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Whats "dangerous"about overnighting on motorway service stations?

alf stone

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aultymer - 2011-03-16 10:30 PM


My feeling is that you are no more 'at risk' on any camping spot than we are at our isolated cottage.

My wife has instructions that if she sees an intruder (I will sleep through anything) that she should discharge a fire extingusher in their face. We will be happy to defend that action in any court.

CO2 causes painfull but non life threatening 'burns' giving you time to remove intruders and get the hell out of it - to nearest police station to report the intrusion.

A fire extinguisher or 3 should be within reach in every van and could never be described as an offensive weapon in any jurisdiction. Pepper sprays, airguns and baseball bats are all 'offensive' in some countries.



aultymer, exactly, there was a post about a year ago, taken in jest (a troll) so i bought 2 fire extinquishers blast em in there face then smack em over their head with it !! unless of coarse they have a gun !! then do as they say ;-)


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Whilst we all like to think we could and would deal with an intruder, in reality we couldn't so why put yourself at a greater level of risk.

99.9% of the time, they are there to rob you, nothing else, so you lose your purse or wallet, a few credit cards and the odd bit of jewellery, so what, that's what insurance is for. Unfortunately life insurance is no good to you when you are lying toes up on a slab with a knife in your chest.

The roads are full of motorhomers who have been robbed, but they are alive to pass on warnings to others, they may be angry, feel violated or feel ashamed that they couldn't do anything, but they are still there to enjoy the rest of their life

To risk your life for the sake of a material possession is madness, a dead hero can be of no protection to his or her loved ones, if a criminal is prepared to use violence in the course of a burglary and not worry about the consequences, they will have no hesitation about ensuring no witnesses are there to provide the police with descriptions etc.

It's a sad fact of life, but it's the truth.



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At last, a ray of common sense!  Well said Donna. 

My only addition to the above is to slightly disagree over whether  the roads are, in fact, "full of motorhomers who have been robbed".  Sadly, some have been and, to use the cliché, one is one too many, but I don't think the incidence is, really, anything like that great.

Common sense over where one parks is the greatest aid to staying out of trouble, not talking big, carrying weapons, or any of the other flights of fancy evident in this string.  In some, I can understand the fear, in most I simply cannot; it seems to me to be born of paranoia.

If that fearful, why travel?  If fearful of foreigners, why go abroad?  For all those who barricade themselves into their vans I simply ask: of what, apart from fear itself, are you frightened?

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Brian Kirby - 2011-03-18 10:13 AMMy only addition to the above is to slightly disagree over whether  the roads are, in fact, "full of motorhomers who have been robbed".  Sadly, some have been and, to use the cliché, one is one too many, but I don't think the incidence is, really, anything like that great.


Sorry. Didn't mean it literally, just the way I talk. :$
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mikemelson - 2011-03-18 11:21 AM It's not all about xenophobia, carrying weapons, barricading oneself in the 'van, paranoia, etc. IT'S JUST ABOUT TAKING THE ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS!!!

So does this depict adequacy, fear, or prejudice?  "We are talking about France & Spain here where it not illegal to possess pepper spray. If you did give some thieving east european gyppo a blast in the face as they were trying to break into your 'van, I can't imagine the guardia arresting you, they would probably give you a pat on the back & give the gyppo a good kicking out of sight."

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mikemelson - 2011-03-18 11:21 AM It's not all about xenophobia, carrying weapons, barricading oneself in the 'van, paranoia, etc. IT'S JUST ABOUT TAKING THE ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS!!!

So, does this depict adequacy, fear, or prejudice?  "We are talking about France & Spain here where it not illegal to possess pepper spray. If you did give some thieving east european gyppo a blast in the face as they were trying to break into your 'van, I can't imagine the guardia arresting you, they would probably give you a pat on the back & give the gyppo a good kicking out of sight."

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mikemelson - 2011-03-18 11:21 AM It's not all about xenophobia, carrying weapons, barricading oneself in the 'van, paranoia, etc. IT'S JUST ABOUT TAKING THE ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS!!!

So, does this depict adequacy, fear, or prejudice?  "We are talking about France & Spain here where it not illegal to possess pepper spray. If you did give some thieving east european gyppo a blast in the face as they were trying to break into your 'van, I can't imagine the guardia arresting you, they would probably give you a pat on the back & give the gyppo a good kicking out of sight."

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mikemelson - 2011-03-18 11:21 AM It's not all about xenophobia, carrying weapons, barricading oneself in the 'van, paranoia, etc. IT'S JUST ABOUT TAKING THE ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS!!!

So, does this depict adequacy, fear, or prejudice?  "We are talking about France & Spain here where it not illegal to possess pepper spray. If you did give some thieving east european gyppo a blast in the face as they were trying to break into your 'van, I can't imagine the guardia arresting you, they would probably give you a pat on the back & give the gyppo a good kicking out of sight."

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mikemelson - 2011-03-15 6:09 PM



Whatever you buy, leave it with a friend over there, DO NOT bring it back to the UK, for should you use it to protect yourself from a violent mugging, you will be charged with assault & having an offensive weapon whilst the murderous scum whose intent was to maim & rob you will get a slap on the wrist


It's disgusting the way honest folks are treated in the UK.

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mikemelson - 2011-03-15 6:09 PM



Whatever you buy, leave it with a friend over there, DO NOT bring it back to the UK, for should you use it to protect yourself from a violent mugging, you will be charged with assault & having an offensive weapon whilst the murderous scum whose intent was to maim & rob you will get a slap on the wrist


It's disgusting the way honest folks are treated in the UK.

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1footinthegrave - 2011-03-17 9:17 AM


I know I'm going to upset the apple cart, but I don't know what planet some of you are on. This was a man, not a young man, he could have been any man, who in the pitch dark of his own home finds THREE burglars in his house, a house that had been broken into on many occasions, and perhaps wrongly armed himself, as we all know the Police are hardly likely to turn up even assuming the burglars would have minded him saying "do you mind if I use the phone please". I think even though he was described as a loose cannon do you not think for one minute this was a man under siege, listening to every creak in his house ( ramshackle or not ) wondering if this time would be the time he would be seriously assaulted or worse. I think for anyone to really appreciate his mindset they need to have first suffered the trauma of awaking in the night to find THREE male's creeping up your stairs, then see what yOUR adrenalin levels are like.

Or is the advice to sit there calmly and collected, read up what you can or cannot do, perhaps a handy leaflet on the bedside table to refer to.


Why anyone would give any of these low lifes any defense at all is beyond me. Shot in the back, he was running away so we are told, or could Martin have thought he was running to get help from other low lifes, how would he know, so what should not have been there in the first place, sorry for me one less A******* in the world.


Well said!

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Not saying whether or not you should attempt to spray an intruder ... but if you do make sure the bl**dy thing is pointing the right way otherwise you could squirt yourself in the eye and make the intruder's job easier!!!! *-)
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No problem Mel, These sprays are not like WD40 or hair spray, it is an impressive piece of kit, with the nozzle, plunger and safety catch so designed that the spray can only be propelled forward. I won't say it's impossible to spray yourself but it would a bit like trying to shoot yourself in the head with a long barrelled rifle.

I would take a photo but my cannister is in France and I wouldn't dare bring it back to UK, Plod would have a field day, Especially when I read in one of the magazines a couple of months back that a disabled pensioner collected a criminal record for travelling with a Swiss Army knife in his van's glove box!!

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Don Madge - 2011-03-17 10:04 AM
Arthur Brown - 2011-03-14 10:03 PM Be aware! Use the Aires in both France and Spain. It is most probable that another motor home will be using the Aire so there is safety in numbers. Art
Hi Art, That is an "Urban Myth" the more motorhomes just means the scumbags have more choice. Don't expect anybody to come to your aid if you are being attacked at night. Would you get out of your van at night to help somebody? Would anybody on the forum do it? Safe travelling. Don

Hi Don,

I,m no wana be hero,but I would go to the aid of anyone in that kind of trouble and have done in the Past,got the scars to prove it, my age is against me but you do what you feel is right, I would still have a go no matter the consequences, if we follow the Yanks of none involvement and turn a blind eye to those in trouble then it too sends a signal to the would be crook that is intended victim has no real defence, If I shot a would be intruder in the back I would turn him over and shoot him in the front ,Dead men dont sue. violent criminals should be shot like the dogs they are,   now I,m off to church.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Corky 8 - 2011-03-20 1:27 PM
Don Madge - 2011-03-17 10:04 AM
Arthur Brown - 2011-03-14 10:03 PM Be aware! Use the Aires in both France and Spain. It is most probable that another motor home will be using the Aire so there is safety in numbers. Art
Hi Art, That is an "Urban Myth" the more motorhomes just means the scumbags have more choice. Don't expect anybody to come to your aid if you are being attacked at night. Would you get out of your van at night to help somebody? Would anybody on the forum do it? Safe travelling. Don

Hi Don,

I,m no wana be hero,but I would go to the aid of anyone in that kind of trouble and have done in the Past,got the scars to prove it, my age is against me but you do what you feel is right, I would still have a go no matter the consequences, if we follow the Yanks of none involvement and turn a blind eye to those in trouble then it too sends a signal to the would be crook that is intended victim has no real defence, If I shot a would be intruder in the back I would turn him over and shoot him in the front ,Dead men dont sue. violent criminals should be shot like the dogs they are,   now I,m off to church.

Sadly most people just look the other way, and after an incident I suffered recently ( not related to my travels ) was told in no uncertain terms by plod NOt to get involved, but call them first, I did not think the comment I wanted to make would have been well received, so kept it shut. *-)
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Baseball and cricket bat’s are in confined spaces uselesstoo big and unwieldy, sprays can be a hit and miss affair, and again inconfined spaces problematical and illegal in the UK. Best advice, be aware anduse your head (not literally) however there is one device that is very effectivein confined spaces and completely disorientating – hand held gas powered airhorns. Draws attention to you, and the noise in deafening.   

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mikemelson - 2011-03-20 1:00 PM


No problem Mel, These sprays are not like WD40 or hair spray, it is an impressive piece of kit, with the nozzle, plunger and safety catch so designed that the spray can only be propelled forward. I won't say it's impossible to spray yourself but it would a bit like trying to shoot yourself in the head with a long barrelled rifle.


I was thinking more of WD40 or hairspray ... I've certainly sprayed myself in the eye with hairspray in the morning when not fully awake, so being woken up in the middle of the night and then trying to use on an intruder could be a problem!!!!! :-D :D

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