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Mirror Guard


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How many times do I have to say it - I'm not knocking the product - in fact I posted supporting the the initial forum advert after someone else moaned about it.


I just think that I am entitled to find out exactly what the product does and does not do for the thick end of a hundred quid because if I only wanted white mirrors I could paint them for a lot less than that.


As it is my ego does not extend to must have fancy mirror covers unless they serve a useful purpose - and you yourself made the point that nothing would survive a heavy impact - so I say again - why would I want to spend £100 on cosmetic covers that might or might not save me £100 for a new mirror?


There may well be a good case for fitting them to the ridiculously overpriced mirrors of the X250 but maybe not so strong a case for older cheaper mirrors - but until we know just what they will or will not do it's all guessswork?


That said in over forty years of driving vans and motorhomes I have only ever 'lost' one mirror.


As you seem to like them so much why don't you buy a pair and report back your findings in use - preferably after being side swiped at 50 mph?


Is that so unreasonable?



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Guest JudgeMental
Yes it is unreasonable, that you dont recognise this fact is no surprise, just give it a rest? Mike has said he is finished with the subject, so why keep on in your interminably boring and repetitive style you petty and excruciatingly boring man...
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I've seen them in 'Storm trooper' White, do they do them in 'Darth Vader' Black as well ??Looks very good, PROVIDED it works ? however what i'm looking for is system that automatically folds my mirror in out of 'Harms way' BEFORE 'white van man' decides to take 'MY' half of the road as well as his own, then RIPS OFF his mirror and retains it as a 'Spare' for sale on E-Bay. (the 'system' has to be paid for somehow !) now all we need is an inventor (a reversing sensor linked up to motor to pull in the mirror ??)

Come on Clive ! you have the know-how !! :D :D Ray


The 'boys' been having a 'tiff' again ? *-)

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Guest Tracker

Once again Eddie is unable to communicate without being offensive.


Sad to say that yet again it just goes to show his truly unpleasant nature.


Mental certainly applies in his case but judgement looks dodgy!


I stand by everything I have said on this topic and it still remains to be substantiated that these covers are anything more than an expensive decoration.


Perhaps I should just point out that I have not attacked anyone - all I did was ask some perfectly reasonable questions for which I get tirades of abuse again.


If it is good enough for the supplier to advertise his product on here then it is good enough for anyone to ask about that product and if that is unacceptable to certain memebers then that is tough for you - learn to live with it!


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Guest JudgeMental

You just cant help yourself you stupid BORING man.


My order has gone in this mornning for a silver pair I just cant wait! :D

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after reading the threads on the mirror guards I'd just like to mention an experience with my Volvo Artic Tanker that is fitted with mirror protectors, I caught a tree branch and the mirror slammed into the side window smashing it and the mirror as well. It was a very expensive repair. If the mirror alone had slammed into the window the plastic caseing would have absorbed the energy and maybe have save the window. Putting the mirror guards on actually increased the overall weight of the mirror and arm assembly, I think I would rather risk cracking the plastic housing than causing further damage.
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after reading the threads on the mirror guards I'd just like to mention an experience with my Volvo Artic Tanker that is fitted with mirror protectors, I caught a tree branch and the mirror slammed into the side window smashing it and the mirror as well. It was a very expensive repair. If the mirror alone had slammed into the window the plastic caseing would have absorbed the energy and maybe have save the window. Putting the mirror guards on actually increased the overall weight of the mirror and arm assembly, I think I would rather risk cracking the plastic housing than causing further damage.
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Naa Ray..it's a pubilc forum..get in there (lol)


Tracker,speaking as an "unbiased observer"(..and not knowing you or Judge' from Adam),it does seem as if you just love to just keep poking and prodding,until you eventually get a reaction...and then when someone does bite,you come over all,"..I didn't mean that.."or "..I was only asking.." etc :-S

(..if someone keeps on lighting blue touch papers,they must know that they'll eventually get fireworks ;-) )

And the trouble is,you seem to do this so many times, that I think we find it hard to tell if/when you *are* just asking a reasonable question :-S


Right,so IF you are seriously interested in these covers(..and you aren't just on here for the wind up factor),I *assume* that you've emailed the company with your quiries and concerns?..yes....


However, IF these covers are of no interest to you,why on earth have you remained on here,having a pop?... :-S


Just because you don't see the value in something,does not mean others don't have a right to....


Roland..I think these mirror guards are really more like just a second outer shell,rather than the seperate baffle as fitted to trucks..they certainly look as if they'd make good a damaged outer case... ;-)

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Guest Tracker
pepe63 - 2011-04-04 4:08 PM


Naa Ray..it's a pubilc forum..get in there (lol)


Tracker,speaking as an "unbiased observer"(..and not knowing you or Judge' from Adam),it does seem as if you just love to just keep poking and prodding,until you eventually get a reaction...and then when someone does bite,you come over all,"..I didn't mean that.."or "..I was only asking.." etc :-S


Right,so IF you are seriously interested in these covers(..and you aren't just on here for the wind up factor),I *assume* that you've emailed the company with your quiries and concerns?..yes....


However, IF these covers are of no interest to you,why on earth have you remained on here,having a pop?... :-S


Just because you don't see the value in something,does not mean others don't have a right to....)


May I remind you just who it was who started mud slinging on this thread - and who saw an opportunity and dived in to follow - so how come you are now making me out as the villain? I kinda resent that attitude.


I am not interested in Eddie or his attitude or his mental and paranoia problems and I did nothing to wind him up on this topic so if you have an axe to grind why not grind it in his backyard not mine?


Both he and Mike could both have made their points in a more civilised way without any of the bitching.


When I first looked at these covers I thought I might be interested but the more I consider it the less I like the idea so no I have not contacted the suppliers.


As the supplier is a member ot this forum he has the right of reply but unfortunately he has not exercised this right as yet?


Just as others are entitled to point out what they see as the potential benefits so I am just as entitled to point out what I see as the potential pitfalls and I don't see what gives you the right to poke your oar in and have a go at me?


It seems strange that others can express a negative view without all this crap being hurled at them.


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Guest JudgeMental

OMG like a used record, around and around, you go......you excruciating bore


Lets hope the website update comes with charging a fee for membership? that should see the like of you slither of back under the rock from whence you came..... and let rest of us enjoy ourselves in a civilised manner

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Guest Tracker

Keep plugging away Eddie - just keep being as insulting and unoriginal as usualand let everyone who does not already know discover just how incapable you are of being pleasant and of confining your postings to the topic in hand.


See how it's done - another reply without resorting to personal insults - you should try it sometime - it really is not hard.




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Guest JudgeMental
when is enough enough I wonder...SEVEN posts regurgitating the same old rubbish. That others are getting the measure of you as well is good to see. You have neither an X250 or interest in the product, so why dont you mind your own buisness......And shut it?
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Guest Tracker

You might have considered taking a leaf from your own book about regurgitation before posting that latest waste of space - but I had forgotten just how important having the last word is to you!


So now's your chance!



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Guest Tracker
Rayjsj - 2011-04-04 8:22 PM


Love 15, advantage Tracker....... new Balls please !


Quiet..... Play on ! *-) *-)


Thanks for the offer Ray but my old balls still have plenty of bounce left in them!

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Brambles - 2011-04-04 8:22 PM


There is someone from Turkey selling chromed plastic skins for the x250 mirrors. They might offer some protection but would be a very neat solution to a broken mirror case.

ebay x250 chromed covers - link

They are about £65 all inclusive of postage.



I shall repeat my post to get the thread back on Topic.

What do you all think of these mirror skins?


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Guest JudgeMental
The Turkish chrome ones seem to definitely made of ABS so should do the job...plus cheaper but a bit to flashy IMO. I woulf prefer silver to go with new van but price a lot cheaper *-)
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