if you boil them down to incidents which have actually happened to the people you are talking too it becomes a pretty small issue. We probably have the best communications now than ever before but we still suffer from problems. Remember the 'send reinforcements we are going to advance' which became 'send three and six we are going to the dance' Nothing changes does it. The bottom line is, if other motor homes are present it is unlikely that you will have a problem. If you carry weapons of any description and look as if you are going to use them then it is probable you will be subjected to violence. Only you can decide but as you get older the ability to defend oneself becomes less possible. Cut your losses, keep important things in a safe and be totally passive. It keeps you alive to tell your grandkids the tale. Most villains do not want confrontation, they want to distract and remove the obvious, handbags, shoulder bags etc. BE AWARE AND YOU SHOULD BE OK THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME. Keep away from motorway service areas, this is where you will find the greatest concentration of villains because the pickings are good. If you get out, lock the doors. If someone wants your attention it is probable someone else is ready to pounce. Everything comes back to the same comment - be aware.


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A word of warning: if you carry a weapon or "anything" intended as a weapon it's the local Police (Customs) who may well apprehend you and not a criminal. The physical position of ,for example , a knife or a cricket bat woud be sufficient grounds to intimate your intention.

The comment re the air weapon( defunct or otherwise) is most unwise! The best advice has been highlighted ,viz: strength in numbers- preferably more than one or simply use a campsite!

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Best thing to carry is a pepper spray or CS gas which will surprise & hurt the attacker but leave no lasting injury. It is not possible to buy these legally in the UK but can be on the continent.

There is a shop in Boulogne where these sprays can be bought, it is on the left hand side of the road leading from the Port up to the Old Town, it has Barbour coats & fishing rods in the window.

Whatever you buy, leave it with a friend over there, DO NOT bring it back to the UK, for should you use it to protect yourself from a violent mugging, you will be charged with assault & having an offensive weapon whilst the murderous scum whose intent was to maim & rob you will get a slap on the wrist

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Don't buy CS gas or the like. As has been said they are illegal in the UK. If you have a problem use hair spray or any other pressure vessel, the contents hurt for a while but the surprise does the necessary. Important!!! Once you have used such a device do not stand and admire your handywork, get the hell out of it, you have bought a little time - use it.


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We have parked many times in motorway service stations in France without any problems. My husband prefers to be around other vehicles than perhaps alone in an aire. Last year on our third night away when it came to settling down my husband told me not to bother putting the strap between the cabin doors or setting the alarm and I was daft enough to listen to him. We were at Clermont Ferrand on the A71/E11.


We have a Fiat Dakota with a rear bed. In the morning I suddenly noticed the cabin doors were unlocked which startled me. Then I noticed my bag which had been down on the floor behind the drivers seat was now on the passenger seat. My cameras were there and so was my wallet, minus some 360 euros and three credit cards. The doors were also not shut, just pushed to. My husband was convinced I had forgotten that I had hidden the money. I was too stunned to argue! We cancelled the cards and somewhat to my satisfaction were told that an attempt to use one had been made but failed.


A police car came alongside us and the officers proved to be very kind. We followed them to the police station and they took a statement and provided us with all the paperwork we would need to claim on our insurance. One of the officers had school English and we could limp along in French. We were told that robbers target Fiats because they are so easy to break into. That particular service station has about one break in a week. He suggested we strap the doors together and I looked at my husband with feeling.


We continued on our trip, away for a month and apart from only having one credit card and limited cash we had a good time and no more problems. However the strap was always used and alarm set. All in all we felt a couple of chumps having been motorhoming for nearly thirty years. It did serve to remind us to pay attention. We did not intend to let one unpleasant experience to put us off motorhoming, though I do miss our two labradors. If they were happy I was happy!







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