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New Members: Our 12mth Tour of Europe


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I've been a member here for a while, but not gotten around to posting a new thread until now!


We're just starting out on our 12 month tour of Europe and are interested to hear from other people who are doing anything similar or have any tips or advice particularly about the Scandanvian countries we are tackling first - Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland etc.


We've got a blog if it is of interest - www.europebycamper.com I hope some of the information we've gathered is of use to others!


All the best,


Adam & Sophie

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Good Luck Adam & Sophie,


We will try and keep up with your 'blog'


Hopefully it will help us in the future when we plan to follow in some of your foot steps - not for a whole 12 months though! But who knows - retirement is not too far away :->


Take care and enjoy :-)


John & Anne.

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Hi Addie


If you are going to the fjord region of Norway you don't want to get there before about mid June because a lot of the roads will still be closed by snow until then.


We went up through the middle of Sweden to North Cape arriving there about the end of May with no problems at all. When we got back 'down south' to the fjords, about mid June ,the roads had only just been cleared.


Have a good trip.



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Guest JudgeMental
Good luck with the trip! Aren't metal bull bars illegal?? Really child friendly arent they? If you damage someone you MIGHT find your insurance invalid.....And they will be able to sue you for everything you have *-)
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