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Check your pet insurance

John J Thompson

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A Belgian couple staying on site here in Spain have a Labrador that has had an accident. It fell down an open mine shaft and it took 3 days to get it out. Broken leg and dehydration. The vets treated it and it still needs another operation.


We have just found out last night that the insurers have refused to pay for the treatment because the accident happened here in Spain and not in Belgium. They thought they were insured.


Does your animal insurance cover you for accident treatment while abroad or just UK?.


The authorites in Spain would not help as they considered it dangerous for the Bombaros (Firemen) so they had to get some local climbers to rescue the dog.

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Yes, can be a problem.

On checking our's I found that the cover for europe is only for stays of 30 days or fewer; I deliberately took out a policy that included continental cover but foolishly didn't check for restriction of length of stay until a couple of days ago.

I've emailed to ask if I can extend this but not heard back yet.  Also, the policy is due for renewal during our holiday so I really need to renew with the same company for continuous cover :-?


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