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Over 70 travel insurance prices obtained.


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Thought I would save some legwork for some of you as have just purchased annual multi-trip insurance for a 70 yr old and 54 yr old with existing medical conditions.

All our "ailments" are diagnosed and being treated or we have made them aware of them. We required to be covered for at least 38days per trip and we did not want it at super high fee. This is what the result was:-


MTC will cover us for £99 (cant remember if it was each or for the couple sorry) but they would not cover any of our medical conditions so No to that.


Camping and CARavanning wanted £204 as a couple and pay for that THEN do medical screenning after and then add the price of that on to the £204. You would get your money back if you did not want to go ahead but I do not need hastle! They said people are phoning the medical screening number and paying for the surplus to cover the medical conditions but not going back to pay the £204 so they are not covered. I turned that down.


Caravanguard do not do travel insurance.


Compton wont cover us.


Gold cover (through Motorcaravanners club will only cover you for 30 days ) so no good there even though I would use them for single trip insurance as they are very good.


Getmy.com gave me so many different quotes when I re-entered for a quote that I was wary to go ahead as it ranged from£245 -£363-£547 depending if they covered certain medical issues or if we waivered cover for them.


Allcleartravel gave a good quote between £269-£299 which was tempting.


Finally today I had to make a decision so phoned Saga after a mailshot and surprise surprise they covered everything and gave us another £15 off when she gave us a car insurance quote so we finally had annual mult-trip insurance for £244. Result. I can now relax and I hope my feedback helps someone else avoid the hastle.



We are even covered for volcanic dust :-D

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Have just renewed ours with Halifax, Annual Euro 60 days per trip, 70yrs + 47yrs......cost excludes any exisiting medial conditions, £114. Best I could get, and some of the quotes were really horrific! Most either didnt want to know, or else only 30 days per trip.

Have a World-wide policy through one of my Bank accounts, but that is limited to 30days per trip, and the 'additional' cost to upgrade to 60 was prohibitive! As it's only Europe we would domore than 30 days,Halifax renewal was the best option.

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Have you tried www.miaonline.co.uk? I keep posting about this company, they were the only ones who would insure my husband, heart conditions included, for 90 days in the USA and worldwide too. Saga would not cover USA and were mega expensive. MIA was very inexpensive. Highly recommended.
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As you can see I tried quite a few and if I had more time then I would have tried miaonline but Saga shocked me with a good price and a pleasant voice to talk too. Going away next week with a full time job made it a nightmare trying to contact firms which takes at least 20mins every time.

Will add them to my list though


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Saga were very expensive when I tried them recently and they do not insure you fir travel to the USA. Eventually used Insure and Go - 90 days per trip Worldwide for around £120 for a 62 and 60 year old couple.


What shocked me was that some of the cheaper companies had so many exclusions it was unreal as the small print virtually excluded any possibility of making a claim. One firm I tried through Moneyextra.com/Travelsupermarket.com even required you to disclose when you last took paracetamol!


Read the small print before signing up for a cheap deal.

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A lot depends on where you are going and what the EHIC covers there. We gave up paying for travel health cover years ago, having known several cases where someone went private and then found that their insurer wriggled out of paying using some excuse or another. We did however make sure that we were treated under the health system of the country rather than in a private clinic.
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James France - 2011-04-08 3:33 PM


A lot depends on where you are going and what the EHIC covers there. We gave up paying for travel health cover years ago, having known several cases where someone went private and then found that their insurer wriggled out of paying using some excuse or another. We did however make sure that we were treated under the health system of the country rather than in a private clinic.


James this is mad and I hope no one else is tempted to follow this advice. EHIC is good as far as it goes but if you are involved in an accident and are badly injured, skiing accident,s are the prime example of this, then you will have little choice where you are taken and at the time probably do not care. EHIC will not pay for repatriation if needed. When I was involved with a skiing accident a few years back the EHIC only covered three weeks in a French hospital the extra was paid by my insurance. Even then I had to be repatriated, what would I have done in this case paid thousands out of my own pocket. I also had two helicopter rides and a ambulance taxi to airport, again not covered. I could go on for ages about the things that are not covered but anyone can look them up so if tempted to go without please do so. You may be lucky but with insurance so cheap why would you even consider it?

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Oh I do hope noone took my post to be advice. Being quite ancient now we tend not to visit places we have not been to many times before. I also broke a leg skiing but it was 57 years ago. I was just saying what we did for many years, mainly in Spain where things are well covered by their system.


None of this applies to us now as we are in the French system so have a top up insurance which takes care of things not covered by the state system. It also covers other EU countries which is useful.

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Policy documents arrived within 48 hours so prompt service from Saga.

Another reason that we went with Saga is its reputation. Many of the other companies are not proven or well known but I will look into it again next year.

Packing the van now and looking forward to a couple of trips on eurotunnel courtesy of tesco. Nice to be able to just go when you want with annual insurance


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