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What you can do with your Kindle.....


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I've been so impressed with this bit of kit since I've bought it, what with its internet connection capabilities and all. I thought I would see what else it can do.


With just a quick Google I've discovered that it can be used as a route planner, just get it into browser mode and type in the url maps.google.com/m/directions and you will come up with 'To' and 'From' boxes and the choices of 'By Car', By 'Transit', 'Walking' and 'Bicycling'.


Just input where you are and your destination and there you go.... all worked out for you.


All at no cost other than original purchase of the 3G Kindle. Neat eh?


So, what else can you get your Kindle to do?

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I have never been one for reading books, magazines yes but books no I havent the patience. However I dont get this reading a book via this modern media its just not right even to a philistine (possible spellin) like me.

Just my opinion you understand. :-D

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neilmac - 2011-03-15 6:14 PM


I've been so impressed with this bit of kit since I've bought it, what with its internet connection capabilities and all. I thought I would see what else it can do.


With just a quick Google I've discovered that it can be used as a route planner, just get it into browser mode and type in the url maps.google.com/m/directions and you will come up with 'To' and 'From' boxes and the choices of 'By Car', By 'Transit', 'Walking' and 'Bicycling'.


Just input where you are and your destination and there you go.... all worked out for you.


All at no cost other than original purchase of the 3G Kindle. Neat eh?


So, what else can you get your Kindle to do?


You do sound as if your getting your moneys worth then Neil, what stopped me getting one as an avid reader both at home or in the van ! is the price of the books that cant be passed on to friends ? apart from the fact I buy mine usually from Charity Shops. :$

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Madmaggott - 2011-03-16 4:49 PMWhy do people feel the need to be offensive when someone offers a tip such as this? 

A little homely that my mum used to say: "If you can't be nice just keep quiet"!

I had much the same thoughts Mag.
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Madmaggott - 2011-03-16 4:49 PMWhy do people feel the need to be offensive when someone offers a tip such as this?  "If you can't be nice just keep quiet"!

Nobody has posted anything offensive, I can see a couple of humourous posts amongst the others.Maybe a little heeding of your own statement would be beneficial. Or perhaps you and your friend are exempt from your mothers advice *-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Perhaps you could have listed other pet hates to put under our wheels as well, I mean what's the point.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
donna miller - 2011-03-30 2:24 PM


The thread was about Kindle's, why would I want to list my other pet hates. *-)


Perhaps you should start your own thread then if you have so little to offer other than an attempt at humour. Can I suggest if that's what it was include a smiley. (^)

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donna miller - 2011-03-16 9:31 AM


As they are only cheap copies of the Sony E Reader, you could buy 4 of them and put them under your wheels on a boggy campsite.



AHA Thats were the Ipad scores !!


You can get an app that reads the weight of each tyre load and you have no problems with overloading.



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tonyishuk - 2011-03-31 9:30 AM



AHA Thats were the Ipad scores !!


You can get an app that reads the weight of each tyre load and you have no problems with overloading.




Nice one :D :D :D


(Be careful Toni, the forum anti-humour police are on the prowl.) (lol)

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neilmac - 2011-03-15 6:14 PM


I've been so impressed with this bit of kit since I've bought it, what with its internet connection capabilities and all. I thought I would see what else it can do.


With just a quick Google I've discovered that it can be used as a route planner, just get it into browser mode and type in the url maps.google.com/m/directions and you will come up with 'To' and 'From' boxes and the choices of 'By Car', By 'Transit', 'Walking' and 'Bicycling'.


Just input where you are and your destination and there you go.... all worked out for you.


All at no cost other than original purchase of the 3G Kindle. Neat eh?


So, what else can you get your Kindle to do?


Thanks for the info, not something I was aware of, worth passing on. :-)

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Colin Leake - 2011-04-02 4:38 PM


Clive - 2011-04-01 11:00 AM


Thats Kendle !!


That explains a lot. I was wondering how people were managing to do such wonderful things with a chocolate bar when all we could manage to do was eat it.


I think you're confused again ... I think you mean Kendal Mint cake ... no chocolate in it! :D


Of course, on second thoughts you could mean a Kinder Egg ...! 8-)

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