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Weighbridge in Essex/East London


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Hi, Can anyone out there point me in the direction of a weighbridge in the Essex or East London area. There used be one at the Hastingwood roundabout on the M11 but this now closed. Seems to be plenty in Kent but I can't seem to trace one in Essex/East London.
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I usually look at the County Council website for a list, but I can't find one on the Essex site.


The following PDF document (which appears to be dated May 2008) has a list of public weighbridges in Essex in it, which may help. At least it has contact numbers for them.




...though I suspect that someone more local will be along shortly to recommend one!

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I have just found a (private) weighbridge near Ongar, they quoted £6.50 per weigh ie. £19.50 for front axle, back axle & whole 'van. This sounds extortionate to me or am I living in the past. Is there no such thing as a public weighbridge any more or are they just as bad?
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I have just had mine weighed for £9.00 total in Oxford.

Note you only need two weights: Total weight & one axle - you can then find the other axle weight by subtracting the one axle weight from the total.

I was also quoted £19 by a different Co, so shopped around a bit. 

Jeremy the L'aimeduck

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Guest JudgeMental

I would call your local council they are always attached to dump/recycling centres..


Mine Croydon, charge nothing as long as you dont want a ticket. the weight display is clearly visable and they just let you get on with taking the 3 weights.....

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The ones I mentioned last night are at:


N 51deg 38' 39" E 0deg 35' 44" (near South Woodham Ferrers) and

N 51deg 40' 31" E 0deg 51' 20" (near Southminster).


(according to GoogleEarth)


They're both privately owned & I've used them both, and I'm sure I've NEVER paid £19. Probably a tenner max.

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Note you only need two weights: Total weight & one axle - you can then find the other axle weight by subtracting the one axle weight from the total.


Laimeduck - is this right? Deduct one from the other? Doesn't seem to work out quite right. However, i've been wrong before and no doubt I'll be wrong again! :-D


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Alan hi

Yes it is right - Honest!

They got me to drive on which gave a Total weight of 3200Kg. Then reverse so that only the front axle was on, which gave 1530Kg.

The back axle is therefore 3200 - 1530 = 1670Kg

The ticket they gave me did the maths for me & printed it all out.

Jeremy the L'aimeduck

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Many thanks to all of you for your suggestions, I have finally tracked one down in Leyton which comes under Waltham Forest council which is only a 15 minute drive for me, it's a Bywaters waste management site and costs £9.50 total

Not an easy task, I contacted Redbridge council & they didn't know what I was talking about, even after spelling it out W-E-I-G-H-B-R-I-D-G-E over the phone, they'd never heard of one, Amazing!!

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