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Purchase of my first Motorhome


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Hi I am looking for some advice please? I have been looking to buy our first motorhome for three years and have visited shows/subscribed to MMM and been to a few dealers forecourts. I will now have the finance to buy at the end of June, however, I can only afford a budget of around £27k.

My must haves are a large garage as my dogs will be coming with us and a large steel cage in said garage would be the best way of travel as well as an ideal drying area after wet walks! I would also like

A separate shower large fridge freezer and if possible comfy lounge area with side sofas. Does anything like that exist within my budget?? Large water tanks would be good too as l would like to wild camp in Scotland. The nearest l have found is the Autotrail Cheyenne but the fridge is too small and I cant see that I could change that to a bigger fridge due to the layout?? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Have also looked at the CI Cipro Garage on a Merc chasis?? :-S

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Guest pelmetman

If the fridge is a problem you could by a portable 12v/240 fridge that would fit in the garage :D


Any motorhome will be a compromise :D

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Hi Helene and welcome to the forum. Can't help with the choice of motorhome I'm afraid, although with your budget you should be able to find something decent. What concerns me a bit is your needs for a Garage, I'm not an ardent pet lover but hate any mistreatment or neglect to animals and to have your dogs in the garage whilst travelling seems to me a bit harsh. This is only my opinion, but I would not have any of my dog's (if I owned one) in the garage. Sorry if this sounds a bit blunt.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'm sorry also to be more than blunt, I would be the last to confess to being a dog lover, but locked in a steel cage in a "garage" locker, bouncing along, almost certainly distressed, possibly could not be heard, no access to ready supply of drinking water, cannot see daylight, could be freezing, or very hot temperatures in there. I would think that borders on cruelty, perhaps run your idea past the RSPCA, I'm sure you will get some valuable advice, like re-homing, or have a trial run in someone's "garage" in a steel cage and see how you'd feel about it.


If it was April the 1st I would have thought your post was a wind up, but not a very funny one. (!)

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Guest pelmetman

I have seen several campers with the garage adapted for dogs even with windows in the garage doors :D


Not that we would put our pooch in one ;-)

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Hi Helene and welcome



As it's your first motorhome and you want to take your dogs with you I would suggest that you should have asked for advice about how other owners transport their dogs. ( I haven't got one ).


It does seem from what you say that you may not have given a lot of thought to it, which has provoked the above comments.


Good luck with the search anyway, and I hope you get it sorted to your, and your dogs, satisfaction.





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Hi Helene Im afraid I have to agree about keeping your dogs in the garage! by almeans keep the cage in the garage but you must transport the dogs in the van unless they are very tough and fearless dogs that are used to being confined and bumped about. Im sure they would settle in the lounge or even bed area (if fixed) on there own beds, our two tiny ones are in a double dog bed just behind our seats but need to get up and turn around now and then especially if hot and a long drive


With your price range you would get a better deal buying private , they are some good deals to be had, and as long as you know what to look for damp etc; you can usually tell if a van has had a carefull owner. We have only the standard fridge, the only large one Ive seen was in a Burnster of about the 2003/4 vintage.

I would have a look around the showrooms and then trawl the internet for a bargain. Good luck.

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Hi Helen & welcome to the forum


I'm at a loss regarding 1footin the grave's comments.

Many dog owners use their garage for the carriage of their dogs.

Usually the Garage has an internal access so light will be available. As Dave posted (pelmetman) some have a window installed in the Garage Door (although a US site see - http://rvnewsservice.com/?p=481 for an example.)


It's also possible to have a "louvre" or meshgrid fitted so there is a fresh air supply if required.


My only concern would be the wire kennel, there are many fabric dog carriers available, which would be less damaging if the dog is thrown around.



Also a possibility is a dog gate,




Also have a look here for a few tips.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Flicka, don't be at a loss about my comments, just because something is done does not make it the correct thing to do, I would always seek to treat my fellow creatures with the same consideration for their comfort and welfare that I would for a child, why do we as the "top" species think we can do as we like with the animals we share the planet with. A lovely comfy motor-home for you, but shove the dogs in a wire cage, in a "garage".

I say again, if you would not find it acceptable to travel in such a manner I would not inflict it on "mans best friend" either. Incidently we did once have a Labrador many years ago, would I have put her in a garage, the question would never have arisen. Sorry for any offence caused but this attitude really rattles my cage. >:-(

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My dog a Scottish Deerhound died couple months ago although he managed in the motorhome for several trips, I discovered that my motorhome a Swift Royale Ensign 590 was just on tight side for him to turn around, he would start the journey off in his bed between the lounge seats then move up closer to me and lie at back of drivers seat where I could touch him, this breed tends to be a bit stressed and he could never have been put in the garage at back (my motorhome does not have one) but I suppose it depends on breed and owner will know his dogs, maybe short runs locally and see how they get on increase the length of time they are in there. One other main thing I discovered that when away at new year etc everything gets trailed in by dog and it is a continual effort to try and keep place clean. driving out of sites to walk dog etc, After being dog owner for 51 years I will have no more as long as I own the motorhome, I can go where I like now to sit in for meals and shopping etc. but all good fun, miss the dogs though, good luck. :D
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Hi Helene

CI Cipro (the 85 is the Garage model)

MMM review by Andy Stothert, but not the Garage model.


An owners review of the CI Cipro


Later models were on the Renault, (with twin single beds over Garage) then on the Fiat Chassis.

Garage model for sale within your budget





Some alternatives (depend on the No. of berths/travel seats you require)

LMC Liberty 700 (Fiat)

Adria Izola (Renault)

Chausson Odyssee 92 (Ford Transit)

Knaus Sun Traveller 708G (Fiat)

Rimor NG5 Europeo (Ford)

Rimor Super Brig 677tc garage (Ford)

Dethleffs Espirit (Garage (Fiat)

Dethleffs A70 Sunlight garage (Ford)

Knaus Sport TI GARAGE (Renault)

Miller Manitoba garage (Fiat)


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Hi Helene - welcome to the mad house! :-D


I can understand your thinking about your dogs travelling in the garage, however, you need to consider the following:


1) What would happen in a rear-end shunt by another vehicle? In order to minimise as much as possible injury you would really need to have a rear protection bar fitted which goes across the full width of the motorhome.


2) You also should consider the effect of the rear overhang on travelling comfort - a large rear overhang will bounce around and swing out a lot when going round corners, so would not be the most comfortable of places for your dogs, therefore the shortest overhang possible would be best.


3) Heat/cold/atmosphere - would your dogs be okay and have plenty of fresh air? They would also need to have some form of restriction to stop them being thrown around if you had to brake suddenly - a large open garage could mean injury - perhaps partitioning it for travel?


I too have seen people carry dogs in their motorhome garages, it is not something I would ever consider, but it is up to the owner to decide whether it is right for them and their dogs and act accordingly.

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Hi everyone


Thank you for all the comments, some very helpful, some accusing me of cruelty which I must reply to. I would never ever do anything to harm any of my dogs and my intentions for secure travel are far from cruel!

The garage would be adapted to include a window in the doors. A large tow bar would be fitted in case of a rear end shunt and that is also the reason for a made to measure steel cage which would be bolted in place on the floor. When travelling the large interior door would be left open as my dogs would be safe in their cage and could see/hear us. The interior garage door on the Cipro is very large as well as having an interior light should we be travelling at night.


It is far far more cruel to any dog whatever the breed to have them loose within any vehicle when travelling as any sudden braking and the dog(s) would be thrown like a missile towards the windscreen which could not only result in a fatality of the dog but also any people they could be thrown against.

As well as the braking issue, what if the vehicle was involved in a collision causing damage to a door or windows from which the loose dog could escape onto a busy motorway confused and distressed from shock??????? I dread to think of the outcome of that particular scenario.


It amazes me when l see small dogs kept on the parcel shelf of cars for this very reason or on peoples laps whilst the vehicle is in motion.


Two years ago I did actually write to MMM asking for dog owners advice on the best/safest way to travel in a motorhome with large breed dogs. This letter was published and I received many helpful replies most of which advised upon secure travel either in a cage or a safety harness and on using a garage as a "kennel"


I have owned and worked dogs for many years and they always come first. The main reason for this motorhome purchase is to be able to take my dogs on holiday with me and enjoy many walks together. My dogs are German Shepherds and whenever we travel anywhere they are always secured in cages with waterproof pads covered with vet bed. They always have access to fresh water during travel as we use travel bowls which prevent any spills. They have been brought up to be very sociable with people as well as other animals and are extremely well behaved. In actual fact my eldest Shepherd would not thank anyone who asked him to travel in the back or front seat of a car as he loves his cage so much that when I garden at the front of the house and the car is open he will jump in there of his own accord and survey proceedings from his "den"


I hope this clears this matter up and once again thanks for the comments and advice.

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Guest Tracker

Hi Helene and welcome to the forum where help and advice - whether you want it or not in some cases - is always at hand!


A large fridge freezer takes up a lot of space and could make an easy van search a difficult one for you, so may I ask why this is important to you? Food is readily available all over Europe these days - sorry didn't mean to make that sound patronising - and shops are rarely far away wherever you are?


Changing the original fridge in any van for a larger one could not only be expensive but it could also detract from the van's future value in some cases - depending how well and matching it is fitted?


Having travelled in several countries we find, as do most folks, that we can do a main shop stock up every few days and just get the tasty bits that appeal to us as we travel without any problems no matter how remote we are and that a normal size fridge is fine without ever using the freezer compartment?


None of these caravan type fridges work too well on 12v when on the road as it is designed purely to maintain a temperature not to bring temperatures down yo any great degree - so if you travel a lot you could get thawing and refreezing issues. Ideally you would need to be stationary and running on gas or mains for best results - and that is not always conducive to wild camping?

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Hi Helene


Like the others I'd like to welcome you to the forum and hope you find your ideal van soon as it truly is a wondefrul hobby. Having vanned for twelve years with dogs, I share many of the other posters reservations about travelling with your dogs in the garage. Although you sound like you have thought this through, motorhomes are very different vehicles to travel in than cars and whilst I'm sure you mean well maybe you should give consideration to some of the comments. Being slower vehicles we travel mostly with the HGVs and a tow bar would provide little protection from a rear end shunt.


My dog is tethered and safe whilst we drive along and I can only add that I would never put him in a rear garage to travel in. Even travelling in our car he is on the back seat (with a secured harness) and not in the boot area.


Good luck with your search.

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Hello Helene


No info on the dogs, but one point, possibly the main one, is to ensure that which ever motorhome you go for, it will have the payload to legally and safely carry you and your dogs.


Seriously......many motorhomes are very close to the Max....by the time you have added your own personal bits etc you could be over the limit.


As has been stated, you will also get more for your money buying privately. Beware of the Fiat/Citroen/Peugeot clutch problems of the earlier "new face" models. Not all of them may have been fixed.


Good luck and happy motorhoming.

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  • 3 years later...

Some of the people on this forum do not have a clue.....not naming any names.

Anyone that would just let their dogs roam around their motor-home or put them in baskets not secured are simply asking for trouble! I am experienced with many species of animals, having kept and taken in rescues of all types from dogs, birds, reptiles, etc. for many years. I have done a university degree in animal care.

It is an extremely good idea to use the garage area for your dogs as long as they are secured comfortably with access to fresh air and water. A motor-home that has a double fixed beds or bunks is the best type as you can convert so that the dogs can have access to the van area when needed. Also it is a good idea to get a vent and possibly a fan fitted. The garage at a cost can be converted to allow it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter, and allow for your pet to use the van area if needed.


And I could very well get into the subject of cruelty. Cruelty is eating animals that have had to suffer a life of torture, and a lot of the meat killed is just thrown away as waste..... Cruelty is buying feather anything with feathers in it, when these birds are tortured alive, having their feathers plucked out of them....Cruelty is wearing anything with supposedly fake fur which has been torn away from live dogs, cats and other animals.....Cruelty is wearing make-up that has been tested on animals just so you can be vain.....Cruelty is breeding animals just so you can exploit them to make money........


Cruelty is not keeping your dogs secured in the garage area with plenty of fresh air and water, and love....Spoiling your dog does not mean are treating it right!


I currently have 4 dogs, 2 large, 2 small, 2 cats, 1 parrot, 1 iguana, 2 bearded dragons, 1 water dragon and 8 chickens, most rescued and all very much loved. I take all my dogs, my parrot and my iguana on holidays. We are in the process of looking to purchase a motor-home, and I will most certainly be looking for one with a garage area and bunks or fixed bed, and will be fully converting it so that my large dogs will be secured safely and still be able to see us. The ones with bunks already have a window so no need to get one installed. Mine will also be having a fan fitted and a safety gate installed to be able to leave the garage door open if needed.


If you have large dogs like mine that will try to run as soon as the door is opened it is a safe option to have a safety gate fitted. Also one of my dogs has to wear a muzzle when around other dogs, so she needs to always be secure and not able to just run out of the van. We have tried her on the bench and if she hears or sees another dog through the window she will go mental to get at them. If you have quiet dogs this is not necessary. Sometimes it is safer to travel with your pets secured in their own area.


At home our dogs sleep on our large king-size bed with us, and fed top quality food. We have not been abroad in 25 years because we do not like to leave them behind.


Before posting comments that are absolute rubbish, please get your facts right.

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Guest pelmetman
mojocyber - 2014-06-16 3:31 PM


Before posting comments that are absolute rubbish, please get your facts right.


Welcome ;-)......................I look forward to your input :D.................



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mojocyber - 2014-06-16 3:31 PM


I currently have 4 dogs, 2 large, 2 small, 2 cats, 1 parrot, 1 iguana, 2 bearded dragons, 1 water dragon and 8 chickens, most rescued and all very much loved. I take all my dogs, my parrot and my iguana on holidays. We are in the process of looking to purchase a motor-home, and I will most certainly be looking for one with a garage area and bunks or fixed bed, and will be fully converting it so that my large dogs will be secured safely and still be able to see us. The ones with bunks already have a window so no need to get one installed. Mine will also be having a fan fitted and a safety gate installed to be able to leave the garage door open if needed.


Before posting comments that are absolute rubbish, please get your facts right.


Best wishes in your search. Have you considered a towbar? That way, and with a purpose built, ventilated, trailer with suitable fixed caging, you wouldn't have to leave the 2 cats,3 dragons and 8 chickens at home. I imagine they must be a bit put out about that.

And you are quite right about the amount of rubbish posted on this forum. :D :D :D

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2014-06-16 8:15 PM


Four dogs , parrot and iguana all on holiday with you in a motorhome .....you expecting floods ? trying to save all the animals ......your a modern day Noah


I hope she's planning on taking a pair of racists and bigots onboard............even a couple of Tory and Labour oikes maybe.................but if she wishes to specialize in a endangered species :-S.................then if I were her I'd round up a few Lib Dems ;-)..............



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pelmetman - 2014-06-16 8:33 PM


antony1969 - 2014-06-16 8:15 PM


Four dogs , parrot and iguana all on holiday with you in a motorhome .....you expecting floods ? trying to save all the animals ......your a modern day Noah


I hope she's planning on taking a pair of racists and bigots onboard............even a couple of Tory and Labour oikes maybe.................but if she wishes to specialize in a endangered species :-S.................then if I were her I'd round up a few Lib Dems ;-)..............



No need to save anyone from Lancashire though Dave ....... Does that count as bigotry or racism ?

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2014-06-16 8:47 PM


pelmetman - 2014-06-16 8:33 PM


antony1969 - 2014-06-16 8:15 PM


Four dogs , parrot and iguana all on holiday with you in a motorhome .....you expecting floods ? trying to save all the animals ......your a modern day Noah


I hope she's planning on taking a pair of racists and bigots onboard............even a couple of Tory and Labour oikes maybe.................but if she wishes to specialize in a endangered species :-S.................then if I were her I'd round up a few Lib Dems ;-)..............



No need to save anyone from Lancashire though Dave ....... Does that count as bigotry or racism ?


Not at all Antony ;-)..................apparently they're being allowed to leave their open prison 8-).....................time to board the Ark ...................I baggy the Iguana :D.............It'll remind me of uncle Frank (lol)......



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