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Water Tank Movement


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Agree with the above, I would secure some straps to the floor, around the tank and then resite the Plastic 'stops' so it can't slide.

screwfix do some good ratchet straps:



don't like the idea of a 'loose' water tank (even if it is only a couple of inches.) Ray ;-)

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Wokingham!  :-D 

It is not right, and I'm wondering if someone has had the tank out in the past.  I can't see a clip on the filler pipe termination, which seems to me undesirable as it is to the front, where water will surge on braking.  Also, there are cables and other pipes running under the front corner of the tank, indicating it has a step at that end, but not at the rear where the brackets are.  I therefore wonder if some other restraint is hidden beneath that step.

The foam beneath the tank seems odd, unless it is there merely to prevent rattling, since there seems to be no means to prevent it "jumping".  So, I think take the van to Wokingham, and ask them if they can have a look and advise.  If they are as good as their reputation, they will at least be able to suggest what you should do about it.  Why not give them a ring to be sure someone will be in the workshop, as you'll need the technician more then to sales people? 

They used to have a French technician who dealt directly with the factory, who was apparently very effective.  I think he was an overhang from Wokingham used to be Rapido UK, but I don't know if he is still there.

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George Collings - 2011-03-25 8:30 PM


I think it was CAK that told me black tanks are best as light promotes the growth of algae.


Now thers a thought for safe water, a white tank and an ultra-violet light to kill the bugs or even have a U/V light in the tank.


Has any registered the trade name B****roft?


Hi George


Yes, I believe dark coloured tanks are best, I was told this many years ago when I got a blue one and fitted it under the dinette in our self-converted ambulance.


However, I don't think Rapido fitted black ones, especially out of sight (and light) under a seat base.


Perhaps Peter can remember if his 710 had a black tank?

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Guest peter

Yes it was black.

Just fix it as suggested by Donna. Why would you want to go to the expense of traipsing off to a dealer who will charge an arm and leg. It's not that crucial that it can't be a DIY job.

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