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Mirror Guard


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Guest pelmetman
tonyishuk - 2011-07-06 11:15 AMthe inital cost is high.Wife does handbags , I do motorhome bits :D Rgds

£100 on a hand bag8-)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that we have seen them we have ordered a pair. It is true that they do look a little like storm troopers but I still think they look better than the standard mirrors in white. They are well finished and made from very strong and thick material. That and the way they are mounted mean they will be considerably more impact resistant than the standard rather brittle mirror cases. The owner of the motorhome we saw them on had fitted them because his wife had dammaged the standard case by hitting a hedge. When I asked him how he had namaged to scratch one he admitted to hitting the same hedge hard enough to fold the mirror back but the case had only suffered minor scratches which Look as if they will polish out easily.


To those sceptics who have driven many years and never had any damage to a mirror. Fine but was that with the present very wide mirrors.


I have to smile a bit when AutoTrail promote their Excel range as being suitable for narrow lanes because of the narrow width of the body conveniently forgetting it uses the same very wide morrors!

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I guess I'm an "ouch"-er.


Not because I deny it's easy to smack the mirrors on a modern van. But because I've done it the once, and my local backstreet body shop did a fantastic job of rebuilding the gaping hole in the mirror with fibreglass for less than the cost of a set of MirrorGuards. If they were half the price, I'd be interested. Sorry...

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Well it has happened, I had a call from a customer that had a set of mirrorguards.

They were making the 750 mile trip back to calais, Half an hour into there trip it happened.

Traveling at around 50 mph a french man in his fiat came flying round the bend there was a big bang as both mirrors clashed.

They pulled over to collect the arm covers that flew of in the road which just cliped back on,

When they got home he said all the black marks polished of but there were 2 small cracks in the guard around the repeater light.

The customer said he was very pleased with the mirrorguards as they did what they said on the tin, saved his mirror unlike the frenchmans mirror that was all over the road.

He also said to me imagine the grief it saved him having no mirror driving though france.





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kartracer2003 - 2011-07-24 12:00 PM



Well it has happened, I had a call from a customer that had a set of mirrorguards.

They were making the 750 mile trip back to calais, Half an hour into there trip it happened.

Traveling at around 50 mph a french man in his fiat came flying round the bend there was a big bang as both mirrors clashed.

They pulled over to collect the arm covers that flew of in the road which just cliped back on,

When they got home he said all the black marks polished of but there were 2 small cracks in the guard around the repeater light.

The customer said he was very pleased with the mirrorguards as they did what they said on the tin, saved his mirror unlike the frenchmans mirror that was all over the road.

He also said to me imagine the grief it saved him having no mirror driving though france.





Paul - enough, please, of the blatant advertising......take out an advert in the magazine or on-line like all other traders do.

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pelmetman - 2011-07-06 9:59 PM

£100 on a hand bag8-)

OT I know but daughter just got a 'first' and apparently Dad offered (in his sleep ????) to buy her a handbag from Mulberry if she achieved this level of pass. The factory shop is (unfortunately) just a few miles away.

£100 on a handbag? - I WISH, lol!  

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Fair enough the guy is getting a small amount of free advertising but he is also in my opinion in view of the vulnerability of the Fiat mirrors providing information about a valuable service he is offering. May be as a small trader he can't afford to pay for advertising and without this forum many of us would never know the product exists so having ordered a pair myself I say good luck to him. May be when he has the cash he will be able to advertise and hence reach a much greater potential market.
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Hello Colin

Your are right i do intend to advertise in the magazines but i need to save up a bit first, The other reason for not advertising is i would probably get inundated with orders and wouldnt be able to keep up with the manufacturing but this with be sorted shortly.

However i am supporting MMM by taking a stand at most of there motorhome shows.


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Right I've fitted me little Storm Troupers now but they arrived with no instructions so I thought a few hints may be helpful to others. I went to fit them in the evening when the sun had been on the mirrors all day making them very hot and me little Storm Troupers which had been in the workshop were cold. I tried a dry run without taking the backing off the pads and found them impossibly tight so I came up with a cunning plan. I put them in the airing cupboard to keep them all nice and warm over night and fitted them first ting in the morning when the mirrors were cold. Even so they were tight so I ran some talc round the edges of both the mirror guards and the outer part of the mirror body. They were now still a snug fit but much easier to slide on. Take care to slide them on square and make sure that all the edges line up flush with the edges of the mirrors. If you push one side on too far you will not be able to get the other side on far enough to line up.


I'm pleased with them the do enhance the look of the motorhome and will be much more obvious to on coming traffic. Now all I need to is arm them with some sort of space age gun that will detect any object on a collision course with them and varourise it before contact can occur!

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  • 2 years later...

I have actual experience with this hopeless product.


24 hours after collecting my new van with mirrorguards fitted I was travelling at 35-40 mph when my nearside mirror hit a sawnoff branch in the hedge. Result was a smashed mirror and total loss of the mirrorguard. So if you are travelling at 15-20mph and your mirror is hit by an oncoming vehicle at 15-20mph then its goodbye mirror. What good are mirrorguards - THEY DON'T WORK. They are not fit for purpose unless that purpose is to save you from a small scratch Otherwise a complete waste of money. Yet on the website they state that the product offers "full protection" and if you fit them you will suffer "no costly repair". Welcome to the Misrepresentation Act 1967 and the Sale of Goods Act 1979. The dealer who sold them has declined to pay for the smashed mirror (£256.80), and supply a replacement nearside mirrorguard so that the mirrors match, or give me my money back. It's not a lot to ask, and a very small amount for them, but their refusal may cost them dearly because its off to court we go and when I have finished with him I'm going after mirrorguard with every regulator I can find - Trading Standards and the Advertising Standards Authority for starters.

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Movinon, Get your dealer to provide you the EC Type-Approval for these mirror guards, (doubt he can) as vehicle mirrors have to meet Type Approval, A dealer/manufacturer has to supply a NEW vehicle that meets Whole Vehicle Type Approval (EWVTA), given they have added these items and supplied the vehicle I would suggest (EWVTA) has been overlooked !

A call to the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) might be the answer .



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I disagree with the first ever post from Movion. I have had the Mirror Guards for about 9 months. Before that I lost a mirror to a French white van driver and it cost me above £300 to replace. Since I have had the mirror guards we have had a similar incident and the only damage was a small scuff on the guard that polished out. Since fitting them I notice drivers seem to move over much quicker as the guards stand out more than the black plastic Fiat cases. I know they are not cheap but I think they have already saved more than they cost.


Keith (sooty)

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You're missing the point. This product is sold without qualification, without limitations placed on its effectiveness. If it protects your mirror today and doesn't tomorrow then it has failed. If it was sold with the condition that it would not work at a certain speed, or against a certain obstacle, or under certain situations and it failed in that situation that would be OK. That would be user error - known about before purchase. But it isn't. It is advertised with a blanket claim as to its effectiveness which is simply not true. The fact that it may have worked once for user A doesn't relieve it of the necessity to work for user B.
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Last year in France I saw 2 separate broken mirror guards and thought then obviously not as good as advertised .l have 2 strips of day glow yellow sticky backed vinyl on each mirror £2.49 off eBay for 10 which give oncoming drivers adequate warning.
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Alex K - thank you for your suggestion. This is something to look at after the court case, another regulator to be given a heads-up if you will, as I have little knowledge in this area and don't wish to go beyond the relevant consumer acts, which should be quite sufficient, at this point. It seems that they would all rather go to court than pay me £404.40, my out-of-pocket expenses, to go away. Given that the alternative is going to be a great deal of negative publicity (I haven't barely got started yet), they are being foolish in the extreme.
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