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Highland Gathering - June 3-6th


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Before you all go off on your Easter/Wedding trips just wanted to let you know that we have 6 vans signed up for the Gathering, near Inverness - from 3 forums

for more details pm or visit www.brinherbnursery.co.uk

Hope some of you will join us - max 20 vans so plenty of space for more :lol:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Numbers are rising - but there is plenty more space. With just over 4 weeks to go ............................. plans are coming together:




Friday 3rd June: arrival - anytime. Free tea/coffee in Schoolroom before 5.30pm or in our van after 7pm (may be something stronger by then )


Barbeque/get together in the evening, weather permitting. Bring something to share.


Saturday: Let us know what you want to do (walking, fishing, birdwatching boating etc.) There is a service bus to Inverness or we have the use of the community minibus, again, so if anyone wants to go somewhere, do something – and do not want to move your van - let us know. It only seats 6 plus driver and there will be a charge for the use.


Saturday night barbeque – hope everyone will join in, and perhaps produce something a little unusual. Alternative plans if wet. We have one musician, but if you can play any insturment - bring it with you for a ceilidh


Sunday –for those who want it there will be a trip to Dores Inn on Loch Ness for lunch/drink/nessie spotting. Bus available - there will be a charge.


Sunday evening wind down, for anyone staying until Monday. Suggestions welcome.


The weather has been amazing this last month, so hopefully it will be good in June. But if not we have the offer of a Safari room and if the worst comes to the worst we have inside space in our small cafe.




Because we will be working it would be helpful if someone could come either on Thursday or early on Friday morning to help set things up - any volunteers?? Also we need drivers for the mini bus if we want to use it. If you would be happy to drive it (VW mwb) please let me know and PM a copy of your driving licence (both parts). Requirements: UK licence, Min age 21, max points 6.




Look forward to seeing you all




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  • 3 weeks later...

Something tells me you're not interested :-(

However, in case there is someone out there, travelling, who wants to represent this forum - a few details


4 forums will be represented and I'm hoping for up to 3 vans from each forum - and who knows, there is still a chance of someone from this or another forum. A good cross section, anyway. Also a cross section of nationalities including Dutch, German and two French students. For music - we have now got three instrumentsso far and are hoping there may be others, and as for the weather - I have arranged warm sunny weather with enough breeze to keep the midges away :D :D



If you decide to come --read on ...................................

The bus is booked for a trip to the Dores Inn on Sunday but we still need a driver! Please let me know if you want to go (will need to book). Depending on numbers and having a volunteer driver (if one of us has to drive, we will have to do an extra journey each way as unfortunately we won’t be able to stay, which would double the cost) the cost will be in the region of £2.50 - £3.00 per person for the bus. Alternatively you can make your own way there. If you want to go in the bus and are willing to drive please let me know asap, so that we can sort out the insurance. Maximum numbers on the bus – 8 including the driver, so book early to avoid disappointment!


For the barbeques – donations of charcoal, and food to share would be good. If you have an exciting recipe save it for Saturday. Friday’s barbeque will be more basic – sausages, burgers, drumsticks etc. There will be some food available in the shop if you forget to bring something suitable but neither we nor the local shop renewed our alcohol licences when the regulations got stricter, so if you want a drink or several you will have to bring it with you.


Looking forward to another great weekend, and if you haven't booked yet there is still space

See you there



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Would love to get up to see you, Margaret, and enjoy some of your famous Highland hospitality, but I'll be at the Stratford show, I'm afraid. *-)


For those still thinking about it, it really is a fantastic site, and well worth the visit.



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Brit_Stops - 2011-05-23 5:15 PM


Would love to get up to see you, Margaret, and enjoy some of your famous Highland hospitality, but I'll be at the Stratford show, I'm afraid. *-)


For those still thinking about it, it really is a fantastic site, and well worth the visit.




Thanks Steve,

Hopefully, you will get the chance to get up one day :-D

Hope the shows are going well

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