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Captain mikey

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You need to inspect the van for any gaps/ventilation vents ect.

I once read that mice can get through any gap that you can put a pencil through.

Any that are found need to be covered with smaller mesh so still allowing ventilation in.


Also check under the van where pipework comes out and seal around any gaps that appear to allow a pencil diameter to go in. Good luck.

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There is a problem with mice where we store the van. When I first put it there, one of the others who store there put me wise to it and suggested I use these electronic mouse deterrents. We bought 3 battery powered units on E-bay and have one in the rear of the van, one between the front seats and one under the bonnet. They work well and the batteries last for a fair old time. Best of luck.
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Captain mikey - 2011-03-15 8:42 AM




How do I keep mice at bay when van in storage please..? No mains power available.


The Captain >:-(


I had field mice get into my stored van several years ago, I bought two 9v battery powered 'screamers' they emit ultra sonic sound waves that can only be heard by rodents. They work fine, and the batteries last for several months. Never had mice come back.

Now my van is stored at home i use mains powered versions of the same 'rodent deterents' . I am told that if you already have mice IN, they are reluctant to leave by this means ( then you need traps) but if they are not, these work and stop them from 'setting up home'. ;-) Ray

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and RATS >:-(


All I can say is that I hope screenwash is poisonous to the darned critters. One of them chewed through a water pipe somewhere between the tank and the jets. He was seen to be underneath having a drink from the resulting puddle this morning. Hope to goodness nothing else has been chewed, wiring etc. Hope its possible to just join the 2 damaged ends somehow, as otherwise its quite tricky to get to, everything is really squashed in under the bonnet. :-(

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Hi Captain. New members ourselves. Not had the problem yet in the Van, however recently moved to storeage in rural barn so may be an issue for us. We live in France and look onto Place at the front of house but fields at the back. Have had a problem in our barn and once in our loft. There a product we use in house which an electronic screamer and seems to work OK. With no Electricity I would use a product called Souricide ( get it ! ) which comes in sachets like tea bags only not to be confused.! Don't know if you can get it where you are but it's very effective ( or so I am told as my wife refuses to kill anything, including vermin.! ) Have fun.!
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  • 9 months later...
Cleaning out the greenhouse some weeks ago I could smell mice , but never found any , so peanut butter and mouse trap at the ready the hunt was on. To date I have caught 19 of the little blighters which is worrying as the greenhouse is quite close to the motorhome they are not living in the greenhouse , so they must make a nightly visit to see whats about . The motorhome is empty of all bedding / cushions / food etc and there has been no sign of any intrusion , but it makes you wonder what may have been without trapping on a regular basis. 
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Repellants are the best 'frst line' of defence as others have said but you also need something to ensure that they don't hang around and do any damage. Traditional mouse traps are effective but can be messy. Another excellent product is B&Qs own fast kill mouse 'traps' which are baited plastic containers in a twin pack - and boy are they fast, the mice are usually within just a few cms of the trap or even still in it - and the traps are re-usable. No mashed up mouse, no blood, just very effective.


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A company in my area specialises in damp repairs, I called round yesterday about another matter and he had the rear end of a caravan stripped off, the water ingress and damp damage was hard to believe as it was a good looking van but what caught my eye was the mound of insulation material that had been between the floor. The mice must have been living between the upper and lower layer of the floor for some time and caused a fair amount of delamination. When the caravan leaves the workshop it will look like brand new again but I think the owner will have to think again as to where it will be parked or stored when its not being used.
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Patricia - 2012-01-05 3:10 PM


I would be interested in which electronic devices actually work. I have some electric ones and have watched the mice walking over them!!


I have tried 9v battery powered ones and 240v mains ones, both work, BUT only as a deterrant to 'visiting' mice. If the mice are already IN , you need traps to catch them all first, THEN put in the 'Screamers'. After an initial infestation, i have gone for 6 years with the electronic 'screamers' in place and NO mice. Ray

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Arrived back home on Wednesday after 2 weeks away in the 'van...

...went to use the car, started it up and wouldn't tick over, just racing then dropping off, then racing again.

Popped down to see my friendly mechanic, who thought he knew the problem because another neighbour had similar trouble and some sort of sensor in the engine was at fault.

He opened the bonnet to show me where the sensor was and in searching for it, declared he could hear hissing. After a minute or so, he located a rubber breather pipe which had been chewed through by you now know what!

Luckily the hole was near the end of the pipe and he cut it off and reterminated it and now good as new.

And free as well.

So, just got back from Homebase with a trap to set.


Strangely though, Mr. Mouse had been chewing away in the garage lately ( a few spud peelings and some recycling bags) and nuevogirl wouldn't dream of me setting any traps.

Now she's fearing an intrusion into the 'van, it's all out war!!! :-D

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We have had mice in the van three times now and once in the cars engine compatrment


They swarm all over any areas that they can smell food or are warm in winter, they poke about until they find a way in and they have a flexible skeleton which allows them to get through the smallest of holes/gaps


As they have no bladder control they pee constantly and this leaves a trail that others follow -- ditto poo - it is rare to have just one mouse at least two then lots


I have been all over the underside of my van sealing, meshing, plating etc I use two electronic repelers, have six traps set, and now poison in the engine compartment (I had mouse droppings in the air filter housing of my X250??? )


I also check the van every day - last mouse trapped 3 months ago, and chewed insulation in the car one week ago


There is no sure cure just ensure no food or bedding materials left in van, clean all areas with dettol or other clenser we then dose the van with lavender oil


Good Luck



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Guest Peter James
Captain mikey - 2011-03-15 8:42 AM




How do I keep mice at bay when van in storage please..? No mains power available.


The Captain >:-(


set fire to it

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