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Driving with the fridge running on gas?Is it ok?Or should i not

alf stone

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My fridge was & perhaps still is,in need of attention.


Up to last week it would refuse absolutely to work on Gas once the gas bottle was changed & the fridge full,annoying as i ate to much & threw quite a lot away


The day after arriving at a place i knew i would remain for a week,i tried the fridge(again)and it lite :-D but it was empty


I taped up the holes on the wind side of the cooling vent & drove along very quite roads at 20mph or less to go shopping (about 10 miles) the fridge was still running when i got back ;-)


Today,the fridge almost empty i intended turning the gas off,shopping & on to a new place,Agen.


When i arrived at the shopping having driven at speeds up to 50mph & without the holes being tapped i found the fridge still working 8-)


Id forgotten to turn the gas off


Is there any reason why i shouldn't just leave the gas running,fridge on,when i go off to Agen??

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Guest Tracker

You are not supposed to leave the fridge - or any other gas appliance on whilst on the move.


For safety reasons in the event of an accident the gas should always be turned off at the bottles whilst on the road otherwise if a gas pipe became fractured or even sprang a leak through vibration whilst driving it could be catastrohic.


That said fire and explosion events are remarkably rare! I don't know how many people either deliberately flout the rules or simply forget to turn the fridge / heating off when moving away - but it does happen!


The risk is low but it is there and it is a personal choice whether one takes it or not - personally I prefer not!


If the gas goes out due to wind the fail safe thermocouple should cut the gas supply so there should be little risk of flame failure cauing an explosion - assuming it works OK that is?


I hope you didn't tape over the chimney exit point which is where the burnt gas fumes and heat escape from when you taped over the vents?

If you did please go and untape that bit NOW!

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Guest JudgeMental
whatever you do dont tape up the vent that the heat comes out of? as it is the outlet for poisonous carbon monoxide gas? :-S
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:'( No tape this time as i thought id turned of the gas,


Ive just bought some patè & a kilo of anchovies oh there fish,cod,in the deep freeze i will stay on the aire(if there's still a place for me :-S ) just 2 kms away


im parked on a shopping center parking using the restaurant wi-fi which im allowed to do as there are no plugs i can have a coffee then come back hear to recharge


This is the first shopping center parking ive stayed beyond the time needed for shopping it very bad for me *-) when ive eaten my biscuits instead of waiting a week for more i can walk 20 yards to buy more *-)


They also sell some nice chocolate :-(

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As Tracker says, in the end it boils down to your attitude to risk I guess.


Driving is inherently a very dangerous activity. Tens of thousands of people are killed in Europe alone whilst travelling in vehicles each year.

Not a single one of them thought, as they got into their vehicle, that today is the day I'm going to die in a crash. But it was; and they did.

But of course we totally do not see it as dangerous because we are cocooned in a nice warm quite wind-proof box as we hurtle along in our two ton missile at 70 mph.





We've not driven along with our fridge set to gas, as it has always worked fine on 12 volt whilst travelling; but we have sometimes, when the weather has been really really perishing and the dashboard heating hasn't been remotely able to warm the large volume of air inside the vehicle, driven with our Truma gas warm-air-blown-heating on.

Loverly and warm.


The regulator on our Spanish Motorhome is the fixed-to-the-top-of-the-bottle type.

Worst scenario would be a bunsen-burner type flame coming from it if the rubber gas pipe was melted in a post-crash fire.

And if the fire was really intense, it would make not a jot of difference whether the bottle was switched on or not....I rather suspect that the explosion once the two of them at 15kgs each had heated sufficiently would make everything else to do with the remains of the MH somewhat academic.



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alf stone - 2011-03-14 1:34 PM


im parked on a shopping center parking using the restaurant wi-fi which im allowed to do as there are no plugs i can have a coffee then come back hear to recharge


They also sell some nice chocolate :-(



Do watch out for cameras that record registration number plates, in this country we got a ticket for overstaying the allotted time in a carpark that did not have pay and display, I am sure that will not be the same over there but it is something to bear in mind.


Can you post a chocolate please............

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My last van was an Autocruise Startrail..with the gas heating designed to be able to be left on whilst travelling..But I never tried it out...I always turned off the gas at the bottle!!


I did hear a rumour a couple of years ago that some of the French and Spanish Police were stopping Motorhomes to check if they had Gas appliances running whilst in motion..but maybe it was just a rumour..I was always advised to ensure the gas was off and run the fridge off the 12 volt!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
My worry would be that should you develop a gas leak whilst in motion, the vehicles momentum may prevent you from smelling it escaping. But Alf why would you want to do that assuming your fridge has the ability to run on battery whilst on the move. If your fridge is giving you problems lighting on gas I would urge you to get someone take a look, the burner jet may need a clean / replacement, or the piezoelectric ignition may need a look at, I had one fail on me only last year, luckily I was in the UK, so no language problem in getting it sorted. Err on the side of caution, we want to keep hearing your tales.
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Im in the area of free shopping center car parking,i wouldn't stay over night.I dont thinks that's permitted,at least at this shopping center


Once before i drove off with the gas heating on,but not for long,that did worry me


The fridge needs either a new pizzo or cleaning,i think its the rust,the gas jets fine i can smell gas strongly when the pizzo doesn't work :-|


I did wonder if there would have been a bang if the pizzo sparked when so much gas was about 8-)


I dont try lighting it for so long now & when i smell gas i stop


The chocolate is good *-) Id be more than happy to give you most as i don't like chocolates when ive finished them :-( Nor the biscuits *-)


I better go to the aire

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Brian Kirby - 2011-03-14 5:23 PM


Just for the record, having the gas turned on at the cylinder while driving, in France, is illegal - unless fed through a Truma Secumotion system.  Alf's won't be.


I'm not sure that this is true, though I've certainly been told before that it's the case. (Brian, can you quote the regulation, please?)


However, it is generally illegal in France to run any gas-fuelled appliance in a moving vehicle. The only exception to that rule relates to gas-fuelled HEATERS that have been certificated for use in moving vehicles and where the vehicle's gas system has a professionally installed 'safety' system like SecuMotion.


Even if your motorhome has a SecuMotion-type gas system, you are still banned from running a fridge on gas (or an oven!) while travelling in France.

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Guest Tracker
Big Momma - 2011-03-14 6:36 PM


Now I have read several of 'Alfs' posts and each time I have to keep checking the Calendar, "Nope not 1st April yet !" - Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Alf may just be taking the P**ss :D :D


I think maybe that's a bit unkind Eric? I think Alf is new to motorhoming and having jumped in at the deep end in a foreign land in a cold winter and with no visible means of support he just needs a bit of guidance now and then - or daily!


Actually - I have a great deal of respect for what Alf is doing as I dare to suggest that most of us don't have his sort of bottle - or is a case of not knowing what can go wrong is bliss!

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Big Momma - 2011-03-14 6:36 PM


Now I have read several of 'Alfs' posts and each time I have to keep checking the Calendar, "Nope not 1st April yet !" - Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Alf may just be taking the P**ss :D :D


Not sure about 'taking' the p*ss ... but maybe p*ssed ... or high on chocolate!!!! :D

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Tracker - 2011-03-14 7:10 PM


Big Momma - 2011-03-14 6:36 PM


Now I have read several of 'Alfs' posts and each time I have to keep checking the Calendar, "Nope not 1st April yet !" - Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Alf may just be taking the P**ss :D :D


I think maybe that's a bit unkind Eric? I think Alf is new to motorhoming and having jumped in at the deep end in a foreign land in a cold winter and with no visible means of support he just needs a bit of guidance now and then - or daily!


Actually - I have a great deal of respect for what Alf is doing as I dare to suggest that most of us don't have his sort of bottle - or is a case of not knowing what can go wrong is bliss!


And if that is the case, Alf I apologise unreservedly :$

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Guest Tracker
Big Momma - 2011-03-14 9:05 PM

And if that is the case, Alf I apologise unreservedly :$




I hope it brings a smile to Alf as well - I reckon he could do with some cheer - apart from dodgy wine!

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Guest Tracker
donna miller - 2011-03-14 9:14 PM


Tracker - 2011-03-14 9:07 PM




I hope it brings a smile to Alf as well - I reckon he could do with some cheer - !



With a name like Fiona, I'm sure he does *-)


You got me that time Donna - I shoulda looked first shouldn't I!!!!


If he really is a she, then she deserves even more respect if what she is doing is really what she is doing - or are we all being wound up?


If so I fell for it - nice one Alf / Fiona?!?!

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:-S Today ive driven a kilometer or so hear with the fridge on,i had no idea it was forbidden,but then so many things are :-S


I have to return home for the weekend :'( i got my dates wrong :'( I will turn the gas off as i have a long drive (about 100kms today)


Damm >:-( i gave my real name i had no idea it would be displayed :-S Its what comes of holding a laptop with one hand typing with the other in the dark while freezing (then evenings were around 5c)


Ill re invent my self later as men get a better result hear :-S Its been interesting trying to post in male speak *-)


I wont have a passport im told that when i arrive at the customs i have to tell them "i have no passport nor identification"then they will give me £1000 a month & my own flat :-)



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Guest Tracker
alf stone - 2011-03-15 10:38 A


Ill re invent my self later as men get a better result hear :-S Its been interesting trying to post in male speak *-)


I wont have a passport im told that when i arrive at the customs i have to tell them "i have no passport nor identification"then they will give me £1000 a month & my own flat :-)



I am surprised to read that you consider that men get a better response Fiona - by the way a lovely name and much nicer than Alf!


If what you are doing in an eldery motorhome is what you say you are doing and I have no reason not to believe you then I really do have tremendous respect for your achievements.


At least when you get back to your van for the next session the days will be longer the nights warmer and you now have a wealth of experience to back you up following a tough baptism into the nomadic way of life.


I can't speak for others but my perception is that, with a few notable exceptions, men tend to be more mechanically and technically minded than the ladies.


I would always tend to go into greater detail when it is clear from the posting that the asker of the question is at an early learning stage but whether or not the message would be that different for male or female I don't know - I like to think not?


Safe journey and look forward to more of your meanderings.

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-03-14 7:04 PM
Brian Kirby - 2011-03-14 5:23 PM Just for the record, having the gas turned on at the cylinder while driving, in France, is illegal - unless fed through a Truma Secumotion system.  Alf's won't be.
I'm not sure that this is true, though I've certainly been told before that it's the case. (Brian, can you quote the regulation, please?) .........

Hi Derek.  No, I don't have a reference for the actual French legislation.  My source is a supplement to Le Monde du Camping Car "Le Guide Pratique de l'Accessoire", (an annual supplement for subscribers), in which they have stated, "La loi française impose de circuler avec les bouteilles de gaz fermées (sauf avec système Sécumotion).  Vous ne pouvez les ouvrir qu'à l'étape.............."  (French law requires gas bottles to be closed while driving (unless equipped with the Secumotion (UK: Drivesafe) system).  They may only be opened once parked up.............).

No legal reference was given and, as we have Secumotion, I haven't pursued the veracity of the statement.  However, I would assume they will have satisfied themselves as to the reasonable accuracy of their statement. 

That aside, it would appear rupture of a gas line in an accident, especially the high pressure flexible, must be the concern. 

I have not heard of French police checking gas cocks on cylinders, but suppose they might, and I have not seen mention of a penalty for non-compliance, but suppose there must be one.  (10 years in the Bastille: guillotine?  :-))  Afraid I have therefore just assumed compliance to be the better part of valour.  :-D

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