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vanity basin


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whilst cleaning my vanity basin in my bessie e765 the bottom just dropped out taking the drain fitting with it. leaving a perfectly round hole. this is not the first time i have had this prob, my previous van a kon tiki suffered in the same way. the plastic must get hardened thro' time and hot water. the basin in this van is a corner unit in a cream colour, any ideas as to where i can source one as i have no doubt they are now out of stock

cheers (?)

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Have a look at CAK, http://www.caktanks.co.uk/ or try O'leary Motorhomes.


Quite a few others have experienced the same problem with the bathroom washbasins in motorhomes and caravans.

A permanent repair can be carried out using Araldite (or similar ) , together with some means of reinforcement, beneath the drain outlet of the washbasin.

If this is followed up by using white silicone sealer, around the drain, but inside the sink, a neat, almost invisible repair is achieved.

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