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Guggenheim in Bilbao


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Hi folks,

Travelling to Santander in a few weeks time. We want to stay in a campsite near Bilbao so that we can visit the Guggenheim Museum. Any recommendations for campsite nearby and use public transport or is it a matter of driving into Bilbao in which case how easy is it to park. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Campsite Playa Arenillas has been recommended but is this the nearest we can get?

Many thanks

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I heard good things about Camping Sopelana, but that was a couple of years ago. Not tried it myself

I also heard recommendations about parking at BEC (the trade fair) at Barakaldo which has easy access to the Metro either at Ansio or Barakaldo stations - my knowledge is some 3 years old so the only question is whether they have since introduced height restrictions

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Hello Regency,


If you do decide to park at the BEC (the trade fair) at Barakaldo I would offer a word of caution.


We parked on the streets near the BEC a couple of years ago to go to the Guggenheim on the Metro. Street parking is free on Sunday. If you do decide to park near the BEC DO NOT FOLLOW THE BEC PARKING SIGNS they take you along a “single file channel” with high curbs on either side then the road dives into an underground car park. We did not see any height barriers or warnings.


Head for IKEA at Barakaldo and park on the streets near there. The Guggenheim is fantastic and well worth the effort. We like Bilbao despite all the industrial pollution on the outskirts and the fact that it usually rains when we go.





There are some more of my photos of Bilbao at http://francespain2008.wanderbirds.co.uk/#2.0


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