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Does anybody read the all threads ?

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I have come to the conclusion that for many, posting a solution to a problem posters have raised in a thread is largely a waste of time. There have been two issues raised in the past twenty four hours that I and others have answered in full, and yet you look down the thread to realise the same question is posed again. Perhaps folk should read through the entire thread to see if the issue has been covered. What do others think ? :-|
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I certainly don't read every thread myself, but if a title identifies something that interests me I'll read it in full. If it's a cryptic title that doesn't tell much, I'll read enough to find out whether I'm interested or not.


But if a thread covers a specific topic, and you've got a questions relating to it, surely it makes sense to read it right through. Doesn't everyone do that then?


Maybe it's the usual modern "attention deficit" problem!

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I guess I'm with Tony on this one - if a title gets my attemetion, ro looks interesting then I willopen up the posting and can usually tell within the first few words if it's likely to be of interest,

However, if I havent had internet access for a while - perhasp been away and no connection available - then rarely would I scan back more than the current page!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I guess I did not explain myself properly, what I meant was a post asks a specific question, or raises an issue. Answers then get posted, then further down invariably someone will post that is self evident by it's content they have not read in some cases just a couple of posts above. Which does seem to be a pity when the answer is there to see. Or perhaps I'm the only one that notices. :-S
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Perfect example, I have been away quite a lot over the last couple of weeks, when I come on to view the forum the number of posts since my last visit has moved on considerably. I just speed read through the titles and view the ones that get my interest. Unfortunately, some of the subject titles are cryptic and therefore I tend to skip them and only come back to them if I have the time. The same applies to the other categories e.g. 'Hints & Tips', 'Chatterbox', 'Sites' etc.
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Given time, I tend to look at the majority of Motorhome Matters and Hints & Tips, Some threads have no immediate interest, but still useful & a source for the future if required.


IMO I think it's inevitable that some information will get duplicated, especially when threads run into their 2nd & subsequent pages.

Also there are times when an old Thread has been resurected & must admit I am guilty of not looking back to original posts, concentrating on the "newest" posts. :$

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I'm with 1foot here.

I appreciate what he is commenting on, as I have often noticed that there will be a couple of questions

with the same query, only a few postings apart. It has got me thinking that some folks are only really on here to get an answer to their particular problem and have no interest whatever if anyone else is suffering from the same thing.

As a relative newbie (5 to 6 months motorhoming) I am still keen to learn as much as I can.

Unless the posting is of a specific model or engine type say, that is of no apparent use to me, I still read as many different threads as possible.

And it still amazes me how people get the wrong end of the stick sometime, as in 1foots original query. :-)

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Guest Tracker
pepe63 - 2011-04-08 9:35 AM


..Does anyone know if the Fiat reverse judder has been fixed yet?....







NO - I don't know!


NO - I don't think Fiat know either - or if they do they ain't telling!


No - it has not according to some recent postings


And - NO - I still don't want one!

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I read this one didn't I ? perhaps a sensational Title might pull the punters in ......it works for the Sun or the News of the World.


' Two headed Woman caught driving overweight Motorhome' Shock horror !! (?)


' Large Italian manufacturer causes motorhome drivers teeth to fall out' (in Reverse) Shock horror !!

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Tracker - 2011-04-08 9:40 AM


pepe63 - 2011-04-08 9:35 AM


..Does anyone know if the Fiat reverse judder has been fixed yet?....














I think clearer titles would help no end in identifying a relevent/helpful thread...


But for some the intenet is something you go to for instant and specific answers..and others peoples',sometimes off topic, options is not always what they're after...

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If I want the answer to something I search the forum first and see if I can find the answer before asking - when I was new on the forum I used to ask everything, everyone was really polite and pointed me in the right direction - most common things have already been discussed, so I search away



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There are to my mind 2 schools of thought.


Yes, it is irritating if you have gone to the trouble of making what you feel is a comprehensive reply to someone’s question, and either you get no response, or a short time later someone else asks exactly the same thing. One can only suggest you point the 2nd question politely in the direction of the 1st, with answer attached. One could be ‘bitchy’ and state that some questions are from people who are either too lazy to do a search, or feel that they are so important that their question must go to top of the pile. I am not suggesting that is the case, but it is sometimes a thought that passes through your head. It is of course partly the fault of everyone who uses a Forum. If there were no Forums then people would have to search out their own answers, either from written material, questions to other campers, or even taking advice from a professional which may cost money. Now, anyone can sit back, type a few words and wait for someone else to supply the answer, which may or may not be correct and appropriate to the question.


The 2nd school of thought suggests that any question is a valid question and should be answered as best as anyone can, in order to assist everyone. Even if the same questions and answers pop up time and again, they do no harm by repetition, and of course ‘experts’ can bypass these topics. However, you never know. Your long standing firm belief in what you think is correct, may just turn out to be wrong, or as I find out frequently, out of date. The laws and practices in our hobby are always changing and what i did happily in the 70’s and 80’s may not be appropriate nowadays.


On some Forums it is possible to add a ‘thank you’ to a message so at least the poster knows it has been read, even if there is no answer.


However, the bottom line is that courtesy costs nothing, and is always appreciated, whether you are ‘new’ or ‘old’. Similarly, doing your own groundwork can often be beneficial and satisfying.


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