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Retro Fit Blinds


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This is something we looked at doing last year. The blinds on our Tribute 665 rattle loudly too and I wanted to get them replaced with some better quality ones. However, the dealer and blind suppliers didn't trip over themselves to get our custom. It was simply too much trouble for them. As they also looked very expensive we gave up.


In fact, trying to get any aftersales accessories via the dealer/manufacturers is like pulling teeth.

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I do not know the sizes of your windows but both Remis and Seitz do blinds as aftermarket sales. Seitz also do cassette blinds where the whole thing is a sealed unit. I suggest look at the following who advertise both types.




I have recently replaced a Remis blind with a Seitz as it was a closer fit and noted that although the designs are identical, the Seitz seems slightly more substantial, for what it is worth. It was also easier to cut the Seitz as you cut the top not the bottom as per Remis.

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