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Vets in Calais


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Hi all, we are new to this site and are after some help please. We are taking our dog for the first time to France and are in need of recommended vets in Calais for our return with him. Any help would be appreciated, our french is limited...so is the dogs!! :-D
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My advice is not to bother with using a vet in Calais, there appears to be a pricing cartel.


I would use a vet some distance from Calais when travelling back. Examples are, we've used vets in St Maure just off the N10, also used one in Germany way back on the Rhine, all at much lower cost than using Calais/Dunkirk. If coming from the south east, try Peronne, there's a good vet there.


A friend used the vets in St Maure and got 3 animals done for the cost of 2 when compared to Calais. It pays to keep away from the coast.

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Wow, thank you. I would have used one in Calais had you not said. I suppose that is what they expect from first timers with the pooch though! Do you take your own frontline or do they have to supply that?
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Guest pelmetman

You can supply your own if you want :-D


Incidentally when we came back in January the vet in Guer charged us 55 euros and they supplied everything including 3 spare pippets of "Frontline" which we will take back out with us in June :-D...........I dont know how that compares with what other people have paid (?)

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We use a Vet in Etaples, Caudron eric. Tel 0321949212.


Pricing is very good, The Vet is Excellent. Park by the estuary and walk ti his practise, only 2-3 mins.


Ive forgotten the price, but its one of the cheapest and he supplied the drugs.


Stay overnight in LeTouquet ,pop into the vet, back to LETouquet and only 45 mins to Calais.


Lets be Honest who wants to stay in Calais 24-48 hours



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Hi Leltel - welcome to the mad house! :-D


There are quite a few threads on here about vets in France, here are a couple for you to be going on with:






The important thing to remember is not to book a crossing for a Monday otherwise you'll have an expensive vet's bill on Sunday! :D

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takeaflight - 2011-04-03 8:49 PM


We also use one about a days drive from Calais, as someone said, who wonts to spend 24hrs there !


Heres a map of vets.




Feel free to use the map and if anyone can add to it please do so.




This is fab, thank you :-o

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Lots of good advice above and Im also taking notes :-D we have used the Vet at Marquis just off the 16 the last three years taking our own frontline and using theirs with theirs I think it was around 35 Eur with our own 25 or 8 I cant remember, but Ive never felt it was too much.


I have made appointments ringing a couple of days before, but they are very good if you turn up earlier as we did last year, we had made an appoinment for 3.30pm and turned up at 1.00 they said it was fine and we only waited 10 mins. Dont worry about it as I did the first time it was on my mind for a couple of weeks before hand! they are almost all used to the proceedure now :-D its only our dogs that cause the problem getting them to swallow that Drontal tab and mine (I have two this year) spit it out a couple of times even though its wrapped in chicken! one year the young lady Vet that I saw said dont worry just give him it as soon as you get home!! she was of course talking of where we were staying, and he took it straight away once back in the van.

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Vet in Etaples from memory is 55 euros for our 2 dogs (small breed, King Charles) incl.


We got caught in LeMembrole couple of weeks ago, so had to visit a local Vet, nice place but of course we pay for the upkeep of such premises......................98 EUROS OUCH !!

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Hi Leltel New users ourselves now living in France.

We avoid Calais since friends left Camper and took Dog c 50 m to Vet and whilst there window smashed and all valuables ( inc. cases of Champers ! ) stolen.We used same Vet 1 month later and I stayed with Camper while my wife Julie took our dogs to Vets. Within 2 mins. 2 young blokes arrived on mountain bikes, saw me with large blunt object in hand and left only to return 5 mins. later. Same outcome only this time I exited the Camper which did the job.!!



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