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Insuring someone else's motorhome


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Insuring someone else's motorhome


My brother has kindly offered to lend me his old VW Westfalia providing I pay for the insurance, tax, upkeep, etc. He hardly uses it, preferring his caravan.


Is it possible for me to get insurance cover for it? If so, who's a likely source?





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Try Comfort Insurance.

You will probably find it easier to get your brother to take out the insurance with you as the main driver, insurance companies do like insuring private vehicles that are not registered or owned by the person insuring.


Last year by daughters boyfriend brorrowed a van of his mate for a year, the only way he could get it insured was to re-register it in his name.

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May be worth exploring the difference between "owner" and "registered keeper".

The name on the V5 is the registered keeper, which may or may not be the actual legal owner.


Thus you could change the V5 with DVLA into your name, but both sign some piece of paper which your brother keeps which confirms that the legal owner of the VW is still him; and that the change has only been to enable you to use the vehicle, and tax/insure it in return for that use.


If that's not a runner, then maybe probably better for him to continue to pay the tax/insurance, with you as a named co-drover, and you refund him those costs.

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